The Dumbest Drivers Ever | xQc Reacts

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Video by Daily Dose of Internet: • The Dumbest Drivers Ever
    Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick!
    / xqc
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Комментарии • 197

  • @Flaax2k13
    @Flaax2k13 3 дня назад +138

    Bro is driving the most expensive cars with all cameras and sensors and cant parallel park lmao 💀

  • @Diveresity
    @Diveresity 3 дня назад +37

    I dont know how these people even exist.

    • @tripl9
      @tripl9 17 часов назад

      sorry these were me. temu license

  • @BiscuitDelivery
    @BiscuitDelivery День назад +3

    4:50 It's the IRL version of that scene in the office when Dwight and Michael drive into a lake because the GPS told them to.

  • @SkyeFire-707
    @SkyeFire-707 3 дня назад +30

    First clip looks like a family guy cutaway gag

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 2 дня назад +4

    9:27 The cop actually waves at him like 'i got you bro'

  • @Icetea-2000
    @Icetea-2000 3 дня назад +22

    Why is Leafy commenting over these clips?

  • @br92856
    @br92856 3 дня назад +9

    this guy knows how to react to these dumb drivers

  • @activatewindows8609
    @activatewindows8609 2 дня назад +3

    "Here's what you wanna do here, when you're spinning, you wanna stop spinning"

  • @Illuminateus
    @Illuminateus 2 дня назад +8

    15:00 yooo what if he had anyone in the back seat, maybe asleep on a roadtrip and now they are waking up flipping down a mountain

  • @fluxx8057
    @fluxx8057 2 дня назад +63

    1:36 XQC: "what.. what is he being arrested for ?" as the guy is being pulled over for reving his car.
    22:23 Also XQC: "reving your car is loser shit"

    • @the-real-sleep
      @the-real-sleep 2 дня назад +43

      ?? He isn’t contradicting himself saying that bro. There is plenty of legal loser shit. Just because he thought it was legal doesn’t mean he thinks it’s cool bro 😭

    • @CoolPersonThing1
      @CoolPersonThing1 2 дня назад

      @the-real-sleep cope

    • @Tee954
      @Tee954 2 дня назад +7

      @@CoolPersonThing1 I checked your comments and you've been ratioed thrice

    • @CoolPersonThing1
      @CoolPersonThing1 2 дня назад

      @ The fact that you know how to check comments is embarrassing, also that's not even bad. Check my ratios vs how much I've been ratioed, nice try lil bro

    • @ultratronger
      @ultratronger 2 дня назад +20

      @@CoolPersonThing1 bro what do you mean "know how to check comments"? you just click the profile and you can see your entire comment history

  • @Humineral
    @Humineral 3 дня назад +5

    See it in my feed 😴🛌
    See xQc reacting to it in my feed

  • @BudgiePanic
    @BudgiePanic 2 дня назад +3

    2:45 Nah this one was just a deleted scene from the film Tenet

  • @Ragdoll00
    @Ragdoll00 2 дня назад +4


  • @AddMehh
    @AddMehh 2 дня назад +7

    6:52 me playing American Truck Simulator

  • @AdikMusicOfficialTM
    @AdikMusicOfficialTM 2 дня назад +1

    0:19 Final Destination 💀

  • @Joshua-jj9qj
    @Joshua-jj9qj 2 дня назад +5

    21:00 Randy Bobandy

  • @Drew_64
    @Drew_64 День назад

    that second one is a lawsuit and a half

  • @Mulletman42069
    @Mulletman42069 15 часов назад

    16:29 I instantly knew that’s the Sagtikos merge on southern state; everyone messes it up.

  • @FocusRite-h8b
    @FocusRite-h8b 2 дня назад +1

    when i was young I never thought I'd see grand theft auto video game in real life at such a degree. I was wrong.

  • @Sahbab11
    @Sahbab11 День назад +1

    Last video: "What's wrong with revving your car? It's his car he bought it, it's not illegal"
    This video: 22:22
    Holy flip flop Andy

  • @stonedmountainunicorn9532
    @stonedmountainunicorn9532 2 дня назад +7

    Stick shift would have prevented 80% of these clips

    • @the-real-sleep
      @the-real-sleep 2 дня назад +1

      How so? I am genuinely curious because I am in the process of getting my driver license (ultra noob driver) and I cannot think of any reasons why a stick shift would have prevented 80%. Please tell me

    • @stonedmountainunicorn9532
      @stonedmountainunicorn9532 2 дня назад +2

      @the-real-sleep Learning to drive a manual transmission will have you learn better car control.
      It uses a clutch pedal for your left foot, u have to use that when shifting or when your coming to a stand still.
      A lot of these clips are people just pressing the gas pedal like it's the brake, hard to do with the cluch engaged, not impossible though.
      But it all comes down to car control, driving manual takes more time to learn, but you will feel more one with the car and driving, unlike easy mode and press gas.
      Also idk where you from, but over here in The Netherlands we get 10-25 lessons before a driving exam, depending on your skills it could take more/less.
      Driving is a privileged here, they don't let anyone drive a car, which also helps with the trust in other road users.
      Bit of a rant but there you go

    • @cipher-s4p
      @cipher-s4p 2 дня назад

      ​@@stonedmountainunicorn9532 yea here in dumb-fuck America the type of people that get into these situations in the first place are the ones who are too lazy to learn stick. Also they give anyone a license here

    • @jaydenijtsma1134
      @jaydenijtsma1134 2 дня назад

      @@stonedmountainunicorn9532where I’m from tests are fairly easy, especially if you get a license from a small town because you don’t even need to go through a set of lights to pass

    • @Xation
      @Xation 2 дня назад +1

      @the-real-sleep Most of these clips are people pressing down gas instead of break while coming to a stop or while stationary, which is a problem on automatic cars because they will accelerate immediately. On a manual however you have to hold in the clutch when coming to a stop or while at a stop, and the clutch is basically like having the car in neutral(the clutch disengages the wheels from the engine), so pressing the gas pedal with the clutch held in just revs the car, it doesn't drive.
      Also you just mistake the gas for the break way less(if at all) since your left foot in on the clutch, so you have a better feel for where the pedals are, you wouldn't put your right foot next to your left thinking it's the gas because you know the break is the closest to the clutch.

  • @PK1-kc
    @PK1-kc 2 дня назад +1

    Some great original content here. Great job.

  • @EclipzMJ
    @EclipzMJ 2 дня назад

    I’m 20. I’ve only had my license for three years, but I’ve never even gotten close to anything that bad

  • @dahalofreeek
    @dahalofreeek 2 дня назад

    Daily Dose does a really amazing job of sourcing great clips that I've not seen before. Apparently he properly licenses everything he uses too.

  • @nimics
    @nimics 2 дня назад +6

    If I speak I am in big trouble. If I speak I am in big trouble. If I speak I am in big trouble.

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 2 дня назад

    4:35 i feel like that Pepsi truck was just trying to scare the shhit outta that train.

  • @criticalyoshi
    @criticalyoshi 2 дня назад

    3:42 driving too fast on frozen rivers can cause the ice to break. Dangerous for everyone.

  • @calebmantle5694
    @calebmantle5694 2 дня назад

    4:40 It can't mean that, Michael; this is the lake!

  • @sx7ti
    @sx7ti 2 дня назад

    2025 the year dose daily’ed the whole internet

  • @IrkNova
    @IrkNova 2 дня назад

    I remember driving on the highway one time and the guy in front of me had a mattress on his truck and it flew off his truck and if didnt react when it happened it couldve been a bad situation luckily i moved out of the way

  • @Kebabflott
    @Kebabflott 2 дня назад +1

    18:37 were in sweden. Swedish on the radio :D

  • @Dr_Telfort
    @Dr_Telfort 2 дня назад

    21:40 a wind turbine blade weight about 80 tons if i remember correctly (for 1.5MW wind turbine)

  • @Categoricalimperative123
    @Categoricalimperative123 19 часов назад

    4:12 How long did they think they had the foot on the brake 💀

  • @JacketCK
    @JacketCK 2 дня назад

    I feel infinitely smarter than most people, thank you

  • @Twobraid
    @Twobraid 2 дня назад

    2:55 I saw this happen on the highway once with a big 40yd bin. Taller door than that, about as wide. It was swigning in the othe lane, luckily we were all traveling the same direction. I couldn't get the guy to stop, was literally blaring my horn and flashing lights at him for like 2km. Bin truck drivers dont have the best rep here.

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 День назад

    19:19 i'm not gonna lie that looks like a fatal accident waiting to happen.

  • @echo5827
    @echo5827 2 дня назад

    People know you can barely hear honking behind you if you're going more than like 30mph

  • @アこう
    @アこう 3 дня назад

    where is xqc's driving clips?

    @TOBI.SARU. 2 дня назад

    7:48 You can fold those tables in half, people are so dumb its unbelievable.

  • @just_dont_do_it2883
    @just_dont_do_it2883 День назад

    some one in chat said "what is this ai voice??" like brother is actually dentege

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 2 дня назад

    2:38 of course it's an El Camino (if it's not please don't grill me)

  • @Re3quire
    @Re3quire 2 дня назад

    I wonder if xQc tells the Daily dose of internet guy later after every video

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 2 дня назад

    8:52 oh good they have my drinks.

  • @philj9594
    @philj9594 2 дня назад

    @2:52 no one commented on the guy also running a red light

  • @jespermynchau5580
    @jespermynchau5580 2 дня назад

    4:25 Pepsi commercial not aired.

  • @christiankucera1270
    @christiankucera1270 2 дня назад

    Amazon guy is gonna know it’s a bike path at the first concrete pole intersection lol

  • @Kai_oken_20
    @Kai_oken_20 2 дня назад

    i cannot understand how these people get to have a license.

  • @Ben-jz3mt
    @Ben-jz3mt 2 дня назад

    You can't help but think to yourself "there's no way anyone can be that stupid". Then you remember that most of the clips are from America then it all makes sense.

  • @ClaraBane
    @ClaraBane 2 дня назад +1

    12:37 does the train conductor even survive that?

    • @barrikuta4918
      @barrikuta4918 2 дня назад +1

      conductor is probably ok at first but if it derailed he would be in trouble

  • @atomicpotato2909
    @atomicpotato2909 2 дня назад

    21:02 that's Randy from Sunnyvale

  • @jhondiick4202
    @jhondiick4202 День назад

    No permit boy will explain it to us

  • @Tbag2106
    @Tbag2106 2 дня назад +2

    i miss the outro so much. xqc sucks so much now ):

  • @xerotoninz
    @xerotoninz 2 дня назад +2

    2 pedals i wonder which one should i press

    • @Zorgot.
      @Zorgot. 2 дня назад +2

      whoops that's the wrong one

  • @shawarmaman907
    @shawarmaman907 День назад

    Notice how most of this clips are from America 💀

  • @Ani_Zoid
    @Ani_Zoid 2 дня назад +2

    20:13 Belarus lol

  • @Ripcraze
    @Ripcraze 2 дня назад +1

    Americans drive automatic and they still confuse the break and gas... it's 2 damn pedals

    • @eshaaaan
      @eshaaaan 2 дня назад

      If europoors were able to afford cameras in their cars we could see all their mishaps

  • @rsalldaylong
    @rsalldaylong 3 дня назад +1

    2 min since upload :O

  • @Bosko2k
    @Bosko2k 2 дня назад +1

    Insane how this fn pillars not doing anything at all 0:19

    • @adamdunphy5981
      @adamdunphy5981 2 дня назад +2

      My guy that’s a window

    • @Bosko2k
      @Bosko2k День назад

      @@adamdunphy5981 you high?

  • @7kortos7
    @7kortos7 2 дня назад

    3:19 Dumbutt forgot or didn't know you put it in neutral first.

  • @marcus716
    @marcus716 2 дня назад

    20:25 5hour queue 😂

  • @revemb4653
    @revemb4653 2 дня назад

    @19:42 That cop is in the wrong. If someone refuses to pay the ticket and drives off you simply type in their information and mail them the ticket. You dont mess around with speeding karen and risk the lives of yourself or other people.

    • @Grim-mler
      @Grim-mler 23 часа назад

      Well, if she’s being arrested it’s a different story no?

  • @РаЫо
    @РаЫо 2 дня назад +7

    99% women

  • @GoonSouls
    @GoonSouls 2 дня назад

    2:23 😂 Huh? Is he mixing up how to pronounce his gfs name? What is that 💀

  • @jabbethehutt3652
    @jabbethehutt3652 2 дня назад

    #2:14 video came from San Antonio Tx. drivers are something there xqc..

  • @luke2806
    @luke2806 2 дня назад

    a lot of this driving is just meth or prescription drugs. especially the driving with a wheel missing. only someone who is methed up or medicated to the hilt would think thats fine.

  • @austinbiddulph
    @austinbiddulph День назад

    That crash is Elon fault 😂

  • @andreasaa2000
    @andreasaa2000 2 дня назад +9

    90% US clips

  • @echo5827
    @echo5827 2 дня назад

    Why? Because it's raining out and speed limits are the limit in ideal conditions

  • @revemb4653
    @revemb4653 2 дня назад

    how hard is it to not play around on the train tracks

  • @bogdanmbsubpls8672
    @bogdanmbsubpls8672 2 дня назад

    Why nobody is talking about his performance again youtube allstars?

  • @pikachude5490
    @pikachude5490 2 дня назад

    2:40 what the fuck I have this car, I got so confused

  • @willgund779
    @willgund779 2 дня назад

    If I was a black guy I would only wear white tank tops. Too bad I can't customize my skin

  • @frward
    @frward 2 дня назад

    10:21 tf he mean's ""panicked"?!

  • @Yunahsky
    @Yunahsky 2 дня назад

    xQc is the goatWe juicers love our goatObserve our goatAnd glaze our goatThe goat never loses

  • @teunvanderwal646
    @teunvanderwal646 2 дня назад

    why does the US even have above ground fire hydrants?

  • @slothguy_
    @slothguy_ 2 дня назад

    90% of these were normal accidents and don't care half broken car chad, only the 10% were dumb

  • @revemb4653
    @revemb4653 2 дня назад

    The left pedal is the brake no? (asking for a friend)

  • @WarIsOver25
    @WarIsOver25 2 дня назад

    Daily dose of cortisol

  • @ImperialAlex
    @ImperialAlex 2 дня назад

    10:39 Gomez Palacio, Durango...

  • @JustinTrill
    @JustinTrill 3 дня назад

    xQc the 🐐

  • @ChequeTwice
    @ChequeTwice 2 дня назад

    Considering most are American, how easy is it to get a licence there? Like Jesus, just bribe the examiner?

    • @eshaaaan
      @eshaaaan 2 дня назад

      Pretty hard to get a license here

    • @veeembee
      @veeembee 2 дня назад

      extremely easy

    • @Zorgot.
      @Zorgot. 2 дня назад

      very easy, just know what they want from you and practice that and it's ggs

  • @pommespeter420
    @pommespeter420 2 дня назад

    Merica Full of npcs

  • @bluscout6440
    @bluscout6440 2 дня назад

    15:58 I mean if you're heading to Ohio you'd rather do anything to get out

  • @user-hh3oi3yh4y
    @user-hh3oi3yh4y 2 дня назад

    All america? Actual GTA lobby...

  • @skibidirizz1295
    @skibidirizz1295 Час назад

    these sure were the dumbest drivers ever felix! i cant wait to see more!

  • @Aleksi723
    @Aleksi723 2 дня назад +1

    I can see why you americans drive automatics. You guys get so confused with 2 pedals and i dont want to find out what happens with 3.

    • @eshaaaan
      @eshaaaan 2 дня назад +1

      Europoor salty he can only afford a manual car from the 70s 😭✌️

    • @starlet_nekomiya
      @starlet_nekomiya 9 часов назад

      @@eshaaaan you know that there are new cars with manual?

  • @AnEnemyAnemone1
    @AnEnemyAnemone1 3 дня назад +1

    1 real comment, 6 bot comments

  • @wokelikeamf3616
    @wokelikeamf3616 23 часа назад

    do people not know how to brake instead of holding the gas pedal.

  • @guddud_3139
    @guddud_3139 3 дня назад

    so we watching xqc´s driving now for content?

    • @badcat7754
      @badcat7754 3 дня назад

      Closest thing we’ll get to a insta reals react

  • @omegazero3589
    @omegazero3589 2 дня назад

    I dont wanna say what.... what gender driver it was

  • @LemonA320
    @LemonA320 50 минут назад

    Well you have to earn the american driving license

  • @lucadellasciucca967
    @lucadellasciucca967 День назад

    Good lord we need self driving.
    Do your research, invest in Tesla.

  • @marcus716
    @marcus716 2 дня назад


  • @cartig0
    @cartig0 2 дня назад

    some people might be going backwards bc their trans shit out and theyre tryna get to a shop or smth

  • @kekecaca391
    @kekecaca391 2 дня назад


  • @smaug1872
    @smaug1872 2 дня назад

    they all normal in türkiye

  • @marcus716
    @marcus716 2 дня назад


  • @marcus716
    @marcus716 3 дня назад

    Any joyers 😂

  • @ThatRandomx
    @ThatRandomx 2 дня назад

    is this ai reacts? x is actually saying good ones wtf

  • @DanHosler
    @DanHosler 3 дня назад +1

    0:44 Advice on driving from someone who doesn't have a license 😐 Thanks Q