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Feb 6, 10:33 PM
Jan 2022
disappointed that he's allergic to maintaining a relationship but hey, guess that's why he's a successful isekai MC and I'm just a dude sitting on my couch, I don't got my priorities right

would've rioted if he left the bobcat tho, glad he realised that was unacceptable
Feb 6, 10:43 PM

Nov 2018
I feel the worst for Anama...she got that hope of adopting Anemone only to have her run off, then couldn't find her anywhere...she probably sat at dude's house worrying all day waiting for him to show up
Feb 6, 11:54 PM
Dec 2020
I'm glad he left. That town wasn't special, he didn't know those people long and then there is threat to his life due to human greed. He should travel a little, save a small fortune selling modern goods and then fuck off to the middle of some old forest or mountains, so he can stay away from any bigger settlements and live the slow life he wanted. Give the man his gardening and curry for dinner
Feb 7, 1:27 AM
Aug 2024
Bro got jiggy with azalea but told primula she’s to young find someone better???
Feb 7, 2:22 AM

Jul 2023
Poor Primula. I hope they meet again later.

It's now made explicit that Azalea wants to fuck him. Too bad, Anemone cockblocked her. She's a gold digger now, but I wouldn't mind her as one of Kenichi's lovers.
Feb 7, 4:09 AM
May 2017
Reply to Sheol01
@leonardobarba Thank you for the clip! Man, I miss my car. I use to listen to the local Classic Rock Station every morning before work. Sometimes more than an hour.
Oh, but I hope this Anime' has a better ending than "Easy Rider" did!
@Sheol01 Always rooting for anime episodes or its characters to form a couple with some much loved (Rock) songs... hope to go with Deep Purple someday!

On the same Kenichi's mood...

Sheol01 said:
...I hope this Anime' has a better ending than "Easy Rider" did!

Me too, and it seems pretty likely! Kenichi is not a fool... and Anemone, even less of.
leonardobarbaFeb 7, 4:12 AM
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 7, 5:44 AM

Jan 2017
He left his women and ran away with his loli. Very based.
Feb 7, 7:42 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to ejleon
@LaczPro19 Yeah I realized that after, I am sorry for misreading what you said, it totally makes sense when I finally read it right.

I agree that it is "funny" in family sense, but I don't know what the "joke" part is.

Anyways, sorry to bother you and hope you have a good night or day.

@ejleon no worries. Like I said, it was a silly joke. Nothing to see here, moving on.
Feb 7, 9:20 AM
Apr 2024
MarchinBunny said:
I am pretty confused why he wouldn't tell any of the friends he made that he is leaving. Leaving without telling anyone seems kind of messed up. Plus, he must realize that no matter where he goes, he is going to attract attention. A slow relaxing life isn't feasible when you have been isekaied and have a weird power that you use constantly while also spreading knowledge from your own world.

The thing everyone is looking past is how they treated him. He showed them the bike and they laughed at him. Then mass produced it and only brought it up after he saw one. 5 golds for giving them a name and status. Then everyone thinks he owes them an explanation on why he left. Yes I think he left a note but nobody is looking at their actions either.
Feb 7, 10:22 AM

Jul 2024
leonardobarba said:
and Anemone, even less of.

And we see her becoming a mage in the OP.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 7, 3:15 PM
Feb 2022
I kinda understand why Kenichi disappears, but the problem with him dreaming of having "slow life" is he already stand out with the Sanchez. If there was a train in that world, he should follow the damn train.
Feb 7, 4:03 PM

Jun 2019
siraqOrNoraq said:
Bro got jiggy with azalea but told primula she’s to young find someone better???

I don't think it's about the sex, but what theoretically comes after. The first time he was with Azalea during his first night at that inn when he initially arrived in town, and again this latest time (before they were interrupted), it was treated as like a one night stand on his part. Other than being the manager or proprietress of a decent enough inn he stays at, she's not connected to anyone or anything else in the town or involving him, so probably less fear of strings attached.

Whereas with Primula it seemed clear from early on that she wanted to get closer in general, as in a long-term relationship of some form. He seemed to recognize that and it's also a lot more complicated due to knowing her father and being essentially business partners in the trading industry together. Probably didn't want to jeopardize his moneymaking opportunity and business relationships. He may have jeopardized them now anyway by skipping town without a word, but who knows? Maybe he left a note for her father or there is more to it or something.
Feb 7, 4:25 PM

Feb 2008
Reply to Scottvdub
MarchinBunny said:
I am pretty confused why he wouldn't tell any of the friends he made that he is leaving. Leaving without telling anyone seems kind of messed up. Plus, he must realize that no matter where he goes, he is going to attract attention. A slow relaxing life isn't feasible when you have been isekaied and have a weird power that you use constantly while also spreading knowledge from your own world.

The thing everyone is looking past is how they treated him. He showed them the bike and they laughed at him. Then mass produced it and only brought it up after he saw one. 5 golds for giving them a name and status. Then everyone thinks he owes them an explanation on why he left. Yes I think he left a note but nobody is looking at their actions either.
They didn't laugh at him, they laughed at the idea, of which he didn't even come up with (it's just him introducing technology from his world). And even if it was a situation where it was his idea they laughed at, it shouldn't be too surprising given he is in a totally different world where this shit doesn't exist. Also, it doesn't matter that they changed their mind and decided to mass produce it. He literally showed them for that purpose, and they paid him as well as apologized. They didn't treat him poorly. You are just trying to make a problem where there isn't one.

And for argument's sake, let's just go with your weird argument and pretend like the MC had his feefees hurt when they laughed about the bike. Even then, that still wouldn't be a good enough excuse for leaving without telling anyone. Plus, you are forgetting, there are other people too he didn't tell who had nothing to do with the bike situation. What about them? What's your argument then? Are you going to make something else up and pretend the MC also had his feefees hurt by them as well?
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Feb 7, 5:21 PM
May 2023
well i kinda feeling that Primula might join Kenichi in his journey at some point.
Feb 7, 5:49 PM
Feb 2015
why this episode ending like it's a final episode of this season-type episode lololol
Feb 7, 7:09 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to sodrainz
@ejleon I'm merely stating that he still "ditched" her. Like their relationship was, at minimum, friendly. And you can ditch friends. There's no requirement to be in possession of someone to ditch them.

But yea, this episode made no sense esp in the context of the OP and ED where they're all together.
sodrainz said:
sp in the context of the OP and ED where they're all together.

That is a good point, misleading, unless something happens to bring them back together.

But I would think she would be mad at him.

Thank you, I understand, yeah he should have a least talked to her about things, before leaving.

Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Feb 7, 8:47 PM
Apr 2022
I was really enjoying this show. I wouldn't bother posting if I wasn't. It's not cool to wait until the middle of the 5th episode to tell your viewers that the MC is the kind of guy that would share his bed with a strange little girl. Sharing the same room is unacceptable. A real man would have scolded her and handed her over to an appropriate authority. What kind of wimp shrugs his shoulders instead of supporting the woman that actually wants to be the little girls caretaker.
Feb 7, 10:24 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to Noonz78
I was really enjoying this show. I wouldn't bother posting if I wasn't. It's not cool to wait until the middle of the 5th episode to tell your viewers that the MC is the kind of guy that would share his bed with a strange little girl. Sharing the same room is unacceptable. A real man would have scolded her and handed her over to an appropriate authority. What kind of wimp shrugs his shoulders instead of supporting the woman that actually wants to be the little girls caretaker.
@Noonz78 Single dads are allowed to sleep in the same bed with their daughters without it being construed as sexual deviancy. If doing so makes you think sexual thoughts, that's a you problem that you should urgently seek therapy for.
Feb 8, 4:19 AM

Jul 2020
episode 5 ending was kinda bitter sweet but also a good change of scenery because usually this type of protagonist sticks around the first place they've ever been so I was wrong on my first impression. wherever he plans to go next I hope he gets the slow life he dream of lol
Feb 8, 2:32 PM

Jun 2019
sodrainz said:
Single dads are allowed to sleep in the same bed with their daughters without it being construed as sexual deviancy. If doing so makes you think sexual thoughts, that's a you problem that you should urgently seek therapy for.

Well, in fairness, he or she didn't say anything about it constituting sexual deviancy or even seem to imply that. They just appear to think it makes the main character a "wimp".
Feb 8, 4:34 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to WatchTillTandava
sodrainz said:
Single dads are allowed to sleep in the same bed with their daughters without it being construed as sexual deviancy. If doing so makes you think sexual thoughts, that's a you problem that you should urgently seek therapy for.

Well, in fairness, he or she didn't say anything about it constituting sexual deviancy or even seem to imply that. They just appear to think it makes the main character a "wimp".
@WatchTillTandava I disagree. Why is sharing the same room as a little girl (that basically is demonstrated as viewing him as an adoptive guardian) "unacceptable"? Why does he argue that it is fine for a woman to pick up a strange little girl but not a man?
Feb 8, 8:21 PM
Oct 2022
I don't think he's up to anything nefarious, but there is literally ZERO reason why he should take on raising a young girl in a world he knows so little about! She can say she wants to stay with him as much as she wants, but as long as he knows he took her to a safe place, he should comfortably leave her there. Why should she sleep in his bed with him when he was willing to give up sleeping in the bed when Primula came over late at night? Just sleep in a sleeping bag or get a futon. Because there was no point to it, them running off together is just as pointless. It feels like the purpose of this arc was to collect these party members, but they both don't need to be there.
Feb 9, 10:20 AM

Jun 2019
sodrainz said:
I disagree. Why is sharing the same room as a little girl (that basically is demonstrated as viewing him as an adoptive guardian) "unacceptable"? Why does he argue that it is fine for a woman to pick up a strange little girl but not a man?

Based on his use of the term "wimp" in this context, it seems that user's view is that it's "unacceptable" because it represents giving into a childish/bratty girl's whims and raising a child that isn't his biologically or that he wasn't originally intending to, thinking this makes the main character weak and too soft or something. Rather than simply firmly telling the child "No", refusing to get closer to or humor her in any way, insisting that she go with the older woman, Anama, that actually wanted and had intended to adopt and raise her, and facilitating that outcome.
Feb 9, 1:27 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to WatchTillTandava
sodrainz said:
I disagree. Why is sharing the same room as a little girl (that basically is demonstrated as viewing him as an adoptive guardian) "unacceptable"? Why does he argue that it is fine for a woman to pick up a strange little girl but not a man?

Based on his use of the term "wimp" in this context, it seems that user's view is that it's "unacceptable" because it represents giving into a childish/bratty girl's whims and raising a child that isn't his biologically or that he wasn't originally intending to, thinking this makes the main character weak and too soft or something. Rather than simply firmly telling the child "No", refusing to get closer to or humor her in any way, insisting that she go with the older woman, Anama, that actually wanted and had intended to adopt and raise her, and facilitating that outcome.
@WatchTillTandava The use of "wimp" in context was specifically only supporting a random woman picking up the strange little girl. Nothing before then.
Feb 9, 6:54 PM
Jan 2023
Legit kinda happy he ditched the entire town.
I mean it's sad but I'm sick of everyone giving up their slow life dream and accepting the chaos they're now in. He said this is too much and he left. Which is super realistic for a guy with no roots.
Feb 10, 6:47 AM

Oct 2017
Damn he really just left without even telling anyone, specially Primula, who's heartbroken.

Everyone got rewarded with a lot of gold and so on but feels bad. Atleast the cat and Anemone's with him. Was nice to see Azalea again.
Feb 10, 9:45 AM
May 2008
I was really liking this one and this episode makes me falter a bit. The last one was full of good build-up and development for several things and quite a bit for a certain connection and they just followed with a bookkeeping episode and shot the last one on the foot? Made me a bit sad how this one went....
Feb 11, 12:25 PM
May 2017
Drop, enough is enough, premise was good, but went downhill to running away with pdf. In the other hand it is funny, he ordered separate beds for grown up woman, but slept with loli.
Feb 13, 9:52 PM

Jul 2022
This is so stupid... instead of solving the root of the problem, he runs away like it won't follow him where ever he goes. How is this man almost 40 y/o?
Feb 15, 11:48 PM

Mar 2013
I'm glad he ditched the village, and gone to an adventure, but to escape from there and not taking his future wife... (The blonde-long-one)
MC can't get his priorities.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Feb 16, 11:48 PM
Dec 2022
After rescuing Primula, Anemone and the girls from the bandits, Kenichi collects his reward and sell their loot. But Kenichi is moving away due to the unwanted attention of his success.
Feb 17, 3:44 PM

Mar 2020
So sorry What's with this gigantic 180° turn it makes no sense 🤣🤣😂! Well, I say, it makes no sense, but hey, that's the scenario. Quite sad for the poor girl there who's brought lots of glitter into her life xD
Feb 18, 9:03 AM
Oct 2024
Damn, it was good seeing Mallow welcome Primula back and then proceed to talk shop. I was happy the rescue went without a hitch, but seeing the townspeople act like they weren't the biggest assholes for the way they treated Kenichi and his team was aggravating. Kenichi’s a standup guy for not only rescuing everyone but also helping all those women get a decent start in town. It shows us that he may be a flawed man, but he’s a stand-up guy. Also, his skills are way OP. They got so much loot from those bandits and they deserved every bit of it. Yeah, they made out like literal bandits from this rescue. It was sad seeing Anama lose Anemone, but it was never her decision to make. Anemone may be a child, but she has every right to decide who she goes with. Being with Kenichi may not be the best option, but she seems very happy and he is giving her the best life possible. She now has a roof over her head, education, great nutrition, and a great surrogate parent. Kenichi’s not perfect, but he’s trying his best to provide stability for her. Anemone is so precious and keeps Kenichi on his toes. I’m sure she will have a life full of love and adventure. Unfortunately, I’m hating those goddamn nobles and I have a feeling it will only get worse from here. At least Kenichi didn't hesitate to take a stand against them, even if he had to go on the run from them.
Feb 25, 1:27 PM

Jul 2021
"When you watch high-quality works, simple or weak drawings seem fragile and weak 😭 I remember back when I started watching anime, I didn’t care much about the animation and movement, but now I can't accept some of the directing shots in this work! I feel like if I were the director, I would have created a better scene!!

The transition between shots makes me feel like I'm watching a black-and-white anime with an outdated style!! The anime just needs better drawings!! Even the scenes with nudity or similar things make me laugh instead of feeling excited... this artwork doesn't help the series at all...

Overall, this is a good episode. We saw Hamada collecting money after the confrontation. Ameno is also a cute girl, although she made me laugh when she simply abandoned the old woman who wanted to become her mother for Hamada, haha.

I felt pain when I saw Primula crying. She was hoping to see Hamada, but he left without saying goodbye.. I repeat, the scene should have been much sadder, but the directing made it seem like a woman shedding a tear randomly...

I hope the series presents a better storyline in the upcoming episodes..."
I love slice-of-life works.

Feb 26, 1:12 AM

Apr 2015
I Feel bad for Anama, I guess we won’t be back to this town huh
Save Soil for climate change
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