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Archive for the Eva Amurri Category




Eva Amurri Dressing Room Erotica of the Day

Eva Amurri

I actually like Eva Amurri because I used to see her big Susan Sarandon titties on Californication, not that I really watched that show, I only got a TV recently, but I’d see the titty clips and thought “How great it is that a connected duaghter to a huge star decided her first acting role is one in which she shows her tits”…because you know she could have been cast in basically anything like Kate Hudson and other celebrity idiots…

I thought her having 3-4 kids was a tragic turn of events when I had already fully appreciated and was sold on her tits….but now, what must be 10 years later, the mom still has a body….and here she is doing a little DEMONSTRATION of that body….MILF SHIT…

I am a Mask hater, and I think the MASK is the dumbest thing going on in this video but I don’t believe in the effectiveness of masks and think people who do are fucking dumb….because I’ve read the studies released by the CDC or was it the WHO, who we shouldn’t believe anyway…I think even Fauci said masks are why the Spanish Flu killed so many…I mean that was before COVID….so I would have preferred the no mask…

But since she must be 40 or near 40….there’s clearly a benefit of masks, hiding the rest of her that doesn’t look s good as the divorcee body….plus she could be in a store….and not in her bathroom which is where I thought she was originally and was like “WHAT AN IDIOT PROPAGANDA FEAR MONGERER”….but since I realize it’s a store…it’s far less annoying…all this to say…she looks good.

Eva Amurri


Posted in:Eva Amurri




Eva Amurri Bra of the Day

Eva Amuri Bra

Eva Amurri is bringing out the divorcee revenge in this sleazy enough titty video of her big Susan Sarandon tits in a bra as she gets dolled up for instagram…a weird thing people do for instagram…but I guess people like being watched…

You may recognize her big mom tits from when they weren’t mom tits and just big tits because she tried to do the whole acting thing, I mean her mom is Susan Srandon…she’s kind of dialed the fuck in….

Instead of doing Hallmark Christmas movies, she decided on Californication, where she could really showcase her talents or tits, since her tits are her talents, and acting doesn’t require talent, it just requires you being an asshole….who doesn’t get embarassed in a room full of people while being an asshole because the room full of people are there to tell you how great you are…YES MEN FUCK are the reason for these fucking egos..

Anyway, the reason this is shameless, look at my mom tit revenge content is because she got cheated on while pregnant with her 4th or 5th kid and ended up leaving her baby daddy despite having 4 or 5 kids with him and the whole mom theme today REALLY has to end…but MOMS are just such perverts, clearly, they’ve got physical proof that they like to fuck…the worst physical proof, sure…but still evidence that they have been cummed in for all of us to point and judget them for it….

Either way, keep on bouncing them titties in a bra for the internet you pervert fuck!

Eva Amuri

Eva Amuri Bra Eva Amuri Bra


Posted in:Eva Amurri




Eva Amurri Bikini of the Day

So the other day I was on Susan Sarandon’s wikipedia page….I didn’t learn all that much besides realizing she’s in her 70s and still got the tits, tits I guess she’s left to her daughter in her will, or at least tits that the daughter already inherited, I don’t know how estate planning works, I just know that Eva, who may be 40 fucking years old, and who is a mom of 3 or 4 kids of her own, is single and ready to post slutty content on the internet since she just had a kid after her husband cheated on her during her pregnancy…leaving her alone, rich and alone….but she was rich in the first place so just alone…

So the best revenge is being a slut on the internet, at least that’s the messaging we want to send out to all the girls out there as Eva Amurri is a slut on social media to show you that moms of three can still be jacked off to!

Posted in:Eva Amurri




Eva Amurri Single Mom Breastfeeding of the Day

Eva Amurri Single Mom Breastfeeding

Eva Amurri is Susan Sarandon’s big titty daughter, who tried acting once or twice on Californication that involved her tits being used to show us all how she is Susan Sarandon’s big titty daughter…

She was fully committed to showing her tits to be taken seriously as an actor to be more than just another celebrity rich kid…..

She ended up getting married, now getting a divorce from the dude who has previously knocked up a few times. They split during her pregnancy, probably because he banged some non pregnant, and she didn’t let him watch the birth of the kid, no pussy being raped by their new child for him to remember why he got new pussy…so he is probably seeing this breast feeding video as his first contact with his kid…like us….

All this to say – breast feeding empowerment for feminism videos is still breast content….even if breeding is disgusting!!


Posted in:Eva Amurri




Eva Amurri Bikini Tits of the Day

Butter face Eva Amurri Martino, who is probably best known, or only known for being the daughter of Susan Sarandon, who inherited momma’s big Rocky Horror Show tits, and who was able to get into acting, naked, on Californication when that was a thing….

She tapped out of working, even as an actor, which isn’t work..to start a family, because I guess that is more fun, even though she probably could have stopped to do anything, like travel the world or nap all day….RICH KIDS….

And in her defense, she barely worked, she did one show topless, in what was probably an attempt to be rebel….while she’s got her mom to do the working for her.

Either way, she’s got those Susan Sarandon tits…that are now a mom of two tits…but still massive. LOOK.

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW




Susan Sarandon’s Daughter in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Susan Sarandon has a daughter, like most celebs who in their self involved narcissism want to reproduce with a richer guy than them to give them some level of security even if they are already rich….to elevate their level of richness to the next bracket of richness…it’s just how these things work. Women breed up, unless they are Britney Spears….the only issue with that is that their genetics get diluted by dude who is rich sperm…which is usually a bad thing…cuz rarely are rich men good looking…unless they are born into it thanks to their ugly rich dads knocking up hot models…SCIENCE…

Point being…her daughter is old now, but for a while was a titty actress trying to create her own career as an actress….on Californication…with her tits out….and that concluded her acting career – now she’s just a mom. In a bathing suit…cuz a ho is a ho is a ho is a ho.

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW




Eva Amurri Martino Bikini Mom of the Day

Butter face Eva Amurri Martino, who is probably best known, or only known for being the daughter of Susan Sarandon, who inherited momma’s big Rocky Horror Show tits, and who was able to get into acting, naked, on Californication when that was a thing….before realizing “Why work, I’m rich”…and instead got married / knocked up and mom of two or three kids by now…where she was smart enough to get as skinny as she has…but who has lost the tits that made her interesting…remaining the butterface she was…without the tits that carry her…but still impressive thanks to being skinny in a world of fat as fucks…

Posted in:Eva Amurri|Eva Amurri Martino|SFW




Eva Amurri Bikini Mom of the Day

Eva Amurri  Bikini

Rich celebrity kid who is not Lily Rose Depp’s daughter, but still the daughter of some famous people, who is only getting this post because she’s a famous rich kid, named Eva Amurri…busted out the mom body in a bikini on the social media and looked pretty good….

She did try to get fameous for a minute – by using her mom’s contacts and booking a show she got topless in – as a talking role…in 4 episodes of Californication…which was the peak…and really a gift to all of us because we got to see those Sarandon tits….

I guess it didn’t work out for her, so she did the less hot mom thing, but she still manages to low level show that rich girl with a trust fund who doesn’t need to work’s body…

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW




Eva Amurri Pregnant Bikini of the Day


Ready to drop picture brought to us by the not very famous -but her mom is and that’s all that matters Eva Amurri…

It’s labor day, and I’m prepping for my annual labor day birthing videos…it’s the best at the worst…

So this Eva Amurri chick did try to get fameous for a minute – by using her mom’s contacts and booking a show she got topless in – as a talking role…in 4 episodes…which was the peak…and really a gift because we got to see those Sarandon tits….

I guess it didn’t work out for her, so she did the less hot mom thing, but she still manages to low level show them tits….and that’s how we start the day here…


Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW




Eva Amurri’s Pregnancy Bikini Photoshoot of the Day


Eva Amurri is a character you don’t give a fuck about, but those of you who somehow do care about her, she’s in a bikini while pregnant showing off the big tits, which must be the only thing you are into her for – because she’s only got tis going for her, and I guess her mom is Susan Sarandon – and that alone helped her get on TV where she was topless – despite having all the connections and money – that’s the best she could fucking do – low level massive sized tits on Californication – what weird rebelling that is no more – because she’s dropped out of acting to play bikini housewife and she posted this shit – that I am reposting because big hormonal pregnant rich girl tits is the shit I don’t like – but don’t mind because they are tits and would life to K-Fed – otherwise I can just watch her TV performane tits which are far less pregnant…

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW