A challenge!
(aka: I don't know how to do this thing right so please help me).
TLDR version: Here are two characters, how would YOU put them in a simple pose/scene together with proper lighting for a realistic effect (so as close to photographic as possible) where both characters are clearly visible and with proper ambient occlusion/shadows? Feel free to add any other char you want.
Longer version: Lighting has been my nemesis since day one as I have never been able to get the effects I want, particularly if the characters have skin tones that are too different. From what I can tell the skin they use also affects how the light reflects as well. So it's been ticking me off something fierce. So when I can finally get the look on one it either looks like cr*p on the other or I mess up the shadows on the scene. In particular, I have a hell of a time getting lighter skin tones not to blow out when I try to get proper occlusion/shadow effects. Don't even get me started on weird colors. If I try anything for a mood effect, like blue tint for night as an example, or near a fire source... I get some seriously weird effects and nothing at all like what I've seen on other's work. So yeah... I need help.

Is someone willing to pick up the challenge and do a basic demonstration scene using these extreme characters? I specifically chose two from my collection with as diametrically different skin tones as I could find.
Please let us know if you're using dhh or graphicsmod.
I basically stick with GM as that's what I started with and it's hard enough learning one but there may be others that benefit from different things.
Also, if you use a premade map, please note how you worked with the existing lighting. I've had the issue where I imported some characters I thought looked great but the pre existing lighting on the map just....no. All bad.