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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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Birthday Thief - STANDARD DEF

10/26/17 9:00 AM12 min361 MBmp4480p
Price73.99 EUR


A sucker is born every day, and suckers are My favorite prey. And I love birthdays. As a matter of fact, I want a birthday EVERY DAY. I know, I'll steal yours! The one day you get to feel special, the one day they give you free coffee, the one day you can say is yours - it's MINE now. I'm taking it, and you're giving it, because you're too weak to stand up to Me.

What sorts of awesome things am I going to do with MY new birthday? I'm going to do all the things you'll never get to do, and I'm going to take what few things you do have. I'm even taking the money that your grammy put in your birthday card, bitch.

I'm collecting birthdays every day, until I'm eternally celebrated and have taken them from every single loser on Earth. No more birthdays for you, dummy, because they're all Mine Mine Mine now, and I'm basically making you a cuckold to your own birthday. Watch Me enjoy it. Watch Me squeeze every last drop out of it. Watch Me use it and it like you never could. Watch Me spend it much better than you ever have.....I'm even taking your birthday orgasm too.


Clip contains uncensored nudity

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