Puppy meat is no worse than a pork chop

Animals are here to be eaten. If there is an emotional attachment to a certain type of animal to where you are unable to eat it, so be it. To eat a human provides a whole other emotional connection: Would you rather eat your grandmother or the family dog?

Or would you rather eat someone's pet potbelly pig (and feel guilty that you killed and ate it) or eat a strange piece of meat (which is human and you have no idea what it is) but later found out what it is human. Which would you had preferred to have eaten then?

There are so many scenarios to include when it comes to eating meat. And even human meat. What one does not know what they eat; they will not complain.

Only meat I will not eat is that lab produced meat they produce in labs.
the reason people i north america dont eat dog meat is because we keep dogs as domesticated pets, we love and nurture them and a dog can be really cute and a dog can be really good for a persons health, gets them outside and walking, etc....

its the same reason people in n.a. dont eat horse meat

the reason we eat cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, is because they were bred to be eaten long before anyone (if there is actually anyone) decide to keep them as a pet
What if you were on a plane that crashed deep in the woods and you were alive and well but without food and no one would come to save you, a week goes by and after scavenging for berries or fish without any luck you come upon a wolf puppy hidden in the brush, only a few days old but no mother in sight, what do you do?
What if you were on a plane that crashed deep in the woods and you were alive and well but without food and no one would come to save you, a week goes by and after scavenging for berries or fish without any luck you come upon a wolf puppy hidden in the brush, only a few days old but no mother in sight, what do you do?

kill the first person that suggests we eat the wolf pup, and then eat them

Maria the SnakeBabe

Official Checked Star Member
.......I believe eating the meat of any animal is wrong.....especially the mass corporate processing of animals for human consumption....
Now, as some of you know, I had a "mild" heart attack back in October '10, and a friend of mine just about a month ago finally convinced me to going vegetarian.... Oh yeah, and I'm losing weight, and felling better than I have in a long time actually.

I'm with you on that, the suffering animals go through is so horrible I had to go Vegan. It is tuff at times but I haven’t had meat, dairy or eggs in years and never been healthier. So good luck in sticking with it. Have you seen the movie "Forks over knives"? It is about eating and health issues like your going through, you will love it. :)

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I think the issue is how we are brought up. In the US at a young age most of us are taught dogs are pets. You treat them well and would not consider eating them. I know in other countries they eat dog and yeah it bothers me since I love dogs.

Any animal should be treated with respect. Animals breed for food should be taken well care of before they are slaughtered. I don't like how China and some of these other countries skin dogs and other animals alive. That is beyond horrible. :(
Jane makes a good point. This is all an ideological problem - dogs are pet for people, generally speaking pigs, chickens, and cows aren't.

Now I buy about 1/3 of a cow at a time - I get it from a local farmer who raises the cows entirely organically. They're grass fed, and he doesn't have huge numbers of cows. So few, in fact, that his daughter names the cows. Does that make them pets? Are they less appealing now?

Nah, I'd try dog meat if it were readily available.

Jon S.

I'm with you on that, the suffering animals go through is so horrible I had to go Vegan. It is tuff at times but I haven’t had meat, dairy or eggs in years and never been healthier. So good luck in sticking with it. Have you seen the movie "Forks over knives"? It is about eating and health issues like your going through, you will love it. :)
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Actually, I always felt like a hypocrite when I continued to eat meat even after I was old enough to realize & think about the suffering the animals went through for me to be able to eat it. Funny thing, where I grew up, hunting was a "rite of passage" for boys.....and I actually couldn't bring myself to go out and shoot some defenseless animal....even at a young age. So, even from a moral standpoint I feel better now, even if it took health concerns to make me to what I believed was right in the 1st place.

I haven't had any meat, eggs, or dairy (aside from some seafood) since late August. I find the thing that makes it roughest is all of the temptations you see every day, everywhere you go....even on tv. But, I'm getting through it, &, like I said, I'm actually feeling better than I have in a very long time. Fortunately I love pasta, and things like that, so that makes it easier too.

Now, actually I haven't seen "Forks Over Knives" yet, but I have heard of it....so I'm DEFINITELY going to check it out.
"If we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?" - Author unknown


Torn & Frayed.
Two quotes by Denis Leary which apply to this thread:

"We only want to save the cute ones."


"Not eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct".


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I bet Lindsay Lohan would be the same way.


Also, wonder what a dog meat cupcake would taste like?

Probably far too sweet, the over sugaring an attempt to hide the deeply unpleasant, gamey and corrupt ingredients that made up the majority of what appears to be a frivolously simple and tiny cake, but is - in fact - a petite four shat from Satan's sulfurous sphincter ....