VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Crimson Roses [Final Episode + Extended Ending] [DeVilBro]

  1. 1,00 звёзд


    Plot does not make much coherent sense, and the ending renders everything that happened null and void. It felt like I wasted my time even playing this junk. Its not like the characters or animation are anything to shout about or feel invested in either.

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  2. 1,00 звёзд


    God awful storytelling and nonsense plot points that become more irrelevant to absolutely null and void by the ending of this game. Just pure made up nonsense I stress again, some of the plot points make no coherent sense. I think the storytelling was just thought of on the spot as the developer went on through the chapters and added whatever popped into his head. It does not work and the end was just so so bad and made no logical conclusion to whatever the rest of the game was. It has a completed tag also as of this review, so this must be the final iteration of this project. Some of the English is poor and I assume machine translated on some level. So I am assuming that the story was terrible to begin with and made no sense and putting it through machine translation made it a lot worse. That is my assumption.

    The minute I finished it I recalled it stated it has multiple paths, I had zero desire to even test that, I dragged it straight to my recycle bin and now will begin the process of flushing it from my mind after this review. Here is a brief spoiler below to stress the stupidity.

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    Anyway, I did not like this, I cover briefly some of why in the spoilers, terrible incoherent story. That is where I will leave it. If you play and enjoy it, no issues here. We all think differently and all have opinions.
  3. 4,00 звёзд


    Nice going man. Continue updating. Not much content though but good buidup. Hope to see more of this soon. If this goes well like so I think you will get support soon. So keep up.
    Good luck with the future updates.
  4. 4,00 звёзд


    Nice one
    Keep up. Got good potential. Content is still a bit less this time around but hope it improves overtime.