The Mindset Shift That Changed My Life (In 1 Day)
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Watch this if your thinking of quitting your dreams.
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This quote changed my life forever
What's your favorite quote?
If you live like no one else later you can live like no one else
"Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become." - Heraclitus
"Failure is impossible, you either succeed or you learn something."
My dad told me this one and I've always liked it "plan for the plan to fail". In essence life will always give you curve balls and not go the way you want but it's your responsibility to adapt to it.
@@kylebrown4293 Love that one 🎗️
“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.” - Seneca
Love that!
So very true we let the unimportant become the important and all those things separate us from a dream life
Healthy groceries - $100. “That’s too much”.
Dinner out - $100. “Totally worth it”
Personal development event - $250. “Sounds like a scam”
Designer shoes - $250. “I deserve it”
Starting a business - $1000 - “Way too risky”
New iPhone - $1000 - Must-have-upgrade”
1 hour at the gym - “Wish I had time”
1 hour on Netflix - “let me just watch one more”
Your priorities shape your future.
This is facts
I took a pic of your response post! Nice!!
@ Not original. I saved it off X. It’s totally 2025.
I saw a quote on fb this morning and it is so true!
The 3 c's of life: choices, chances, changes
You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.
❤ this.
I really enjoy your content! I recently left my 6-figure, stressful job to live life more intentionally and to be present with my family and friends. Life is good.
What do you do now if I can ask?
Ugh this made me cry. I’m truly grateful that I found your channel like 4 years ago bc I can say it changed the trajectory of my life. I’m happy to have stepped foot in the arena.
Thanks! Keep your inspiring work up!
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin
Thank you very much, great video📍
Love it!
You are not stupid Gabe! You are just a real human. Thank you for everything you do
Great video!
Definitely a difference between offering constructive criticism vs offering an unnecessary rude comment with no recommendation on what could be improved. Glad you disregard the haters and just do what you love.
I have looved my Mondays as well as all the other days in the week! I was a teacher for many years and I saw soo many teachers that didn’t love their job and they struggled in the classroom all the time! Now I am retired and loove this life too and have grandchildren that I put time and energy into! Loving your life does not nessessary mean a life with glamour and fame. It means living the life you want, dreamed of and loove. Not everybody wants the same. But following your dream, whatever that dream is, is the most important thing! Loove that quote.
Gabe, thank for your transparency. It’s a first and your authenticity changed everything thing. I’ve always liked and ado you, but thank you for finally being honest and authentic ❤
Love your mindset, Gabe! Thanks so much for your words and the support. Theodore Roosevelt has some amazing quotations.
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” -TR
Got yourself another great video. This one speaks to me LOUDLY! Thank you for “smacking me in the face”. I needed that. Can’t wait for the next one.
Keep it up, Gabe.
P.S. never called yourself stupid, one day you’ll believe yourself. Stop that.
When we start questioning some things in our life, we're bound to have a shift that takes us to where we're truly meant to be. This video is truly inspiring. I am trying to find my true path- one day at a time.
Sometimes it's uncomfortable to step out of a comfortable space. But it's in stepping into that uncomfortable space that you learn who you really are.
You are making a positive difference in the lives and thought processes of so many others with each video you publish. 😊
Listening to this at my job and literally tearing up. Tried so many things. Pretty much have given up. But this was a good video. Thanks Gabe
You are legit the reason I finally went for it and started RUclips. So happy I did too. I'm far from Monetization and far from where I wanna be. But, I WILL get there. You also helped me look at life differently as far as financially. I have so many goals I am striving for now and I can't wait to achieve them all. You gave me that push to realize I can.
Please do another shorter video on just the hour a day concept that is only about that time spent so I can watch it on repeat for inspiration!!!
Thank you for your time!!
Thank you
So weird this was what I needed right now, I’m completing my masters and almost being pushed into starting my own business but there’s a lot of fear…this was really helpful. A life by design, not default
That’s awesome to hear, good luck with everything!
Thank you, Gabe. Inspired by your passion I have posted 3 shorts to YT / social media. And while I want others to like / enjoy / appreciate them. Most of all, I liked making them and am quietly proud that I did the scary thing. ❤
Big love to you, Gabe - thanks as always for sharing, I needed this today.
This is great! I’m grateful for your willingness to get into the arena. You inspire in all your humanness ❤
Wow. I have also tried and failed a dozen times. Outsiders only see the failures. I know what I’m trying to create for myself. It has to fit. It has to feel right. It has to be meaningful to my LIFE. And I love hearing you talk about that.
I’m back in school, studying the topic I have always loved. My soul is happy now. I’m in my mid-fifties. I hope people can design their life with their dreams at the fore
thank you for covering this topic!
Super inspiring, Gabe! I love that you put that clip at the end!
This was so inspiring, Gabe!
Incredibly said! We all have a shot to do something special. I'm not religious but there is a line in a OneRepublic song that resonates with me and it says "God only helps those who learn to help themselves". Don't expect the world to just give you what you want. Get out there and get it!
Ryan Leak wrote a book and filmed a mini documentary about chasing failure. It’s an amazing concept and very similar to what you are speaking. Chasing failure brought him closer to his dreams than chasing success ever did.
Thank you for this....I wrote the book, laid out the outline of my dream and just stopped due to fear. Fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of the unknown. But honestly now I know NOT doing it is my biggest fear.
I know people who have started things or wanted to and five and 10 years later have still not made any progress and it’s always in the back of their mind. It’s better just to do it and be done.
Powerful message :) nicely done!
You are so inspiring, Gabe! Thank you for this encouraging video! It means more than words can say!
Best video, yet! Thanks, mate.
I have tried a few things and failed. I’ve lost a little bit of money or some things. But honestly I’ve learned a lot and life is too short to be scared to not try something.
Exactly what I needed to hear - never giving up ever
This is super inspiring. Thank you!!
Great video, thank you for sharing Gabe, you are very inspirational
You are such an inspiration. I believe you to also be a person who has compassion for others and our world. Grateful for you
This video really motivated me, I watched it twice, thanks :)
It’s true. I’d work on graphic design after working 12 hour days at a job I hated even if it was 20 minutes. Since 2021 I’ve been video editing for a TA2 team. Doesn’t pay a ton but I’m far closer to my goals than I ever would have been at my old job!
This video has such an important message. I quit my job 4 years ago to TRY other things and a different way of life (business, acting, youtube, ect). I realized if I just kept doing the same thing that I would stay stuck in the same way of life. So I decided to change my path. It hasn't been easy and somethings have failed. My wife pointed out that at least I am out TRYING, which is more that most do. Also...don't just quit your day
Good video.
Growth comes from outside your comfortzone
This video is outstanding Gabe! 👏🏼👏🏼 I’m honored to be witnessing your journey while trying to figure out my own. Thank you for being such an inspiration, not because you’re perfect but because you’re real ❤
Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in
Maybe that's the problem, 'cause I've been dealing with this ever since
I thought that he would leave, but it's obvious he never did
He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in
Now I'm in the position, it's either sit here and let him win
Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can
'Cause in order to do that I'd have to open the doors
Is that me or the fear talking?
I don't know anymore
NF - Mansion
one of my all time songs and artist, the song breaks my heart everytime.
My favourite youtubers spent 10 years building their channel. I expect it to take a lot of time❤
This mad eme feel better. I am in the arena and I have been for a long time. My challe ge now is not to give up. I am very close to a break through and I know it; i just need to keep going❤
Gabe, I love this video!
“Keep moving forward” - always help me.
Love your content! Thank you for great insights! ❤
I'm teetering on the precipice... of life. I'm already living my BEST life, but I know there is more out there. I'm taking the first step into the next version of my BEST life. And I'm so excited because I can taste it!
This is exactly where I am in life. I am working in my father’s shop and I am doing a great job but I am hating it :/
Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to change my life
loved this Gabe🙏
Thank You for all your vidéos ❤
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” - Teddy Roosevelt
You make so good videos!
"Get in the game , if you stay on the sidelines you don't count"
" A good man falls and gets back up, not so for wicked who fall and don't get back up"
"If you're not changing, you're choosing."
Great video!
Great way to start a Monday morning!
Gabe! Are you listening to my phone conversations? Lol I was just telling my girl how I don't want to be a robot in front of my computer for the next 25 years doing what I do everyday. Great video!!!
What about those of us who are ambitious, not lazy, but have a lot of obstacles due to bad luck and a lot of adversity?
Great video ❤
Thank you Gabe Bult
"There is always a limit to self-indulgence, but none to self-restraint."
not me adding this into watch later playlist
It’s very important to try different things. & be a DOER rather than a critic.
To me, I didn’t need to find the perfect job. I liked to work & saved enough money for a comfortable retirement.
It’s very important to have goals rather than just going with the flow. People with goals achieve more. Perhaps that’s obvious.
Great video Gabe! 🌟 Really motivating. Thank you! 🙌
I've already made the first video, the second, and the third, but then my regular job got in the way. I finally gave up that regular job to take another that doesn't pay as much. But giving that up has given me more free time. I am happy to say that I am working on a new video for the first time in a long time. I cannot wait to get back in the thick of it. I need to find some kind of accountability mentor to keep me on task. Do you happen to have any recommendations for sites or apps that may help with this?
When ever you want there is never enough!
Although its difficult with lots of ups and down, i am my own boss and i wouldnt have it any other way.
"Opportunity is often missed because it's usually dressed in overalls and looks like work."
I think Meredith must be a great life partner ❤
I think to stay at a job you hate or don’t like much depends on your reason. If your life is your life and you’re supporting your life with this work, then you’ll do it till you find something better. But if you live to work that’s a different story.
But what if you don't actually enjoy anything, or have any goals? I'm suffering from extreme burnout and taking some time off work, but for as long as I can remember I've had no love for anything that I could earn a living from. I try lots of new hobbies and have found I love the gym and sports, but that won't bring any income (or, not enough in this climate). I'm entirely lost, and the thought of doing my day job for another second makes me sick, but I don't know what else I can do. Anything else will earn so much less that I'd lose my house.
I guess you should ask, is home ownership my life’s dream? Am I willing to sacrifice everything for this particular house? Or is it a shackle
@@kjw79 It is a shackle, but a necessary one. Unless I live in a van or something I don't have any other option. I'd still need money coming in too. I've considered renting the house out but after insurance and other costs, I wouldn't see any income from the rent.
Hi Gabe,
I'm curious, do you invest in stocks or the market? I just started getting interested in finance and investment and I'm curious to hear if you are investing too. Especially since your RUclips channel tackles minimalism, becoming financially independent etc 😊
"Hard Choices Easy Life, Easy Choices Hard Life." - Jerzy Gregorek
"Paths are made by walking"
Hidden Codex of Wealth by Dorian Caine made me rethink everything society taught me about money. Feels almost illegal knowing this stuff-probably why it’s hidden from you.
"The only thing you can count on is change. You need to be flexible" "Less is More" "What's the worst answer you can get? No, then try again. You'll be surprised how many will say Yes"
No way man I was also a custodian
Did that for years
Great share
The book Hidden Codex of Wealth by Dorian Caine feels forbidden for a reason-it reveals financial strategies the average person isn't meant to learn. I get why it's controversial now.
Don't waste time ⌚🕒
I think it was Bob Proctor that started a cleaning company and made millions from it
Inspiring ! I guess u are still cleaning just on your own terms
I‘ve seen this video from 4829 other people
And you did this before in the „why looking poor is important“
So my question is: why?
Well heck...
How big is your neck 😂
My favorite video as of today. ❤🥹
The book Hidden Codex of Wealth by Dorian Caine feels forbidden for a reason-it reveals financial strategies the average person isn't meant to learn. I get why it's controversial now.