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A Pikachu’s Stinky Goal
"C'mon Josh, you can't be tired already? We have to keep going if we want to win that next badge!" Josh barely heard from his trainer during the training he was being forced to do. His head was spinning, he was light headed, and he felt like he could barely catch his breath. "Josh, use Quick Attack!" Josh heard his trainer, but the second he tried to use the attack, his body failed him, and he clasped, completely dazed. "C'mon, you weak Pikachu, I thought you were supposed to be strong. Fine, we'll go home, but you're training twice as hard tomorrow." complained the demanding trainer as he picked up his newest Pokémon, and carried him home. When Josh awoke in his bed, he was sore all over from the training. He got up and started walking down stairs to overhear his trainer talking to his mother. "Listen William, I know you have a dream of becoming a "Pokémon master", but I don't want any, gross, smelly, or weird creatures running around this house!" Josh heard Will's mother yell. "But mom," Josh recognized Will's whining. "I'll need a poison type Pokémon to even have a chance at beating the upcoming gym, and with the way training is going now, Josh stinks at battling more than any 'gross' poison type. Not to mention the fact that the only common catchable Pokémon nearby are poison types! I was lucky enough to find Josh with how rare it is to see anything other than poison types around. It would take me ages to find another Pikachu!" Josh started to get ideas from listening to the conversation. "No buts Will. You'll just have to do better as a trainer, and so help me Arceus, if I smell any gross poison of any type I will make you kick out whatever poison type I catch you with, and that Pikachu too since you think he 'stinks' so much!" Will's mom replied in a serious manner. Hearing this information, Josh decided to go back to his room to hatch his plan to escape his life of horrible training.
That night, when his trainer was asleep, Josh was reviewing his plan. He would run away, and search the town for things that could get him as stinky as possible as fast as possible. This would hopefully convince Will's mother to kick him out, so he can return to his lazy, and peaceful life as a training free wild Pokémon. Yes, he could always run away, (which he has tried before, but failed and was greatly punished for it.) but as long as his trainer had him bound by his Pokéball, Will could always force Josh to return to him. The more he thought about his plan, the more it would made sense. He always noticed that among all the things his whiney controlling trainer complained about, bad smells, no matter how small or insignificant they were, would get a complaint out of him. A couple times after the horrible training he would force Josh to endure, Will would often complain about the sweaty odor Josh would build up from the forced training, and make fun of him for it even though it wasn't his fault. Josh couldn't even release the smallest amount of gas without hearing a complaint. One time, Will even made Josh train ever harder because he farted in front of the whiny brat! If he truly hated bad smells that much, he would kick Josh out as soon as he came home smelling foul enough, let alone if he purposely got himself as stinky as possible! Josh, overconfident with his plan, grabbed his small bag packed with fat-filled foods, some berries, and other essentials he would need for his journey, and snuck out the window. As Josh was roaming around the streets of the city, looking for maybe a garbage bin he could jump into, or a wild Skunktank he could anger, he noticed a sign in front of a tall wired fence that read "SEWER: DO NOT ENTER". This was the perfect place for Josh, and by his luck, he found a hole in the fence that he was able to quickly and easily slip through, giving him easy access Josh smiled before he entered the sewer. As soon as he walked in he noticed the stench of rotten eggs, old fish, and other unidentifiable odors. Josh had never smelled a sewer before, but he quickly found out that people aren't overexaggerating when they talk about how bad they smell. "Man, this place reeks!" Josh said to himself waving a paw in front of his nose. "But if this is what I have to smell like to stop working for that awful trainer, then it's perfect." Josh continued walking trough the sewer, taking the time to rub against bits of malodorous slime on the walls to start building his stench. After a few minutes of walking around and taking in the sights and terrible smells, he noticed a huge pile of foul trash, and jumped in and started rolling around. After he was finished, he sniffed his fur, and exclaimed "PEE-YEW! If I keep this up, I'll stink enough to keep Will away for weeks!" He sat down around the corner from the pile of garbage he found to take a break, and started munching on a small bag of chips from his backpack while exclaiming in fear. He was so busy eating that he didn't notice another Pokémon sneak up behind him. "So you're trying to smell bad to get away from a trainer, huh?" A voice questioned from behind Josh, causing him to jump and drop a paw full of chips. He quickly turned around to see a Trubbish with a mischievous, yet oddly trusting smile. "Don't sneak up on me like that! I guess you heard me back there huh? I Probably shouldn't be talking to myself in this echo chamber of a sewer." Josh stated rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, before returning to his snack. The Trubbish chuckled and shook his head before replying. "Yeah, I heard you, but rubbing against trash isn't going to work." Josh looked back up from his snack, confused. "Well, you may think you stink now, but the scent of trash can eventually be showered away by your trainer when you get back. If you want to find the real stink in this sewer, you'll need someone who knows it a lot better." Josh stood up, interested in the clear offer. "That is true. What's the catch in getting you to help me." Josh asked, raising an eyebrow expecting an extraordinary price. "Oh, there's no catch, you just gotta listen to me and do as I say for three days, and you'll have a stench so bad that no number of showers could remove it. Your trainer will have no choice but to release you into the wild, letting you be free as a bird." The rubbish said cockily, Josh raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Oh yeah? How do I know you know that you're the real deal? You may be a trash Pokémon, but do you really expect me to think that you will know how to get me to smell as awful as this place?" The Trubbish smirked and took a few steps closer to Josh, and raised his arm. "Here, have a whiff of me." Josh hesitantly leaned towards the trash Pokémon's armpit and took a couple small sniffs before recoiling away in disgust. "Whew! I guess I can count on you to find some stink!" Josh said impressed and grossed out at the same time from the Trubbish's rancid body odor. "You have yourself a deal!" Josh excitedly put away his snack, and extended his paw. Trubbish grabbed his paw with a foul hand, and gave a brief yet firm shake. "The name's Sanjay, but you can call me Jay." he said calmly. "So, where are we going first. Back to the garbage heap? A landfill? Oh, maybe..." Josh started excitedly listing off all his ideas, ready to see Will's face when he came home smelling worse than the sewer he was in, and ready to laugh when Will got in trouble for it. He thought that three days would be a little much, but he knew with how stupid his trainer was he wouldn't notice he was missing until about a week later. He would probably get distracted by video games or T.V, or get caught up polishing his stupid badges. "Relax" Jay started. "For now just take off your bag, lay down, and let me work my magic." Josh was confused by why he was told to do this, but he did agree to listen to him, so he shrugged off his confusion and laid down with his eyes closed.
Jay silently laughed to himself, and ready himself to execute the best part of his plan. He couldn't believe he got some poor Pokémon to not only do whatever he says, but now he can do whatever he wants to the poor Pikachu for three days! He walked towards Josh, and turned around, so his backside was facing his face. He was all ready to execute his plan to fart on an innocent Pokémon's face! He lowered his butt onto his victim's face slowly, until it lightly touched Josh's nose. Josh's eyes flashed opened the second this happened, and he began to regret his decision to trust the smelly Pokémon. "Why are you sitting on my face? Is your plan to stink me up with your foul rump?" Josh questioned. "Actually, my plan is to make you smell like my awful farts, and there's no turning back now! You agreed to follow all my orders, and I order you to be quiet and sniff my stinky gas!" Jay snickered. "B-but shouldn't we start somewhere a l-little less extreme?" Josh started, scared due to the rancid awful odor that was Jay's butt. Suddenly, Josh realized what was happening. "Was this your intent all along? Did you just want to do this to make me sniff your disgusting butt?" Josh questioned angrily. "Well yeah, of course, but it helps you as well doesn't it? With how bad my farts smell you'll be stinking up your trainer's house in no time! Now, shut up and sniff my farts!" Jay then released a loud short fart right on Josh's face. Josh got ready to protest but was cut off by the sound of the rancid fart. When the smell reached his nose, he went cross eyed from the intense stink. It stunk like weak old garbage bin filled to the brim with sulfur. "Ugh, gross! I changed my mind, get off me, it stinks!" Josh yelled in protest, struggling to push and wriggle his way from under the malicious Pokémon's posterior to no avail. Jay laughed and replied in a serious tone. "No, you agreed to this yourself. Now for the last time, be quiet or there will be even stinkier consequences." Josh noticed that Jay was right; he did agree to this. Josh had put himself in this predicament, and that in the end, no matter how gross this was, it would lead to him accomplishing his goal. He decided that he would listen to all of the commands given to him, no matter how bad Jay's farts smelled. Right when he finished his thoughts, Jay released another loud fart, this one sounding slighter wetter than the last one, and was a lot longer than the last, lasting about 4 seconds. Josh at first was ready to gag, but remembered his decision, and took small sniffs of the putrid fart. Josh was met with a nose of what smelled like a dumpster full of week old burning broccoli. Josh instinctively started struggling to get away from the odor, but stopped himself and kept lightly sniffing. "Heh heh, is someone enjoying my stink down there? There's plenty more where that from." Jay said happily from above. He then rubbed his rancid rump against Josh's face, putting his nose right next to the source of the stench. "I hope you enjoy it straight from the source. I want to hear you sniff these next few ones, ok?" Josh slowly nodded his head in response, hoping that sniffing the farts would make them more resistant to them, but he could barely stand being this close to Jay's stink hole. Jay then released a long, foul silent-but-deadly fart that started inaudible and ended in a squeak. "Silent but deadly, just the way I- WE like 'em!" Jay boastfully laughed at Josh, who was in pure hell at this point. The fart lasted for about 8 seconds and smelled almost indescribable. It was like a gang of 50 Skunktanks came and sprayed an entire landfill full of rotten eggs and fish on a hot summer day. The fart was extremely warm as well, making it even harder for Josh to willingly sniff up, but Josh was able to bear through it and loudly sniffed up the putrid fart, without gagging or struggling. "Impressive! I thought that one would have gotten you." Jay started. "Here, have another one!" Josh then released a long hissing fart. Jay relaxed his butt further onto Josh's face as he sighed in relief. Josh's nose was centimeters from entering Jay's butthole. Josh took all of his will power in order to sniff this fart, since it was the longest one yet. The terrible eggy and garbage odor made Josh's eyes water and his nostrils burn. The gas Jay produced was so thick and rank that Josh swore he could almost see a visible cloud of thick green gas. When it finally ended, Josh's head was spinning, and he felt sick to his stomach. "Oooh, this is gonna be a big one! I'd hate to be where you are right now, but you still have to somehow sniff all of it up! This will be the last one then you get a special treat!" Josh braced for the worst, and a few seconds later, that's what he got. A torrent of pure stink released from Jay's butt in the form of a 15 second fart that started loud and dry, then turned quieter, before picking up speed and ending a long wet squeak. It was the absolute worst thing that Josh had ever smelled in his life. He would rather live, eat, and sleep in that pile of garbage from earlier for months than smell one second of this monstrous fart. It had the odor of the worst combination imaginable of skunk spray, a landfill, raw sewage, rotten eggs, old dead fish, and Jay's special blend of stink that is indescribable all at once. Josh started out with a big sniff, which was the worst mistake in his life. He instantly became so light headed that it even started to look like three Trubbish were farting on him, which wouldn't surprise him because of how bad it smelled. Josh continued taking small sniffs for the rest of the fart, until he could barely see anything, on the brink of unconsciousness. Jay then sighed, purely relived, proud, and happy with himself and of his victims for taking so many sniffs of his deadly ass. He took his sweet time rubbing off more stink from his butt on Josh's face, and stood up expecting to see a completely knocked out Pikachu. He was surprised when he saw Josh still barely hanging on. "Wow, impressive! You didn't pass out from my farts, congrats!" That's when he took a sniff of the gas that he produced, and waved his hand in front of his face dramatically. "Man, PEEEEE-YEW that stinks! Aren't you proud, because I am. Oh yeah, time for your 'treat'" Josh groaned and shook his head, regaining his vision and some balance back just in time to see Jay sitting back down on his face, this time the source of the awful gas on his mouth. "Open wide!" Jay sang. Josh opened his mouth in fear of what would happen if he didn't. Jay then released a series of short but powerful burps into Josh's mouth, forcing him to taste all the gas. Josh's mouth was quickly filled with burps, making him swallow the gas. This happened what felt like an endless amount of times during the gassing. Unluckily for Josh, they tasted almost as bad as they smelled. He was eating so many farts, that his own belly started to bulge out a bit when finally Jay stopped, quickly turned around, raised his butt to Josh's nose, and released one more silent fart. Josh instinctively took a huge whiff, and couldn't take the skunky, eggy blast, and passed out. Jay stood up and picked up the now rancid smelling Pikachu along with his bag, and started walking to his home in the sewer. When he reached the hole in the wall that he called home, he took a big whiff of Josh, and smiled when he noticed that he smelled like garbage, sewage and his gas. He belched right up Josh's nose and in his mouth just to add insult to injury, then laid him out on the old mattress that Jay used as a bed. Jay then laid in front of Josh, making sure his butt was right in Josh's face, and grabbed a blanket and draped it over his lower body, and Josh's whole body, so that way he could stink up the knocked out Pikachu in a Dutch Oven with his sleep farts. "Good night, my new stink cushion, can't wait to make you reek as much as I do." Josh said as he drifted off to sleep, letting out stink bombs all over the knocked out Pikachu.
A Pikachu’s Stinky Goal
"C'mon Josh, you can't be tired already? We have to keep going if we want to win that next badge!" Josh barely heard from his trainer during the training he was being forced to do. His head was spinning, he was light headed, and he felt like he could barely catch his breath. "Josh, use Quick Attack!" Josh heard his trainer, but the second he tried to use the attack, his body failed him, and he clasped, completely dazed. "C'mon, you weak Pikachu, I thought you were supposed to be strong. Fine, we'll go home, but you're training twice as hard tomorrow." complained the demanding trainer as he picked up his newest Pokémon, and carried him home. When Josh awoke in his bed, he was sore all over from the training. He got up and started walking down stairs to overhear his trainer talking to his mother. "Listen William, I know you have a dream of becoming a "Pokémon master", but I don't want any, gross, smelly, or weird creatures running around this house!" Josh heard Will's mother yell. "But mom," Josh recognized Will's whining. "I'll need a poison type Pokémon to even have a chance at beating the upcoming gym, and with the way training is going now, Josh stinks at battling more than any 'gross' poison type. Not to mention the fact that the only common catchable Pokémon nearby are poison types! I was lucky enough to find Josh with how rare it is to see anything other than poison types around. It would take me ages to find another Pikachu!" Josh started to get ideas from listening to the conversation. "No buts Will. You'll just have to do better as a trainer, and so help me Arceus, if I smell any gross poison of any type I will make you kick out whatever poison type I catch you with, and that Pikachu too since you think he 'stinks' so much!" Will's mom replied in a serious manner. Hearing this information, Josh decided to go back to his room to hatch his plan to escape his life of horrible training.
That night, when his trainer was asleep, Josh was reviewing his plan. He would run away, and search the town for things that could get him as stinky as possible as fast as possible. This would hopefully convince Will's mother to kick him out, so he can return to his lazy, and peaceful life as a training free wild Pokémon. Yes, he could always run away, (which he has tried before, but failed and was greatly punished for it.) but as long as his trainer had him bound by his Pokéball, Will could always force Josh to return to him. The more he thought about his plan, the more it would made sense. He always noticed that among all the things his whiney controlling trainer complained about, bad smells, no matter how small or insignificant they were, would get a complaint out of him. A couple times after the horrible training he would force Josh to endure, Will would often complain about the sweaty odor Josh would build up from the forced training, and make fun of him for it even though it wasn't his fault. Josh couldn't even release the smallest amount of gas without hearing a complaint. One time, Will even made Josh train ever harder because he farted in front of the whiny brat! If he truly hated bad smells that much, he would kick Josh out as soon as he came home smelling foul enough, let alone if he purposely got himself as stinky as possible! Josh, overconfident with his plan, grabbed his small bag packed with fat-filled foods, some berries, and other essentials he would need for his journey, and snuck out the window. As Josh was roaming around the streets of the city, looking for maybe a garbage bin he could jump into, or a wild Skunktank he could anger, he noticed a sign in front of a tall wired fence that read "SEWER: DO NOT ENTER". This was the perfect place for Josh, and by his luck, he found a hole in the fence that he was able to quickly and easily slip through, giving him easy access Josh smiled before he entered the sewer. As soon as he walked in he noticed the stench of rotten eggs, old fish, and other unidentifiable odors. Josh had never smelled a sewer before, but he quickly found out that people aren't overexaggerating when they talk about how bad they smell. "Man, this place reeks!" Josh said to himself waving a paw in front of his nose. "But if this is what I have to smell like to stop working for that awful trainer, then it's perfect." Josh continued walking trough the sewer, taking the time to rub against bits of malodorous slime on the walls to start building his stench. After a few minutes of walking around and taking in the sights and terrible smells, he noticed a huge pile of foul trash, and jumped in and started rolling around. After he was finished, he sniffed his fur, and exclaimed "PEE-YEW! If I keep this up, I'll stink enough to keep Will away for weeks!" He sat down around the corner from the pile of garbage he found to take a break, and started munching on a small bag of chips from his backpack while exclaiming in fear. He was so busy eating that he didn't notice another Pokémon sneak up behind him. "So you're trying to smell bad to get away from a trainer, huh?" A voice questioned from behind Josh, causing him to jump and drop a paw full of chips. He quickly turned around to see a Trubbish with a mischievous, yet oddly trusting smile. "Don't sneak up on me like that! I guess you heard me back there huh? I Probably shouldn't be talking to myself in this echo chamber of a sewer." Josh stated rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, before returning to his snack. The Trubbish chuckled and shook his head before replying. "Yeah, I heard you, but rubbing against trash isn't going to work." Josh looked back up from his snack, confused. "Well, you may think you stink now, but the scent of trash can eventually be showered away by your trainer when you get back. If you want to find the real stink in this sewer, you'll need someone who knows it a lot better." Josh stood up, interested in the clear offer. "That is true. What's the catch in getting you to help me." Josh asked, raising an eyebrow expecting an extraordinary price. "Oh, there's no catch, you just gotta listen to me and do as I say for three days, and you'll have a stench so bad that no number of showers could remove it. Your trainer will have no choice but to release you into the wild, letting you be free as a bird." The rubbish said cockily, Josh raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Oh yeah? How do I know you know that you're the real deal? You may be a trash Pokémon, but do you really expect me to think that you will know how to get me to smell as awful as this place?" The Trubbish smirked and took a few steps closer to Josh, and raised his arm. "Here, have a whiff of me." Josh hesitantly leaned towards the trash Pokémon's armpit and took a couple small sniffs before recoiling away in disgust. "Whew! I guess I can count on you to find some stink!" Josh said impressed and grossed out at the same time from the Trubbish's rancid body odor. "You have yourself a deal!" Josh excitedly put away his snack, and extended his paw. Trubbish grabbed his paw with a foul hand, and gave a brief yet firm shake. "The name's Sanjay, but you can call me Jay." he said calmly. "So, where are we going first. Back to the garbage heap? A landfill? Oh, maybe..." Josh started excitedly listing off all his ideas, ready to see Will's face when he came home smelling worse than the sewer he was in, and ready to laugh when Will got in trouble for it. He thought that three days would be a little much, but he knew with how stupid his trainer was he wouldn't notice he was missing until about a week later. He would probably get distracted by video games or T.V, or get caught up polishing his stupid badges. "Relax" Jay started. "For now just take off your bag, lay down, and let me work my magic." Josh was confused by why he was told to do this, but he did agree to listen to him, so he shrugged off his confusion and laid down with his eyes closed.
Jay silently laughed to himself, and ready himself to execute the best part of his plan. He couldn't believe he got some poor Pokémon to not only do whatever he says, but now he can do whatever he wants to the poor Pikachu for three days! He walked towards Josh, and turned around, so his backside was facing his face. He was all ready to execute his plan to fart on an innocent Pokémon's face! He lowered his butt onto his victim's face slowly, until it lightly touched Josh's nose. Josh's eyes flashed opened the second this happened, and he began to regret his decision to trust the smelly Pokémon. "Why are you sitting on my face? Is your plan to stink me up with your foul rump?" Josh questioned. "Actually, my plan is to make you smell like my awful farts, and there's no turning back now! You agreed to follow all my orders, and I order you to be quiet and sniff my stinky gas!" Jay snickered. "B-but shouldn't we start somewhere a l-little less extreme?" Josh started, scared due to the rancid awful odor that was Jay's butt. Suddenly, Josh realized what was happening. "Was this your intent all along? Did you just want to do this to make me sniff your disgusting butt?" Josh questioned angrily. "Well yeah, of course, but it helps you as well doesn't it? With how bad my farts smell you'll be stinking up your trainer's house in no time! Now, shut up and sniff my farts!" Jay then released a loud short fart right on Josh's face. Josh got ready to protest but was cut off by the sound of the rancid fart. When the smell reached his nose, he went cross eyed from the intense stink. It stunk like weak old garbage bin filled to the brim with sulfur. "Ugh, gross! I changed my mind, get off me, it stinks!" Josh yelled in protest, struggling to push and wriggle his way from under the malicious Pokémon's posterior to no avail. Jay laughed and replied in a serious tone. "No, you agreed to this yourself. Now for the last time, be quiet or there will be even stinkier consequences." Josh noticed that Jay was right; he did agree to this. Josh had put himself in this predicament, and that in the end, no matter how gross this was, it would lead to him accomplishing his goal. He decided that he would listen to all of the commands given to him, no matter how bad Jay's farts smelled. Right when he finished his thoughts, Jay released another loud fart, this one sounding slighter wetter than the last one, and was a lot longer than the last, lasting about 4 seconds. Josh at first was ready to gag, but remembered his decision, and took small sniffs of the putrid fart. Josh was met with a nose of what smelled like a dumpster full of week old burning broccoli. Josh instinctively started struggling to get away from the odor, but stopped himself and kept lightly sniffing. "Heh heh, is someone enjoying my stink down there? There's plenty more where that from." Jay said happily from above. He then rubbed his rancid rump against Josh's face, putting his nose right next to the source of the stench. "I hope you enjoy it straight from the source. I want to hear you sniff these next few ones, ok?" Josh slowly nodded his head in response, hoping that sniffing the farts would make them more resistant to them, but he could barely stand being this close to Jay's stink hole. Jay then released a long, foul silent-but-deadly fart that started inaudible and ended in a squeak. "Silent but deadly, just the way I- WE like 'em!" Jay boastfully laughed at Josh, who was in pure hell at this point. The fart lasted for about 8 seconds and smelled almost indescribable. It was like a gang of 50 Skunktanks came and sprayed an entire landfill full of rotten eggs and fish on a hot summer day. The fart was extremely warm as well, making it even harder for Josh to willingly sniff up, but Josh was able to bear through it and loudly sniffed up the putrid fart, without gagging or struggling. "Impressive! I thought that one would have gotten you." Jay started. "Here, have another one!" Josh then released a long hissing fart. Jay relaxed his butt further onto Josh's face as he sighed in relief. Josh's nose was centimeters from entering Jay's butthole. Josh took all of his will power in order to sniff this fart, since it was the longest one yet. The terrible eggy and garbage odor made Josh's eyes water and his nostrils burn. The gas Jay produced was so thick and rank that Josh swore he could almost see a visible cloud of thick green gas. When it finally ended, Josh's head was spinning, and he felt sick to his stomach. "Oooh, this is gonna be a big one! I'd hate to be where you are right now, but you still have to somehow sniff all of it up! This will be the last one then you get a special treat!" Josh braced for the worst, and a few seconds later, that's what he got. A torrent of pure stink released from Jay's butt in the form of a 15 second fart that started loud and dry, then turned quieter, before picking up speed and ending a long wet squeak. It was the absolute worst thing that Josh had ever smelled in his life. He would rather live, eat, and sleep in that pile of garbage from earlier for months than smell one second of this monstrous fart. It had the odor of the worst combination imaginable of skunk spray, a landfill, raw sewage, rotten eggs, old dead fish, and Jay's special blend of stink that is indescribable all at once. Josh started out with a big sniff, which was the worst mistake in his life. He instantly became so light headed that it even started to look like three Trubbish were farting on him, which wouldn't surprise him because of how bad it smelled. Josh continued taking small sniffs for the rest of the fart, until he could barely see anything, on the brink of unconsciousness. Jay then sighed, purely relived, proud, and happy with himself and of his victims for taking so many sniffs of his deadly ass. He took his sweet time rubbing off more stink from his butt on Josh's face, and stood up expecting to see a completely knocked out Pikachu. He was surprised when he saw Josh still barely hanging on. "Wow, impressive! You didn't pass out from my farts, congrats!" That's when he took a sniff of the gas that he produced, and waved his hand in front of his face dramatically. "Man, PEEEEE-YEW that stinks! Aren't you proud, because I am. Oh yeah, time for your 'treat'" Josh groaned and shook his head, regaining his vision and some balance back just in time to see Jay sitting back down on his face, this time the source of the awful gas on his mouth. "Open wide!" Jay sang. Josh opened his mouth in fear of what would happen if he didn't. Jay then released a series of short but powerful burps into Josh's mouth, forcing him to taste all the gas. Josh's mouth was quickly filled with burps, making him swallow the gas. This happened what felt like an endless amount of times during the gassing. Unluckily for Josh, they tasted almost as bad as they smelled. He was eating so many farts, that his own belly started to bulge out a bit when finally Jay stopped, quickly turned around, raised his butt to Josh's nose, and released one more silent fart. Josh instinctively took a huge whiff, and couldn't take the skunky, eggy blast, and passed out. Jay stood up and picked up the now rancid smelling Pikachu along with his bag, and started walking to his home in the sewer. When he reached the hole in the wall that he called home, he took a big whiff of Josh, and smiled when he noticed that he smelled like garbage, sewage and his gas. He belched right up Josh's nose and in his mouth just to add insult to injury, then laid him out on the old mattress that Jay used as a bed. Jay then laid in front of Josh, making sure his butt was right in Josh's face, and grabbed a blanket and draped it over his lower body, and Josh's whole body, so that way he could stink up the knocked out Pikachu in a Dutch Oven with his sleep farts. "Good night, my new stink cushion, can't wait to make you reek as much as I do." Josh said as he drifted off to sleep, letting out stink bombs all over the knocked out Pikachu.
A story about a Pikachu named Josh who goes out on a stinky adventure, but takes more than he can handle. Please let me know what you think or give me an Idea for another story.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 15.7 kB