Views: 1623
Submissions: 16
Favs: 3

Photographer | Registered: Sep 19, 2009 09:13
This is a group for anyone who writes. Poems, songs, stories, all belong to this lovely group ^-^
Writing is a form of expression, and is an art in of itself. Please support the writing furs of FA! To submit something to the group, note it to
~shatteredscribe~ and I'll have it added ASAP.
If you wish to join, please watch the group and put ': iconwrittenwords :' or ': writtenwordsicon :'in your profile, without the spaces.
Group Admin:
Mods: -space open- -space open-
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Comments Earned: 41
Comments Made: 19
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 19
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
I bet you never expected to see this journal.
11 years agoWhat is that?
Oh, yes, WrittenWords is back.
Long story short, the owner abandoned FA for a while due to some personal issues, and when he came back he had forgotten the password to this group and sort of let it go to ruin.
But hey, finding an old email with all of your passwords really helps, huh?
Deleted all previous journals, and stories in this account that were by the owner (me), and this page is once more open for business.
Welcome to WrittenWords!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Coffee-Gulping Story Addict
Favorite Music
The musical ones
Favorite Animals
Preferably the ones that don't bite me
Favorite Site
Furaffinity, imvu,
Favorite Quote
Paper beats rock, for paper is where we write our life story.

Any critics and comments are very welcome
Critics are always welcome, so when you read it, please leave a comment.
just finished the third chapter of my series traveller\', so I thought I post all the links for all chapters here.