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alternate_color_scheme alternate_costume androgynous armpits arms_above_head bangs black_hair body_markings chains choker corruption erection fangs femboy genshin_impact hanging_down male_only malesub matemi multicolored_hair open_mouth opera_gloves penis pink_eyes pink_hair sharp_teeth smirk solo symbol text thighhighs thighs topless twin_braids venti_(genshin_impact) wings

2 comments (0 hidden)

>> #507991
Posted on 2023-05-02 06:51:31
Score: 2 (vote Up)
So what's the story behind Pink Venti (and why hasn't anyone else gotten the same treatment)?

>> #508207
Posted on 2023-05-04 18:54:18
Score: 2 (vote Up)
The upsidedown statu has corrupt him. Now he a bitch to the abyss.


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