Lee Hughes (@leehughes40) 's Twitter Profile
Lee Hughes


Tracheostomy Specialist SLT for Lancashire & South Cumbria Regional Tracheostomy Team. Views my own. She/her.

ID: 170618954

calendar_today25-07-2010 09:00:53

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578 Following

SLT Ultrasound (@sltultrasound) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What is the reliability of #portable #ultrasound devices in measuring #muscles & #movements associated with #swallowing? Great work from colleagues UCSwallowingLab shared ESSD last week 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻

Martin Brodsky (@mbbrodskyphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW: Laryngeal Hypersensitivity Questionnaire in patients with artificial airways: authors.elsevier.com/a/1iIJk3hkROCW… (Free) LHQ-A is a 4-point scale easing evaluation. Non-verbal responses now easier! #ICURehab Cleveland Clinic Otolaryngology-Head/Neck Surgery #slpeeps #FOAMcc #FOAMed Vinciya Pandian PhD, MBA, MSN, FAANP, FAAN Anne Vertigan Mary Beth Happ

MouthCareMatters (@mcm_hekss) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The importance of mechanically brushing teeth and not using pink swabs to waft the mouth #mouthcarematters Association Between Daily Toothbrushing and Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Respiratory Failure and Ventilation jamanetwork.com/journals/jamai…

Catherine Williams (@sltcwilliams) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‼️Important reading for all SLTs working with #dysphagia‼️ RCSLT 💙 Position paper on the use of thickened fluids! ‘Rather than being used as a blanket approach or go-to treatment thickened fluids are better considered as one of a number of dysphagia management tools’

‼️Important reading for all SLTs working with #dysphagia‼️ <a href="/RCSLT/">RCSLT 💙</a> Position paper on the use of thickened fluids! ‘Rather than being used as a blanket approach or go-to treatment thickened fluids are better considered as one of a number of dysphagia management tools’
Nicky Gilbody (@nickygilbody) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#PrescribingNow Really pleased to see this question asked today, and that it received a positive response - #SLT prescribing rights could help increase efficiency of care for people undergoing treatment for #headandneck cancer RCSLTpolicy

#PrescribingNow Really pleased to see this question asked today, and that it received a positive response - #SLT prescribing rights could help increase efficiency of care for people undergoing treatment for #headandneck cancer <a href="/RCSLTpolicy/">RCSLTpolicy</a>
Alexandra Speake (@ajspeakephysio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐️Attention trache clinicians! ⭐️ Does anyone have any experience in running tracheostomy forums or support groups? We’re looking to re-start this, but keen to get any hints/tips from other services! thetracheteam Zey Kelly Youd Emma Forster

Carmel Richardson (@carmel_mcnamee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Trache week! Critical Care LTHTR 1.Benefits beyond laryngeal/trache weaning, so important to restore voice,swallow & enhance all rehabilitation ⬆️well being! 2. But..need other communication methods to support conversations 3. Don't be afraid... try! Benefits are huge&Refer to SLT!

Lee Hughes (@leehughes40) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is fantastic, Emily and Hannah👏👏 Including the development of a tracheostomy service to community patients! 🌟🌟🤩

Sophie Chalmers (@schalmersslt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What does current literature, SLTs & patients tell us about terminology & Ax in “laryngeal hypersensitivity related dysphagia”? Take a look at our NEW publication IJLCD 🙌🏻 swallaceobeslt Fiona Gillies SLT Upper Airway CEN Siobhan Ludlow Dr Gemma Clunie NIHR ARC Greater Manchester onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

What does current literature, SLTs &amp; patients tell us about terminology &amp; Ax in “laryngeal hypersensitivity related dysphagia”?

Take a look at our NEW publication <a href="/ijlcd/">IJLCD</a> 🙌🏻 

<a href="/Swallacesl31246/">swallaceobeslt</a> <a href="/f_gillies/">Fiona Gillies</a> <a href="/UpperAirwayCEN/">SLT Upper Airway CEN</a> <a href="/shivlil/">Siobhan Ludlow</a> <a href="/gemmaclunie/">Dr Gemma Clunie</a> <a href="/ARC_GM_/">NIHR ARC Greater Manchester</a> onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…
Biozoon UK (@biozoonuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Biozoon UK Further to our website notice we would like to respond to users on this forum as we realise this will impact many persons lives. Whilst the device and concept has been successfully used within the NHS for many years and benefited 1000’s of people as a “quality of

<a href="/BiozoonUK/">Biozoon UK</a> 
Further to our website notice we would like to respond to users on this forum as we realise this will impact many persons lives.
Whilst the device and concept has been successfully used within the NHS for many years and benefited 1000’s of people as a “quality of
Biozoon UK (@biozoonuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Biozoon UK * BIOZOON UPDATE * Due to recent publicity around Biozoon AIR with Flavour® we would like to assure all our customers that we have completed a thorough investigation into all concerns that were raised. We have taken professional advice and concluded that the product

<a href="/BiozoonUK/">Biozoon UK</a> 

Due to recent publicity around Biozoon AIR with Flavour® we would like to assure all our customers that we have completed a thorough investigation into all concerns that were raised.

We have taken professional advice and concluded that the product
Kat Lewis SLT (She/Her) (@katlewis_slt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Annabel Kay Yes just got all clear from medical engineering this week. Previously cleared by infection control. Have to take batteries out if being stored for any period of time.

Biozoon UK (@biozoonuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hello all SLT's We are producing a revised Biozoon AIR with Flavour® "User guidelines" specifically for the NHS and would like to include contributions from any of you who have time. Please DM with you email address and we will send a copy of our draft version for your input and

Hello all SLT's
We are producing a revised Biozoon AIR with Flavour® "User guidelines" specifically for the NHS and would like to include contributions from any of you who have time. Please DM with you email address and we will send a copy of our draft version for your input and
Biozoon UK (@biozoonuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For all Biozoon AIR with Flavour® users - we have produced a label to affix to your air pump, please email info@biozoon.uk along with your address details and the quantity you require and we will send these out free-of-charge Biozoon UK

For all Biozoon AIR with Flavour® users - we have produced a label to affix to your air pump, please email info@biozoon.uk along with your address details and the quantity you require and we will send these out free-of-charge  <a href="/BiozoonUK/">Biozoon UK</a>