Hes drinking with friends, then the friends “prank” him by calling a waittress, Esmerelda. Esmerelda surprisingly accepts the cash from the group of friends, and takes him to a VIP area, shes not sure why his friends would ask her over, but turns out he likes how she looks, they fuck, and now he has to stay with her. Basically he got lucky and won.
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Read [QuinArt] Esmeralda Free Sex Comic
[QuinArt] Esmeralda is written by Artist : quinart.
[QuinArt] Esmeralda Porn Comic belongs to category
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Also see Porn Comics like [QuinArt] Esmeralda in tags Big Ass , Big Breasts , Blowjob , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Parody: Pokemon Porn Comics | Pokemon Hentai Comics , Straight Sex.
9/10, it’s alright
If only this mf didn’t make ntr as a whole
i not reading all of that
I coud not find the artist in any place
I need someone to read the whole thing and give the summary
Basically bro impregnated the girl and now he has to take responsibility
Hes drinking with friends, then the friends “prank” him by calling a waittress, Esmerelda.
Esmerelda surprisingly accepts the cash from the group of friends, and takes him to a VIP area, shes not sure why his friends would ask her over, but turns out he likes how she looks, they fuck, and now he has to stay with her.
Basically he got lucky and won.
Sorry for spelling the name wrong, its ‘esmeralda’ not ‘esmerelda’.