List of grammar schools in Northern Ireland

This is a list of all 65 grammar schools operating in Northern Ireland.

Name Location County Type
Abbey Christian Brothers' Grammar School Newry Down Voluntary Grammar
Antrim Grammar School Antrim Antrim Controlled Grammar
Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Assumption Grammar School Ballynahinch Down Voluntary Grammar
Ballyclare High School Ballyclare Antrim Controlled Grammar
Ballymena Academy Ballymena Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Banbridge Academy Banbridge Down Controlled Grammar
Bangor Grammar School Bangor Down Voluntary Grammar
Belfast High School Newtownabbey Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Belfast Royal Academy Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Bloomfield Collegiate School Belfast Down Controlled Grammar
Cambridge House Grammar School Ballymena Antrim Controlled Grammar
Campbell College Belfast Down Voluntary Grammar
Carrickfergus Grammar School Carrickfergus Antrim Controlled Grammar
Christian Brothers Grammar School Omagh Tyrone Voluntary Grammar
Coleraine Grammar School Coleraine Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Dalriada School Ballymoney Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Dominican College Fortwilliam Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Dominican College Portstewart Portstewart Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Down High School Downpatrick Down Controlled Grammar
Enniskillen Royal Grammar School Enniskillen Fermanagh Voluntary Grammar
Foyle College Derry Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Friends' School Lisburn Lisburn Down Voluntary Grammar
Glenlola Collegiate School Bangor Down Controlled Grammar
Grosvenor Grammar School Belfast Down Controlled Grammar
Hunterhouse College Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Larne Grammar School Larne Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Lecale Trinity Grammar School Downpatrick Down Voluntary Grammar
Limavady Grammar School Limavady Londonderry Controlled Grammar
Loreto College Coleraine Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Loreto Grammar School Omagh Tyrone Voluntary Grammar
Lumen Christi College Derry Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Lurgan College Lurgan Armagh Controlled Grammar
Methodist College Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
Mount Lourdes Grammar School Enniskillen Fermanagh Voluntary Grammar
Omagh Academy Grammar School Omagh Tyrone Controlled Grammar
Our Lady and St Patrick's College Belfast Down Voluntary Grammar
Our Lady's Grammar School Newry Down Voluntary Grammar
Portadown College Portadown Armagh Controlled Grammar
Rainey Endowed School Magherafelt Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Rathmore Grammar School Belfast Down Voluntary Grammar
Regent House School Newtownards Down Controlled Grammar
Royal Belfast Academical Institution (RBAI) (Inst) Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
The Royal School Armagh Armagh Armagh Voluntary Grammar
Royal School Dungannon Dungannon Tyrone Voluntary Grammar
Sacred Heart Grammar School Newry Down Voluntary Grammar
St Colman's College Newry Down Voluntary Grammar
St Columb's College Derry Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
St Dominic's Grammar School for Girls Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
St Joseph's Grammar School Donaghmore Tyrone Voluntary Grammar
St Louis Grammar School Ballymena Ballymena Antrim Voluntary Grammar
St Louis Grammar School Kilkeel Kilkeel Down Voluntary Grammar
St Malachy's College Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
St Mary's Christian Brothers' Grammar School Belfast Antrim Voluntary Grammar
St Mary's Grammar School Magherafelt Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
St Michael's College Enniskillen Fermanagh Voluntary Grammar
St Patrick's Academy Dungannon Tyrone Voluntary Grammar
St Patrick's Grammar School Armagh Armagh Voluntary Grammar
Strabane Academy Strabane Tyrone Controlled Grammar
Strathearn School Belfast Down Voluntary Grammar
Sullivan Upper School Holywood Down Voluntary Grammar
Thornhill College Derry Londonderry Voluntary Grammar
Victoria College Belfast Down Voluntary Grammar
Wallace High School Lisburn Down Voluntary Grammar
Wellington College Belfast Belfast Down Controlled Grammar

Non-grammar schools using grammar level entry

School name Location County Type
Lagan College Belfast Down Grant Maintained Integrated
Slemish Integrated College Ballymena Antrim Grant Maintained Integrated
Strangford Integrated College Carrowdore Down Grant Maintained Integrated

The above 3 schools use grammar level entry for a percentage of all entrants in comparison to grammar schools where all entrants are accepted based on academic performance.

See also


