Phase II Launch

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • I was looking over the original Matt Jefferies Phase II Enterprise designs and decided to make this video. (Yes, the Bussard Collectors were Blue), I added a few details of my own, because it’s me. I hope you like it!
  • КиноКино

Комментарии •

  • @jmccallum34
    @jmccallum34 Год назад +16

    Such a shame this version never saw the light of day, because it is truly beautiful.

  • @MrPooh18
    @MrPooh18 2 года назад +19

    That look on Kirk's face when Scotty swings around to the front of the Enterprise and the music crecendo.. wow

  • @paulnash9851
    @paulnash9851 Год назад +9

    She looks beautiful.
    Well done, well done indeed.

  • @stevedandy973
    @stevedandy973 4 года назад +35

    Seeing "Big E" leave Spacedock never grows old.

  • @christopherkerns639
    @christopherkerns639 11 месяцев назад +10

    I think why this scene was of such utmost importance in both this and the motion picture was that it put clearly in focus the immense size of the constitution class star ship! It is beyond beautiful! And this had never been done in the TV series!

  • @charlesgoodman5086
    @charlesgoodman5086 4 года назад +20

    I love the combination of original and refit characteristics on the Phase II Enterprise.

  • @stuartyoung4182
    @stuartyoung4182 4 года назад +46

    Loved it! Best Phase II Enterprise I've ever seen! The "aztec-ing", detailing of the deflector, and the swirling-energy effects in the Bussard collectors really MADE this render!

    • @DoctorMysterio15
      @DoctorMysterio15 10 месяцев назад +2

      ​@spaceace1006Ooff, I loved that detail!

  • @besttimes3248
    @besttimes3248 4 года назад +5

    Now this is what the movie Enterprise should have looked like. Makes more sense. BEAUTIFUL!!!

  • @DrummingWriterTrekfan84
    @DrummingWriterTrekfan84 Год назад +5

    This is real and Pure Star Trek!!! I could watch videos like this all day 😊.

  • @EvilTheOne
    @EvilTheOne 6 дней назад

    OUTSTANDING definition and graphics!

  • @RandyZimmerman-pp5wj
    @RandyZimmerman-pp5wj Месяц назад +2

    I grew up on the original Star trek that still got my ❤ beating fast More please

    • @WhittyPics
      @WhittyPics Месяц назад

      Every Sunday morning

    @ONEFATE9 Месяц назад

    It looks like a mix of the original and the retrofitted Enterprise.
    I love this design! Great work!
    As retired captain Montgomery Scott would say: "Here's to ya lads!"

  • @colinconnolly892
    @colinconnolly892 10 месяцев назад +6

    I’ve always felt that the Phase II refit is the bridge between the TOS and TMP constitution class. It’s a shame that it never had an official onscreen appearance.

    • @laff000
      @laff000 2 дня назад

      One of the novels had the bridge of the enterprise blown up by K'Zinthy terrorists. It was later speculated that this event led to the refit of the enterprise as seen in TMP.

  • @ekinseyjr
    @ekinseyjr 4 года назад +9

    I like it; the lighting effects on the Bussard collectors are really pretty. Well done.

  • @viv-i-vangoesforth
    @viv-i-vangoesforth 4 месяца назад +1

    fabulous work, Sir!!

  • @JDevPeabody
    @JDevPeabody 4 года назад +4

    Way better than the JJPrise or Discoprise! Great Job Robzilla!

  • @larrysonnybuchananjunior6299
    @larrysonnybuchananjunior6299 Месяц назад +1

    Very amazing work!

  • @The_Silver_Fox
    @The_Silver_Fox 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely superb. Great detail and care. Love it!

  • @brettthomas7038
    @brettthomas7038 7 месяцев назад +2

    One day, some person will find this "historical document" and remember what their time in StarFleet was like. Man, I hope we get to see this come to fruition. We were born on this planet, but damned if we have to die on it. "2nd star to the right, and straight on 'till morning."

    • @The_Crusader_Viking
      @The_Crusader_Viking 4 месяца назад +1

      But they will always mourn over Gilligan’s Island. 😅

    • @MrCookieCat
      @MrCookieCat 4 месяца назад

      @@The_Crusader_Viking Those poor people.

  • @jonmiguel
    @jonmiguel Год назад +3

    Certainly Enterprise wasn't the first Connie to be refitted. The ships M-5 heavily damaged (TOS: The Ultimate Computer) would have needed extensive repair, and if the USS Exeter (TOS: Omega Glory) could be decontaminated she would probably have been refit as well. I could see these being an earlier version of the new warp engines, perhaps from a different shipyard. In fact I recall something mentioned, perhaps in a novelization, about a Vulcan shipyard that supplies warp engines as well.

  • @w9gb
    @w9gb 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for this. Gene Roddenberry was on college lecture circuit, during this period (when I met him).
    Gene received a call, that week, from Paramount deciding to switch from a TV series to a film, based on Star Wars & ET box office sales.

  • @TheWonderer7
    @TheWonderer7 5 лет назад +4

    Fantastic job!!

  • @DavidHWild
    @DavidHWild 3 месяца назад +1

    Excellent designs, fully captured the Enterprise designs with solid variations.

  • @I_am_Diogenes
    @I_am_Diogenes 5 лет назад +8

    Now there is a channel I haven't seen anything out of for a while . Good to see you are still around .

  • @scifieric
    @scifieric 4 года назад +2

    Excellent work!

  • @scark00
    @scark00 11 месяцев назад +1

    Well done sir! Well done!

  • @marcosmaldonado6912
    @marcosmaldonado6912 4 года назад +3

    This USS Enterprise 1701 design is fantastic and should have been in "Star Trek the motion picture" as a new starship refit. Its a awesome design and still has the looks of the original ship series but upgraded!!! Excellent Guys!!!!

  • @HairyHarrisFilm
    @HairyHarrisFilm 2 года назад +2

    Awesome! I still prefer red bussard collectors. I believe they were only blue for the TMP promos and posters because they didn't have time to reshoot the new model.

  • @horizonandsky8989
    @horizonandsky8989 2 года назад +2

    Ich bekomme Tränen in die Augen, wenn ich dieses phantastische Video sehe, das ist ja detaillierter und viel schöner als im Kino Film Star-Trek.

  • @steadholderharrington9035
    @steadholderharrington9035 3 года назад +4

    Much as I TOTALLY ❤️❤️😍❤️❤️ These many video's on the construction, or refitting of the original Enterprise and NCC 1701-A, I would also love to see a start to finish construction of what has to be one of Starfleet's largest construction projects, that being good old Starbase 001 herself; her space docking bay so large as to be able to dock tens of starships with consummate ease. Keep up the great work there. 🤩👍👍

  • @SuperDawgbreath
    @SuperDawgbreath Год назад +1

    That was really amazing, I love your version of the ship. Made me want to start watching the whole movie with this version!

  • @davidgaul572
    @davidgaul572 6 дней назад

    Very nice! I love the effect you made on the engine nacelle caps. Very cool!

  • @davidlaurahay
    @davidlaurahay 9 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing work!

  • @wcwbulldog1701
    @wcwbulldog1701 5 лет назад +2

    Excellent Details of the Phase 2!!! Nicely Done, Sir!!!!

  • @Eduardo99922
    @Eduardo99922 3 года назад +1

    Very awesome video.

  • @NicConstitution
    @NicConstitution 3 года назад +1

    Very nice work. I enjoyed that very much. Thank you.

  • @KennToomey
    @KennToomey 3 месяца назад +1

    Very ambitious!! Great composition--

  • @mikep1592
    @mikep1592 5 лет назад +17

    I like the blue bassards. Another great beauty of time as it passes by. Thank you for sharing your art with your fans Robzilla 🖖

  • @silvereagle2061
    @silvereagle2061 11 месяцев назад +2

    Beautiful Phase II concept.

  • @rolandogamez
    @rolandogamez 4 месяца назад +1

    Love it! Really wish we could have seen one of these 'remastered' into the Star Trek Movies!

  • @jpasby779
    @jpasby779 4 года назад +2

    The in between of the TOS and TMP Connie. Nice job and I like the alteration of the station layout AKA Office Complex.

  • @jaybodner4189
    @jaybodner4189 Год назад +2

    Thank you my Friend!

  • @danbreland3444
    @danbreland3444 Год назад +1

    Nicely done!

  • @GregoryMCMAHON817
    @GregoryMCMAHON817 2 года назад +1

    I really enjoy this video.

  • @Eric________
    @Eric________ 4 года назад

    Well done!!

  • @darthkurland
    @darthkurland 4 года назад +14

    “All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” - John Masefield

    • @Eric________
      @Eric________ 4 года назад +3

      Well how come you don't know "row, row, row your boat"?

  • @c5d53g2e
    @c5d53g2e 5 лет назад +8

    You need to make either a series or a movie. This is fantastic!!!!

  • @niklas-t14
    @niklas-t14 2 года назад +1

    Thats gotta be the most beatiful Deflector Dish ive ever seen. XD

  • @borusa32
    @borusa32 2 года назад +2

    Very nice version of the Phase 2 refit.

  • @nleavenworth3064
    @nleavenworth3064 4 года назад +1

    As always, it's a top notch video. I'm a addict of all your videos

  • @stevenewman1393
    @stevenewman1393 Год назад +2

    🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely well done and executed in every format way shape and form and in every detail provided indeed Sir!,👌...

  • @derrickdinwiddie8759
    @derrickdinwiddie8759 5 лет назад +2

    Great job Rob! :) she is a beauty

  • @markcorderoy632
    @markcorderoy632 5 месяцев назад

    I'd also love to see this style of intro, but with the Enterprise NX-01 'Refit'... That ship is so cool looking.

  • @ToddMcDurmont
    @ToddMcDurmont 3 года назад +3

    Wow! Nicely done. I love the end with the UFP logo zoom out. Very cool.

    • @ToddMcDurmont
      @ToddMcDurmont 3 года назад +1

      I really want to learn how to do this.

  • @raphaeldiniz6268
    @raphaeldiniz6268 5 месяцев назад +1

    Loved it 😍🤩🥰

  • @michaeljones3727
    @michaeljones3727 4 года назад +1


  • @markpekrul4393
    @markpekrul4393 11 месяцев назад +2

    Much better, in my opinion, than the refit we saw in STTMP - which was really more of a complete rebuild, and hence probably not practical in the world of Trek. It wasn't just that the interior spaces were so different, the very dimensions of the basic ship changed. This was much better - new nacelles, weapons ports in the dorsal, shuttle attach points, etc.

  • @JaredLS10
    @JaredLS10 4 года назад +2

    I like the addition of the phaser emmiters around the shuttle bay and under the engineering section. Make me think Kirk told starfleet that original design didnt have enough fire power.

  • @thompuckett9547
    @thompuckett9547 4 года назад

    Nice joining of TOS, Phase II, and the refit. Very nicely done.

  • @tarkas566
    @tarkas566 3 года назад +2

    I have to agree with Stuart Young: this is the best Phase II ship I have seen. It corrects some of the flaws of the original P2 design (the pylons!) and makes an excellent mid-way point between the TOS Enterprise and the movie version. In fact, I'm more than half tempted to kitbash a version of it from TOS and TMP model kits. Very well done.

    • @MrRmcconnell
      @MrRmcconnell  3 года назад +1


    • @rolandogamez
      @rolandogamez 4 месяца назад

      What was wrong with the Pylons? Honest question

    • @tarkas566
      @tarkas566 4 месяца назад +1

      @rolandogamez , the Phase II pylons are very like the TMP pylons, except that they're cut off at the rear end, i.e., instead of running all the way to the underside of the engine nacelle, the trailing edge of the pylons stops short and has a large kink in it; after the kink/corner, it goes at right angles to the nacelle. This, to my engineer's eye, is horrible; the attachment to the nacelle is significantly shorter, which weakens the joint, and the corner is a massive stress concentrator. Now, you can argue that 23rd-century materials and structural integrity fields, etc., could prevent this from being a problem, but IMO, it's simply bad design. It doesn't even look good (unlike the movie or even the SNW pylons), so I have no idea why it was done that way. YMMV, but my professional opinion (aerospace engineer) is that it is not a good design.

    • @rolandogamez
      @rolandogamez 4 месяца назад

      @@tarkas566 Thanks! I see it now. I rather like that notch tho! Really love those lit up domes!

  • @markcorderoy632
    @markcorderoy632 6 месяцев назад

    I'm surprised with technology these days, no one thought of doing a Star-Trek 'Phase-2' TV Series, (possibly with original actor's doing the voices, sadly some have passed away)
    But with so many great voice actor's out there, this would be a series 'WORTH' making!
    This would make a great intro.

  • @jeffhallam2004
    @jeffhallam2004 4 года назад +3

    Robzilla! Nice to see you back...nice job!!!

  • @haroldjuntunen7010
    @haroldjuntunen7010 Год назад +1

    I love the enterprise

  • @chrismayer3919
    @chrismayer3919 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is the ship we ALMOST got in ST;TMP but luckily Gene Roddenberry changed it at the last minute to the ‘other’ Enterprise when he discovered that ‘phase II’ was being made into a movie!

  • @JGG1701
    @JGG1701 5 лет назад +8

    Now THIS should have been in STTMP!
    Great job 👏

    • @johnbockelie3899
      @johnbockelie3899 4 года назад +1

      The Enterprise under Captain Willard Decker, a few months before the major refit ,2270.

    • @johnbockelie3899
      @johnbockelie3899 4 года назад +1

      " Attention. Crew, This is Captain Willard Decker, prepare for departure from space dry dock for shake down cruise of USS Enterprise. We now have a new warp drive system on board. We will be testing this system for any bugs it might contain. Again prepare to get under way. Captain Willard Decker, out.," ( This is why Admiral Kirk kicked Decker out of the Captains chair on TMP. At this time Kirk had just became an Admiral, and Decker just inherited the Enterprise. Kirk just wanted to command the ship after its next big refit in 2271.) If phase 2 had been a real show, Willard Decker would have been the captain. a new Vulcan , Lt. Xon. Would have been science officer. And .Lt. Illiea would have been the new navigator. Instead they all shown up in TMP for their one and only time. Xon gets killed in the transporter accident with another crew person.

  • @CommodoreProductions01
    @CommodoreProductions01 2 года назад

    great video and the type of ship i need in my fan film. 🖖👍

  • @Franz-g3n
    @Franz-g3n Год назад +2

    Is simply beautiful.

  • @michaelkata2342
    @michaelkata2342 4 года назад +4

    It would be cool to have a comic series of the two years remaining on the original 5 year mission. It could show the Enterprise refitted to this design and work up to the events in Motion Picture.

  • @richardched6085
    @richardched6085 5 лет назад +20

    Very nice! I prefer to think that a few Connies were incrementally refitted to these specs in the late 2260s to make way for the finalized TMP Refit for the Enterprise. USS Merrimac (NCC-1715) for example :)

    • @BarryWKay
      @BarryWKay 4 года назад +8

      I agree with you. I think the Phase II design makes for a logical intermediate step between TOS and TMP. I’m not sure of what the canonically correct time frame between TOS and TMP is, but it would make sense that Starfleet would have given the Enterprise a minor refit at the end of her historic 5 years under Kirk to prepare her for another mission of similar duration. They would have done the same after Pike’s run which explains the difference between the pilot versions and the series version. Perhaps the Phase II version is the version Decker commanded for some time before the ship was completely revamped into the version in TMP. I think the TMP version is so drastically different that it can only be explained as the next refit after the Phase II refit.

    • @richardched6085
      @richardched6085 4 года назад +4

      @@BarryWKay Very nice theory. According to Memory Alpha TMP takes place in 2273 roughly 2.5 years after the 5 year mission ended. Since the Refit began 1.5 years before the film it's likely that Decker got 6 months with the Enterprise before it began it's extensive Refit. The Phase II Refit would last a few weeks (Far less given that only a few modules are replaced).

  • @Allan_aka_RocKITEman
    @Allan_aka_RocKITEman 2 года назад +1


  • @fjh5249
    @fjh5249 Год назад +1

    Simply incredible

  • @CaptainCorpse172
    @CaptainCorpse172 5 лет назад +2

    I can never get my models to look this good with Blender

  • @ShadowBoss0001
    @ShadowBoss0001 Месяц назад +1

    Your graphic detail is perfect accurate

  • @peterloader974
    @peterloader974 4 года назад

    Beautifully staged and rendered. Well done!

  • @Cyber_Horse_Studios87
    @Cyber_Horse_Studios87 Год назад

    Honestly, if this had been the enterprise for the first 3 movies, and THEN we got the refit design, it would have been an even more amazing experience.

  • @orangemanok5800
    @orangemanok5800 2 года назад

    Phenomenal job. Truly.

  • @BostLabs
    @BostLabs Год назад


  • @smithwriter69
    @smithwriter69 2 года назад

    So excellent! Would have been so cool if this had been what Paramount went with!

  • @nicholasdickens2801
    @nicholasdickens2801 4 года назад

    Is great to see you posting again. Lovely video.

  • @morlockmeat
    @morlockmeat 5 лет назад +1

    That was beautiful! Nice work!

  • @davidwsmith1762
    @davidwsmith1762 4 года назад

    Spectacular animation and perfect choice in music. It has a majestic sound and feel to it.

  • @alfredmasullo
    @alfredmasullo 8 месяцев назад

    Great work.

  • @viciouspoodle5543
    @viciouspoodle5543 4 года назад +1

    Simply GORGEOUS STUNNING work, Robert! Just nicely done! I would love to see you do the exact same treatment to the original Enterprise with maybe a few glamour upgrades (love to see the rear engine bulbs glow white and maybe some modest exterior lighting). Oustanding!

  • @knglerxst
    @knglerxst 5 лет назад +2

    Nice work as usual.

  • @wallacegrommet3479
    @wallacegrommet3479 5 месяцев назад

    Good thing they have running lights for flying at night, you don’t want to run into anything at warp 2

  • @jefferybarron929
    @jefferybarron929 4 года назад

    In a word... BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  • @richwood1522
    @richwood1522 4 года назад +1


  • @eagledocf15d
    @eagledocf15d 4 года назад

    The Buzzard Collectors are really well done and I like the deflector disk!

  • @DraconaiMac
    @DraconaiMac 4 года назад

    I watch this just to breathe better ;) THANK YOU!!!!

  • @jroar123
    @jroar123 2 года назад

    What everyone gets wrong is the actual scale of everything. Think about what would be needed to have a Star Ship that acts as a war machine, a device to deliver colonists, ambassadorial missions, humanitarian missions, and so much more. Remember that they have to bring everything with them no matter where they go. That means maintenance shops, medical bays, science laboratories, sanitation, water reclamation, I could do down the list of what a real Star Ship would need to be workable.

  • @amberyooper
    @amberyooper 4 года назад

    Really nice work!

  • @starclone4
    @starclone4 7 месяцев назад +1

    Better than anything Kurtzman's Trek , will ever do !!!!

  • @ericmadsen9655
    @ericmadsen9655 5 лет назад +16

    You did a great job on this blender animation. Haven't heard from you in a while.

    • @MrRmcconnell
      @MrRmcconnell  5 лет назад +6

      Thanks 😊

    • @ericmadsen9655
      @ericmadsen9655 5 лет назад +2

      @@MrRmcconnell You're Welcome. Looking forward to the next video. Oh, how are you doing?
      Staying sane in a state wide Shelter in place declaration?

    • @MrRmcconnell
      @MrRmcconnell  5 лет назад +2

      @@ericmadsen9655 I'm lucky still working. I am working on my first video in eevee. have the ships built, now just storyboarding.

    • @ericmadsen9655
      @ericmadsen9655 5 лет назад +2

      @@MrRmcconnell Stay safe, stay sane and keep those videos coming.

    • @jeffhallam2004
      @jeffhallam2004 4 года назад +2


  • @ThomasEvans-g7v
    @ThomasEvans-g7v Год назад +1

    I love this design and they should have used it in the new series ❤❤❤❤❤.

  • @Raggedymannn
    @Raggedymannn 4 года назад

    A little behind on my youtube watches but I have to say beautiful great work, thank you for sharing

  • @harryalpert8002
    @harryalpert8002 8 месяцев назад


  • @Cleptro
    @Cleptro 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful! Although personally I've always preferred the red bussard collectors.

  • @PhilipWeberAB
    @PhilipWeberAB 6 месяцев назад +1

    This should have been the design for TMP and 2 and 3 until it's destroyed and we get the refit A. I never liked that they used the refit, but kept the original registry.

    • @johnyoung8691
      @johnyoung8691 6 месяцев назад +1

      You're absolutely right. I don't know why they never used it.

  • @alexxbaudwhyn7572
    @alexxbaudwhyn7572 4 года назад +1

    I do like blue Bussards, implying deuterium laced water inside per Jjprise
    Or the blue glow seen from current day fission reactor cores, ie Cherenkov radiation

  • @brantleyrobbins7188
    @brantleyrobbins7188 3 года назад

    That is awesome!