In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a barrelled space (also written barreled space) is a topological vector space (TVS) for which every barrelled set in the space is a neighbourhood for the zero vector. A barrelled set or a barrel in a topological vector space is a set that is convex, balanced, absorbing, and closed. Barrelled spaces are studied because a form of the Banach–Steinhaus theorem still holds for them. Barrelled spaces were introduced by Bourbaki (1950).



A convex and balanced subset of a real or complex vector space is called a disk and it is said to be disked, absolutely convex, or convex balanced.

A barrel or a barrelled set in a topological vector space (TVS) is a subset that is a closed absorbing disk; that is, a barrel is a convex, balanced, closed, and absorbing subset.

Every barrel must contain the origin. If   and if   is any subset of   then   is a convex, balanced, and absorbing set of   if and only if this is all true of   in   for every  -dimensional vector subspace   thus if   then the requirement that a barrel be a closed subset of   is the only defining property that does not depend solely on   (or lower)-dimensional vector subspaces of  

If   is any TVS then every closed convex and balanced neighborhood of the origin is necessarily a barrel in   (because every neighborhood of the origin is necessarily an absorbing subset). In fact, every locally convex topological vector space has a neighborhood basis at its origin consisting entirely of barrels. However, in general, there might exist barrels that are not neighborhoods of the origin; "barrelled spaces" are exactly those TVSs in which every barrel is necessarily a neighborhood of the origin. Every finite dimensional topological vector space is a barrelled space so examples of barrels that are not neighborhoods of the origin can only be found in infinite dimensional spaces.

Examples of barrels and non-barrels


The closure of any convex, balanced, and absorbing subset is a barrel. This is because the closure of any convex (respectively, any balanced, any absorbing) subset has this same property.

A family of examples: Suppose that   is equal to   (if considered as a complex vector space) or equal to   (if considered as a real vector space). Regardless of whether   is a real or complex vector space, every barrel in   is necessarily a neighborhood of the origin (so   is an example of a barrelled space). Let   be any function and for every angle   let   denote the closed line segment from the origin to the point   Let   Then   is always an absorbing subset of   (a real vector space) but it is an absorbing subset of   (a complex vector space) if and only if it is a neighborhood of the origin. Moreover,   is a balanced subset of   if and only if   for every   (if this is the case then   and   are completely determined by  's values on  ) but   is a balanced subset of   if and only it is an open or closed ball centered at the origin (of radius  ). In particular, barrels in   are exactly those closed balls centered at the origin with radius in   If   then   is a closed subset that is absorbing in   but not absorbing in   and that is neither convex, balanced, nor a neighborhood of the origin in   By an appropriate choice of the function   it is also possible to have   be a balanced and absorbing subset of   that is neither closed nor convex. To have   be a balanced, absorbing, and closed subset of   that is neither convex nor a neighborhood of the origin, define   on   as follows: for   let   (alternatively, it can be any positive function on   that is continuously differentiable, which guarantees that   and that   is closed, and that also satisfies   which prevents   from being a neighborhood of the origin) and then extend   to   by defining   which guarantees that   is balanced in  

Properties of barrels

  • In any topological vector space (TVS)   every barrel in   absorbs every compact convex subset of  [1]
  • In any locally convex Hausdorff TVS   every barrel in   absorbs every convex bounded complete subset of  [1]
  • If   is locally convex then a subset   of   is  -bounded if and only if there exists a barrel   in   such that  [1]
  • Let   be a pairing and let   be a locally convex topology on   consistent with duality. Then a subset   of   is a barrel in   if and only if   is the polar of some  -bounded subset of  [1]
  • Suppose   is a vector subspace of finite codimension in a locally convex space   and   If   is a barrel (resp. bornivorous barrel, bornivorous disk) in   then there exists a barrel (resp. bornivorous barrel, bornivorous disk)   in   such that  [2]

Characterizations of barreled spaces


Denote by   the space of continuous linear maps from   into  

If   is a Hausdorff topological vector space (TVS) with continuous dual space   then the following are equivalent:

  1.   is barrelled.
  2. Definition: Every barrel in   is a neighborhood of the origin.
    • This definition is similar to a characterization of Baire TVSs proved by Saxon [1974], who proved that a TVS   with a topology that is not the indiscrete topology is a Baire space if and only if every absorbing balanced subset is a neighborhood of some point of   (not necessarily the origin).[2]
  3. For any Hausdorff TVS   every pointwise bounded subset of   is equicontinuous.[3]
  4. For any F-space   every pointwise bounded subset of   is equicontinuous.[3]
  5. Every closed linear operator from   into a complete metrizable TVS is continuous.[4]
    • A linear map   is called closed if its graph is a closed subset of  
  6. Every Hausdorff TVS topology   on   that has a neighborhood basis of the origin consisting of  -closed set is course than  [5]

If   is locally convex space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. There exists a TVS   not carrying the indiscrete topology (so in particular,  ) such that every pointwise bounded subset of   is equicontinuous.[2]
  2. For any locally convex TVS   every pointwise bounded subset of   is equicontinuous.[2]
    • It follows from the above two characterizations that in the class of locally convex TVS, barrelled spaces are exactly those for which the uniform boundedness principle holds.
  3. Every  -bounded subset of the continuous dual space   is equicontinuous (this provides a partial converse to the Banach-Steinhaus theorem).[2][6]
  4.   carries the strong dual topology  [2]
  5. Every lower semicontinuous seminorm on   is continuous.[2]
  6. Every linear map   into a locally convex space   is almost continuous.[2]
    • A linear map   is called almost continuous if for every neighborhood   of the origin in   the closure of   is a neighborhood of the origin in  
  7. Every surjective linear map   from a locally convex space   is almost open.[2]
    • This means that for every neighborhood   of 0 in   the closure of   is a neighborhood of 0 in  
  8. If   is a locally convex topology on   such that   has a neighborhood basis at the origin consisting of  -closed sets, then   is weaker than  [2]

If   is a Hausdorff locally convex space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. Closed graph theorem: Every closed linear operator   into a Banach space   is continuous.[7]
  2. For every subset   of the continuous dual space of   the following properties are equivalent:   is[6]
    1. equicontinuous;
    2. relatively weakly compact;
    3. strongly bounded;
    4. weakly bounded.
  3. The 0-neighborhood bases in   and the fundamental families of bounded sets in   correspond to each other by polarity.[6]

If   is metrizable topological vector space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. For any complete metrizable TVS   every pointwise bounded sequence in   is equicontinuous.[3]

If   is a locally convex metrizable topological vector space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. (Property S): The weak* topology on   is sequentially complete.[8]
  2. (Property C): Every weak* bounded subset of   is  -relatively countably compact.[8]
  3. (𝜎-barrelled): Every countable weak* bounded subset of   is equicontinuous.[8]
  4. (Baire-like):   is not the union of an increase sequence of nowhere dense disks.[8]

Examples and sufficient conditions


Each of the following topological vector spaces is barreled:

  1. TVSs that are Baire space.
    • Consequently, every topological vector space that is of the second category in itself is barrelled.
  2. F-spaces, Fréchet spaces, Banach spaces, and Hilbert spaces.
    • However, there exist normed vector spaces that are not barrelled. For example, if the  -space   is topologized as a subspace of   then it is not barrelled.
  3. Complete pseudometrizable TVSs.[9]
    • Consequently, every finite-dimensional TVS is barrelled.
  4. Montel spaces.
  5. Strong dual spaces of Montel spaces (since they are necessarily Montel spaces).
  6. A locally convex quasi-barrelled space that is also a σ-barrelled space.[10]
  7. A sequentially complete quasibarrelled space.
  8. A quasi-complete Hausdorff locally convex infrabarrelled space.[2]
    • A TVS is called quasi-complete if every closed and bounded subset is complete.
  9. A TVS with a dense barrelled vector subspace.[2]
    • Thus the completion of a barreled space is barrelled.
  10. A Hausdorff locally convex TVS with a dense infrabarrelled vector subspace.[2]
    • Thus the completion of an infrabarrelled Hausdorff locally convex space is barrelled.[2]
  11. A vector subspace of a barrelled space that has countable codimensional.[2]
    • In particular, a finite codimensional vector subspace of a barrelled space is barreled.
  12. A locally convex ultrabarelled TVS.[11]
  13. A Hausdorff locally convex TVS   such that every weakly bounded subset of its continuous dual space is equicontinuous.[12]
  14. A locally convex TVS   such that for every Banach space   a closed linear map of   into   is necessarily continuous.[13]
  15. A product of a family of barreled spaces.[14]
  16. A locally convex direct sum and the inductive limit of a family of barrelled spaces.[15]
  17. A quotient of a barrelled space.[16][15]
  18. A Hausdorff sequentially complete quasibarrelled boundedly summing TVS.[17]
  19. A locally convex Hausdorff reflexive space is barrelled.

Counter examples

  • A barrelled space need not be Montel, complete, metrizable, unordered Baire-like, nor the inductive limit of Banach spaces.
  • Not all normed spaces are barrelled. However, they are all infrabarrelled.[2]
  • A closed subspace of a barreled space is not necessarily countably quasi-barreled (and thus not necessarily barrelled).[18]
  • There exists a dense vector subspace of the Fréchet barrelled space   that is not barrelled.[2]
  • There exist complete locally convex TVSs that are not barrelled.[2]
  • The finest locally convex topology on an infinite-dimensional vector space is a Hausdorff barrelled space that is a meagre subset of itself (and thus not a Baire space).[2]

Properties of barreled spaces


Banach–Steinhaus generalization


The importance of barrelled spaces is due mainly to the following results.

Theorem[19]Let   be a barrelled TVS and   be a locally convex TVS. Let   be a subset of the space   of continuous linear maps from   into  . The following are equivalent:

  1.   is bounded for the topology of pointwise convergence;
  2.   is bounded for the topology of bounded convergence;
  3.   is equicontinuous.

The Banach-Steinhaus theorem is a corollary of the above result.[20] When the vector space   consists of the complex numbers then the following generalization also holds.

Theorem[21]If   is a barrelled TVS over the complex numbers and   is a subset of the continuous dual space of  , then the following are equivalent:

  1.   is weakly bounded;
  2.   is strongly bounded;
  3.   is equicontinuous;
  4.   is relatively compact in the weak dual topology.

Recall that a linear map   is called closed if its graph is a closed subset of  

Closed Graph Theorem[22]Every closed linear operator from a Hausdorff barrelled TVS into a complete metrizable TVS is continuous.

Other properties

  • Every Hausdorff barrelled space is quasi-barrelled.[23]
  • A linear map from a barrelled space into a locally convex space is almost continuous.
  • A linear map from a locally convex space onto a barrelled space is almost open.
  • A separately continuous bilinear map from a product of barrelled spaces into a locally convex space is hypocontinuous.[24]
  • A linear map with a closed graph from a barreled TVS into a  -complete TVS is necessarily continuous.[13]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 225–273.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 371–423.
  3. ^ a b c Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, p. 39.
  4. ^ Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, p. 43.
  5. ^ Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, p. 32.
  6. ^ a b c Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 127, 141Trèves 2006, p. 350.
  7. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 477.
  8. ^ a b c d Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 399.
  9. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 383.
  10. ^ Khaleelulla 1982, pp. 28–63.
  11. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 418–419.
  12. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 350.
  13. ^ a b Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 166.
  14. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 138.
  15. ^ a b Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 61.
  16. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 346.
  17. ^ Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, p. 77.
  18. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 103–110.
  19. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 347.
  20. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 348.
  21. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 349.
  22. ^ Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, p. 41.
  23. ^ Adasch, Ernst & Keim 1978, pp. 70–73.
  24. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 424.


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