chanlix on the daebak show was something else
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- alternative title: eric nam continues to be my favorite podcaster
edit: i have to change my channel name once again because now you can't find me, so the intro has been cut
podcast: • Stray Kids' Bang Chan ...
we're ignoring the part where i spelled a few things wrong
(i do not own the rights to this content. all rights go to the original owners)
#bangchan #felix #yongbok #leefelix #ericnam #daebak #daebakshow #divestudios #skz #straykids #skz #skzoo #leeknow #leeminho #seochangbin #changbin #hwanghyunin #hyunjin #han #hanjisung #kimseungmin #seungmin #in #jeongbin #yangjeongin #kpopedit #kpopmemeedit #skzmemes #straykidsmemes #memeedit #kpop #maxident #skzcase143 #case143 #straykidscomeback #straykidsedit #skzedit #chanlix #aussieline
I think that sauce will traumatize Felix for the rest of his life
Kinda like IT 😭💀
to the point he betrayed his own motto
omg the subtitles🤣 "the album is called Mexican accident" lmao🤣🤣🤣🤣
gotta love automatic subtitles
Live, Love, Autimatic subtitels
@@erikqq3682 😂😂😂
6:15 chan calling eric hyung so naturally is so cute especially because he's the oldest in skz like i could cry its so soft
this entire interview was so funny
ngl I watched this interview like 20 times, it's such a blessing, chanlix finally on eric nam show *wipes a tear of joy*
I loved your editing in this video, "and we're from ~AUSTRALIA" was exactly what i thought of lmao
I really loved their English interview with Eric. Bang Chan and Felix are the best buddies but also proudest Aussies too. They had a phenomenon success this year. 💙
3:49 I love Chan’s reaction so much
the 2 year wait was worth it
your editing is underrated bro ;-;
ty for the video ^^
my guy that means so much to me ❤❤❤
i had the "from australia" clip in head when i heard them say from stray kids xD i've been contaminated and living for it
5:59 he's so cute here
eric just casually lying about his age XD
also im meeting him next year
no not just seeing
Ooooh, sounds like fun👏💙
Somehow learning I was born on the same day as Eric Nam feels like something else! Only 10 yrs later.
I think we all thought it was five stars is it until this podcast
eric trying and failing to do the sign of the cross properly is so funny
love this trio
this is my favourite interview
Jajajaja i love it!
- hello i am Bang Chan
- and i'm Felix
- And we ar from ✨🤙 AUSTRALIA🤙✨
HAHAHAHA, you won me since there 🥰
4:05 in an austRRalian accent
2:59 really just exposed eric there
5:05 I mean, Seungmin said it first
Ayo i just found your channel, i died laughing, I’m subbing (i stan your editing it was so funny) 🤠 Also omg the interview was soooo chaotic but one of my fav interviews ahhhh
thank you for liking it! (and yes the interview, i also really liked it! i was hoping it would be longer though)
I don't know whose edits are better: yours or Dive's.
I thought this was so funny I’m lying on the floor laughing and also I think that Felix and bang Chan won’t like fish sauce ever again. If you go to a fan site best idea is NOT to give those two fish sauce
@2:48 noineteen
I’m thankful for Eric Nams show who I had idea about but I didn’t know how fantastic it was. ( I will have to binge watch )
I’m thankful for eating beef and broccoli with rice right now at 744 AM in Texas LOL.
I’m thankful for….being alive and laughing with you guys. Thank you for such good content Eric you FUNNY and you KNOW it lol.
- LaLaLauraH A$hLee
Texas Person
if only it was made when chan were sick, he could had won xD
i dont think chan was completely joking about the moon, like if it happens he could be the one doing it
The naur way sounded like Norway lol
Now that's all I can think about
All I saw was fish sauce
And I thought nuk mum is the best sauce for vegetables 🥦 🥕
5:29 is that eel sauce? LOL
It’s chocolate? Oh my gosh the thought lol
It’s ok I’m just talking to myself in your comments LOL 6:31
Eric Nam it’s because we are southern okay we grew up around weird shxt LOL america is weird HA bring you back to your routes.