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District Killa Saifullah or Qilla Saifullah

(The fort/castle of Saifullah Khan)

Qilla Saifullah became a district on 14th December 1988 and is named after Saifullah Khan, who was from the Mirdadzai (Khodadzai) tribe of Kakar Sunzerkhail. He was the great grandson of Zarh Nikka, a renowned religious scholar who built a fort at Rabat Karaiz, town and Tehsil Qila Saifullah, which was demolished by the British in an assault. His grandson is named Haji Abdul Haleem Akhunzada and great grandsons Haji Aziz Ahmed and Haji Mati ullah still lives on the place where Saifullah used to operate against the English forces. Saifullah Khan also went to Kalat Afghanistan to raise insurgency against the British.[2]

Qilla Saifullah used to be part of Zhob District and known as Upper Zhob sub-division. In 2006 Kashatoo sub-tehsil of Zhob District was transferred to Qilla Saifullah district with a new name, Badinai. After the inclusion of Badinai sub-tehsil, (whose area is not known) in Qilla Saifullah District, the district was re-organised as far as administrative division is concerned. At present the district is divided into two sub-divisions: Qilla Saifullah and Muslim Bagh. Qilla Saifullah sub-division comprises one tehsil (Qilla Saifullah) and one sub-tehsil (Badinai). Qilla Saifullah tehsil is further sub-divided into 2 Qanungo circles and then into 5 patwar circles. The entire Badinai sub-tehsil is a Qanungo circle as well as patwar circle. Muslim Bagh sub-division comprises Muslim Bagh tehsil and Loiband sub-tehsil. The entire Muslim Bagh tehsil is one Qanungo circle, further sub-divided into 4 patwar circles. The Loiband sub-tehsil consists of one qanungo circle and is sub-divided into 2 patwar circles Over 99% of the people of the area are Muslims. The population of Qilla Abdullah district is estimated to be over 350,000 in 2005. The vast majority of the population of Qilla Saifullah is Pakhtun.

Saifullah Khan Mirdadzai (Khoidadzai) was a great warrior belonging to the Khudiadadzai tribe (a sub-caste of kakars sunzerkhel) in the area of present day Balochistan. In the 1880s he fought against the British troops that were conquering the region. He engaged the British army many times, fighting valiantly every time[citation needed]. The British army approached his castle, Qalla, and demanded his surrender. Saifullah Khan refused, swearing to fight for his honor until the last drop of his blood[citation needed]. An assault on the castle ensued, lasting for many days. Eventually the British called for a cessation of fighting after demolishing his great castle but Saifullah Khan fled and established himself safe in Kalat (Zabul Province of Afghanistan) and used to operate against British form there. To his surprise the area was named Killa Saifullah, meaning "the castle of Saifullah Khan," in honor of his bravery. The word Killa is a variant spelling of the proper Qalla.HIs Castle was located at Killi Rabat Karaiz, where still his family in the eldership of Haji Abdul Halim Akhunzada used to live.

The famous Shah Abdul Rehman of Afganistan also paved visit to Killa Saifullah (Once-called Zhob) and met Saifullah Khan and he was very much convinced with the bravery of Saifullah Khan toat one occasion when a robber gang on horses attacked the Shah Abdul Rehman convoy in Zhob territory but encountering with Saifullah Khan and the Shah's guardians, the robbers fled and the king was saved. The King awarded "SWORD" to Saifullah Khan. This situation has also been clarified in the autobiography of King Abdul Rehman of Afghanistan in his manuscript "DA ABDUL REHMAN LAAS LIK".

There are many verses in folk songs about Saifullah Khan's bravery. One story says that when two parties were to settle a dispute by fighting, one party was asked if they would rather have a group of many people, or only Saifullah Khan. They chose Saifullah Khan, solely for his bravery[citation needed], saying that he alone was equal to a group of sixty or sixty-five people.

In a famous Pashtu verse his bravery is mantioned as: Grana Khup dai ka baran dai, Ka zhobai Saifullah Khan dai...means: Is it the torrential rainy storm or The saifullah khan of Zhob. Saifullah Khan has been metaphorically placed as "Torrential Rainy Storm" in this Pashtu folk

Retrieved from "http://SC-british-hisriry.co.uk /Qilla_Saifullah"


1- Saifullah Khan (After whom the district has been named)

2- Nawab Bangul Khan Jogezai

3- Dost Mohammad Nikka

5- Sha Jehan Zhobai Jogezai

6- Hamza NIkka Daultzai

7- Gul Baro Jogezai

8- MOhammad Akbar Khan Jogezai

9- Shingul Jogezai

10- Basharat Nikka Khoidadzai

B- Administration

The district is administratively subdivided into the following tehsils:[1]

Qilla Saifullah Muslim Bagh Province {{{province}}} Area km² Population ()

• Density 
• /km² 

Time zone PST (UTC+5) Established

• District Nazim
• District Naib Nazim
• District Council
• Number of Tehsils 14th December 1988
• Mulvi Anwar-ud-Din
• Asmatullah
• {{{seats}}} seats 
• {{{tehsils}}} 

Main language(s) Website [1]

Qilla Saifullah ou Killa Saifullah est un fort (qilla), construite par Saifullah Khan, appartenant à Mirdadzai tribu Khoidadadza de Kakars. Le Qilla Saifullah district du Pakistan tire son nom de ce fort.

Saifullah est né en 1827 à Saifullah Killa (ancienne Haute-Zhob) et était le petit-fils du savant religieux Akhunzada Ullah Faiz (Zarh Nikka). Dans le 7e de Octobre lorsque les forces britanniques ont attaqué sa Qilla (maintenant Karaiz Rabat) et le Qilla de Shah Jehan Jogezai (La Badshah de Zhob) près Akhterzai (aussi appelé Daultzai Battle par Sir Aitecheson), Shah Jahan, Saifullah et Hamza Daultzai battus bravement dans les collines Daulatzai, Malik Hamza Daultzai et Ghaus Mohammad ont été tués et Shah Jehan et Saifullah Khan, a échappé de naarrow, s'est rendu à Kalat Afghanistan pour soulever l'insurrection contre les Britanniques. Toutes les autres chefs tribaux ainsi que leurs 500 hommes ont admis leur soumission aux forces britanniques et soupira un traité avec les Britanniques de ne pas interférer avec leur quelque chose en Zhob (Ref: Zhob Gazeeter Volume 2)

Qilla Saifullah devint un district le 14 Décembre 1988. Auparavant, il faisait partie du district de Zhob et connu sous le Haut Zhob sub-division. Killa Saifullah est d'environ 135 km au sud de Quetta. Killa Saifullah est un important district de districts pashtounes du Baloutchistan. Districts voisins sont Zhob, Loralai, Pishin. Ses frontières sont aussi liés à un pays voisin de l'Afghanistan a appelé Durind Line.

L'importance historique du Premier Zhob est d'avoir été un berceau de la race afghane. Au 7ème siècle, Hiuen Tsiang, un pèlerin chinois a décrit les Afghans vivant dans Zhob. Au début du 13ème siècle, le pays est entré dans la sphère des raids organisés par Gengis Khan, le Mongol. En 1398 après J.-C., une expédition contre les Afghans de la région était dirigée par Pir Muhammad, petit-fils d'Amir Timur. Bien qu'aucune information faisant foi existent quant à toute occupation étrangère, forts de nombreux monticules et karez sont attribués à des Moghols. Les deux Nadir Shah (1736-47 AD) et Ahmed Shah (1747-73 AD) ont étendu leur pouvoir à travers le Baloutchistan et désormais Zhob restés sous la suzeraineté plus ou moins nominale de l'Durranis et Barakzais jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe sous la protection britannique. Au milieu du 18ème siècle, Ahmed Shah délivrance d'un certificat (Sanad) à Bekar Nika, quatrième en descente à partir Jogi et le chef de la famille Jogizai, lui conférant le titre et le poste de "Badshah ou d'une règle de Zhob" à Shah Jehan Jogezai.

Il ya deux tehsils (Killa Saifullah et Muslim Bagh) et 15 conseils de l'Union Le Conseil de l'Union sont les suivants: 1-Ville Killa Saifullah (majorité de la population: Musazai, Jalalzai, Daulatzai, les Afghans et quelques Panjabis) 2-Sadar Killa Saifullah (Merzai Tribe Fatozai, Malazai, Pasainzai) 3-Batozai (Batozai, Baratkhail, Hamzazai, Rustamzai) 4-Akhterzai (Atherzai, Saibzai, Alikhail, Daulatzai) 5-Sharan Jogezai (Jogezai, Karimzai, Shahzai) 6-Tübli (Khodzai, Shahzai) 7-Badini (Shahzai, Merzai) 8-Gwal Ismailzai. (Ismailzai, Ghorezai) 9-ville musulmane Bagh (Sargarah, Rahatzai, Sultanzai, bazai, Durani & some Panjabis) 10-Sadar musulmans Bagh ( 12-Kanchoghi 12-Murgha Faqirzai (Merzai-Faqirzai) 13-Nasai (Khoidadzai) 14-Loiband (Merzai, Jalalzai) 15-Kan Mehterzai (Mehterzai) 16-Ragha Sultanzai. (Sultanzai)

Essentiellement des tribus de Killa Saifullah sont les suivants:

KAKAR: Sanzerkhails et Sanatas SANZERKHAIL: Mirzai-Shadozai, Batozai-Ismailzai-Haiderzai-Ghorezai, Sargarah dans Muslibagh SANATIA: Mehterzai, Sultanzai.

Personnages Célèbres La majorité des personnalités célèbres appartiennent à Jalalzai (Jogezai) Tribe.

Sardar Shah Jehan Jogezai (La Badshah de Zhob) Dost Mohamad KhanJogezai Mohammad Akbar Khan Jogezai (petit-fils de Shah Jehan Jogezai & petit-fils maternel de Saifullah Khan Khoidadzai) Bangul Nawab Khan Jogezai (Le fils de Dost Mohammad Jogezai) Saifullah Khan Khoidadzai (Après qui Killa Saifullah a été nommé) Maik Hamza Daulatzai (Daulatzai martyre durant la guerre avec les forces britanniques en 1884) Basharat Khoidadzai (Le fils-frère de Shah Jehan Jogezai) Sher Jan Jogezai (Qui a tué l'agent britannique BARNES politique de Zhob par Revolver) Baz Jogezai

D'autres personnalités célèbres

Nawab Shah Taimur Jogezai Shehzada Khan Merzai (Le Sardar de Mirzai Kakar tribu) Malik Raza Musazai Haji Lughunai Shahzai Haji Lonrai Alikhail Baz Mohammad Khan Mehterza

  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference undefined was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ http://www.balochistan.gov.pk/DistrictProfile/DDP%20Final%202012/Killa%20Saifullah/Killa%20Saifullah.pdf