The History of Quake with Tim Willits

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @NoclipDocs
    @NoclipDocs  5 лет назад +1108


    • @whiskeyjuliet
      @whiskeyjuliet 5 лет назад +63

      Thanks for posting this so long after the fact, noclip is a jewl in a sea of what ever you want to call the rest of the gaming media. Cheers.

    • @Noisetank007
      @Noisetank007 5 лет назад +27

      I didn't realize how etched into my head that announcer was until I read that comment lmao

    • @Bill-zp2mt
      @Bill-zp2mt 5 лет назад +1

      Why not include the clip where his arms and legs are replaced ?
      You should get people who've actually played the game to find clips for your editor :)

    • @krankymann
      @krankymann 5 лет назад +9

      the enemy has your flag

    • @NoclipDocs
      @NoclipDocs  5 лет назад +20

      @@Bill-zp2mt *sigh* it's called stroggification Bill. C'mon, you knew that.

  • @ljuglampa
    @ljuglampa 5 лет назад +917

    Wow I wanted this to be like 2 hours longer... I'd love to see a proper Quake documentary, please!?

    • @alexlokanin3312
      @alexlokanin3312 5 лет назад +63

      have you seen what Ahoy did? he collected a lot of information and presented it in an hour-long video

    • @protocetid
      @protocetid 5 лет назад +35

      @@alexlokanin3312 Ahoy's video is a must watch. On the other hand, Noclip probably had a chance to see unfinished builds of some of these games. The first Quake has quite a history. There was a time where it was modeled after Virtua Fighter (no I'm not kidding lol) and another when it was a first person action game. Had some Aztec levels too.

    • @ljuglampa
      @ljuglampa 5 лет назад +7

      @@alexlokanin3312 Yes of course! :) I love Ahoy but he mostly just tell you stuff about the game, not so much behind the scenes and how the development was like.

    • @VALIS538
      @VALIS538 5 лет назад

      Alex Lokanin could you post a link or say what it’s called pls

    • @protocetid
      @protocetid 5 лет назад


  • @iwiffitthitotonacc4673
    @iwiffitthitotonacc4673 5 лет назад +650

    Btw, there's still people playing multiplayer in each Quake game. Arena shooters are timeless.

    • @polterghost_
      @polterghost_ 5 лет назад +14

      So why Quake Champions is dead, Unreal Tournament got canceled, Shootmania Storm was never popular and Toxxxik died in a month after release?

    • @karehaqt
      @karehaqt 5 лет назад +38

      Indeed, I still play Quake 2 and Quake 3 online as nothing has ever topped them, especially 3.

    • @iwiffitthitotonacc4673
      @iwiffitthitotonacc4673 5 лет назад +50

      @@polterghost_ Timelessness =/= most popular.
      QC got cucked by incompetent devs and UT4 got cucked by Fortnite.

    • @phuzz00
      @phuzz00 5 лет назад +18

      @@polterghost_ Because all the people that might play those games are still playing Quake.

    • @polterghost_
      @polterghost_ 5 лет назад +1

      @@phuzz00 Ok boomer. Nostalgia clouds peoples judgement as always I guess.

  • @Qrofol
    @Qrofol 5 лет назад +592

    "He [Carmack] was always into the Elder Gods."
    So that's how he got his coding powers. Explains a lot, to be honest.

    • @Jesse__H
      @Jesse__H 5 лет назад +45

      Civvie always knew 🤔

    • @smhht
      @smhht 5 лет назад +3

      @@vlc-cosplayer Carmack has suggested this bit of code was actually written by Terje Mathisen, who also didn't come up with the magic number.

    • @Freddie_Kurst
      @Freddie_Kurst 5 лет назад +3

      All those years of consulting the Elder Gods really paid off

    • @ReplicantBattyman
      @ReplicantBattyman 5 лет назад +1

      @@vlc-cosplayer as someone who had to work really hard at maths to get a good grade i just got PTSD from that devil language

    • @QuakeGamerROTMG
      @QuakeGamerROTMG 5 лет назад +10

      Let's be real here, Carmack IS an elder god

  • @RocketJumpNinja
    @RocketJumpNinja 5 лет назад +273

    That Quake II jet sound ... I still just listen to it over and over. That's one thing I used to love so much about the Quake universe, the atmosphere they put in was so cool I just wanted to be there, always. Then the fact it had game play so good it made me stop playing every other game ... and that's why I've been playing Quakes for over 21 years now.
    Quake is meant to be the greatest game of all time. It still is for me, but I wish it was for everyone else too. Sad.

    • @h4724-q6j
      @h4724-q6j 5 лет назад +14

      The amount of people playing is really the only thing that lets Quake down at the moment. Quake with other people of a similar skill level to you is possibly the most fun you can have on your PC, there just aren't enough.
      It's a shame really, because I think that the interest would be there if they made another game in the style of Quake 1 with an atmospheric singleplayer and an awesome multiplayer: DOOM got insanely popular after the reboot, but id seem to have abandoned Quake now. Still gonna continue to express my wish for another Quake 1 game whenever I possibly can in the hope that someone will see it and take note.

    • @TheSolidlad
      @TheSolidlad 5 лет назад +2

      I tried to get into Quake with both QL and QC, after hearing all the praise it got from Zy, but it's pretty... unamusing to play against people incomparably above your skill level, while your every second thought is "I could rip these fuckers to shreds in CS".
      (10+ years of experience in that series.)
      I don't want to suffer through hours upon hours of frustration, getting dominated be everyone else, while I learn the maps, item locations, timings, movement skills, etc... just so I could finally be an average player, who is "only" 2 times worse, instead of 10 times, than a vet.
      And don't even get me started on playing against bots...
      sure, you could do that to learn, but what do you get then?
      Shame on you if u get killed, because they are... just bots.
      No sense of accomplishment if u frag them either, since they are... just bots.
      Even if you win, you can't win.
      All that, while I could simply go back to CS, Battlefield, Krunker, or any other game I enjoy, and just have fun.
      So yes, I'm sad that Quake is dying, because I did have a couple of fun games where I was on servers with beginners, just like me, and I witnessed the appeal the game has... but at the same time, I can understand why newcomers leave after just a short while.

    • @polarit7628
      @polarit7628 5 лет назад +11

      Q2 like you was my game. I played it 10 years old, 56k modem...... the bob of movement perfectly mirrored Prodigy and Voodoo people..... being a young kid who was good, just gave me a sense of belonging. That era of online gaming was special... Very lucky to of been a part of it.

    • @h4724-q6j
      @h4724-q6j 5 лет назад +4

      @@TheSolidlad A lot of people seem to encourage that grit-your-teeth way of learning, but that really isn't what it's about for me. Playing should be fun. It's more fun when you're playing against someone around your skill level, but it's entirely possible to have a lot of fun while playing badly.

    • @iwiffitthitotonacc4673
      @iwiffitthitotonacc4673 5 лет назад +1

      @Siye Boss Last time I checked there were 450 people playing simultaneously.

  • @pearljaime2
    @pearljaime2 3 года назад +290

    Did I tell you, guys, when I taught McGee all the wrong things on level design so he would get blasted?
    -Tim Willits
    According to Sandy

    • @HunterMayer
      @HunterMayer 3 года назад +34

      Yah, just heard that. Well Sandy never said WHO the snake was, but I think its easy enough to figure out.

    • @Skullkan6
      @Skullkan6 3 года назад +5

      @@HunterMayer It could have been romero, it could have been anyone. But everyone has kinda settled on Willits for well... yeah.

    • @onlyusernameleft2
      @onlyusernameleft2 3 года назад +48

      Yeah, this is just 15 minutes of Tim talking about how awesome he was while he was killing the Quake franchise.

    • @Kensuke0987
      @Kensuke0987 3 года назад +21

      @@Skullkan6 iirc, the big hint as to who it was was when he talked about the secret room in the final boss stage in Quake 2. Also, Sandy would refer to everyone he knows by their name except for that snake.

    • @breakfastplan4518
      @breakfastplan4518 3 года назад +27

      Yep, that story makes me so angry. All it take is one narcissistic sociopath...

  • @FilipGiera
    @FilipGiera 5 лет назад +75

    I still consider the Quake logo to be one of my favorite game logos of all time. It's dark, ominous, powerful. I'd be willing to tattoo it on myself.

    • @desilusor
      @desilusor 3 года назад +5

      The quake logos and the quake iii steelcase design are a thing of beauty.

    • @tomferguson9250
      @tomferguson9250 2 года назад +2

      I still remember seeing it at the store when it came out, I bought the OG shareware CD at release. I knew about DOOM, I saw the id software logo & the giant Q on the front, something just told me to buy it & it'd be awesome. I was right & still love playing Quake 🙂

  • @Dukefazon
    @Dukefazon 4 года назад +63

    I'd LOVE an interview with Trent Reznor going into the deepest details about the OST and SFX of the first Quake. I'm interested in every bit of info from him.
    This dude looks like he's such a nice guy. Reminds me of someone I know I think.

  • @TaswcmT
    @TaswcmT 3 года назад +96

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I am not very familiar with this Mr. Willits, but he gives off vibes that fit the description perfectly. Not sure if backstabbing snakes actually quack, but that is besides the point.

    • @seventh-hydra
      @seventh-hydra 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​​@pkssen He was basically one of those dudes who would intentionally drag down his co-workers and sabotage them to elevate his own standing within the company.
      Which led to a _lot_ of talent and OG Doom/Quake developers leaving id (including Romero, Adrian Carmack, and American McGee)
      Also he claims credit for a lot of stuff that he didn't actually do.

  • @BOYD1981
    @BOYD1981 5 лет назад +60

    Quake 2 will always be one of my absolute favourite games and going from seeing it run with the software renderer to seeing it running on a 12mb Voodoo 2 will always be one of my absolute favourite PC gaming memories.

    • @härjaren
      @härjaren 2 года назад


    • @brunowa8652
      @brunowa8652 Год назад +1

      Shame it wasn't called WOR like they mentioned... because in my mind it destroyed the Quake franchise.

    • @snowmobile68
      @snowmobile68 Год назад

      Yes! This is me as well. It was just amazing making that switch. I had the Voodoo 2 as well. My first GPU.

    • @rajendrabiswas
      @rajendrabiswas 4 месяца назад

      I love quake 2 but never played 1

  • @JACCO20082012
    @JACCO20082012 5 лет назад +50

    Man those Quake 2 sound effects and gameplay moments bring back mad nostalgia.

    • @1q3er5
      @1q3er5 5 лет назад +5

      i love the rail gun sound and chaingun sound effects in q2

    • @bozidarjovanovic5608
      @bozidarjovanovic5608 5 лет назад

      Yeapp and soundtrack is what this game made so atmosferic truly blend it in Alien Strogg world!Ahh...those distorted guitar riffs and poor marines traped in their prisons for chopping...!

    • @aerahtv0000
      @aerahtv0000 5 лет назад

      yeah, it was my first Quake/Doom game and it had biggest impact on me.

  • @mrratchet
    @mrratchet 5 лет назад +39

    Loved Q3. The Dreamcast version is still playable online to this day. It even STILL has cross-play with the PC version (provided you have patch 1.16n and the DC mappack installed on PC). Quake 3 was so ahead of its time.

  • @MrLeeziebee
    @MrLeeziebee 3 года назад +345

    Also Tim Willits: "Lemme tell you about the time i set up American McGee to get Fired from ID software....."

    • @johnmurcott1273
      @johnmurcott1273 2 года назад +6

      Fill me in?

    • @LeonRHarvey
      @LeonRHarvey 2 года назад +58

      @@johnmurcott1273 I don't know too much about him, but Tim Willits once claimed he was the inventor of the multi-player only map idea. This was disputed by 2 or 3 of his former coworkers at id. Tim Willits is either oblivious, or just getting sucked up by his own hype. He's nothing more than just the Steve Jobs of id and people like J Carmack, A Carmack, Romero, Hall, and all the other OG id team are the Wozniaks.

    • @LeonRHarvey
      @LeonRHarvey 2 года назад +26

      @@johnmurcott1273 little does Willits know (or maybe he just deliberately stretches the truth) that multi-player only maps were a thing way before quake released

    • @LeonRHarvey
      @LeonRHarvey 2 года назад +23

      @@johnmurcott1273 it also explains the fact that ever since those original id guys left one by one, id just kept deteriorating. Id really hasn't had a half decent game since 2001.

    • @johnmurcott1273
      @johnmurcott1273 2 года назад +7

      @@LeonRHarvey Ty bro

  • @nathane5287
    @nathane5287 5 лет назад +197

    Wish they'd make another Quake SP in the Lovecraftian style again.
    Luckily we have Wrath: Aeon of Ruin (and Amid Evil & Dusk arguably)
    Fun interview!

    • @protocetid
      @protocetid 5 лет назад +16

      go check out Arcane Dimensions the craftsmanship is so high it could be considered an unofficial sequel

    • @pearljaime2
      @pearljaime2 5 лет назад

      Totally agree

    • @TheCivildecay
      @TheCivildecay 5 лет назад

      YES THIS! loved the first quake

    • @h4724-q6j
      @h4724-q6j 5 лет назад +7

      I want a new Quake game in the style of the first so badly.

    • @dadrising6464
      @dadrising6464 5 лет назад

      Didnt get into amid evil (too colourfull maybe) . But can approve of the other 2

  • @mikieson
    @mikieson 5 лет назад +16

    Quake III Arena & Team Arena & Unreal Tournament are legendary..These types of games need to make a comeback in mainstream gaming.

    • @nothlur
      @nothlur 5 лет назад +3

      They really do, just from other companies, at least in UT's case. id needs to keep Saber far, FAR away from any games they make from now on, and Epic needs to just give the Unreal franchise back to Digital Extremes since Epic doesn't know how to make anything more than glorified mobile trash.

    • @De-M-oN
      @De-M-oN 5 лет назад +1

      @@nothlur Epic dropped UT for Fortnite. And why? Because the majority of people prefer to play these games now :(

    • @RatelHBadger
      @RatelHBadger 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@De-M-oN no, kids play Fortnite for the clout that comes with skins and emotes.If UT had emotes and buyable skins/weapons upgrades, then it might make a comeback.

  • @conzmoleman
    @conzmoleman 3 года назад +122

    still can’t believe the balls on Willits to claim he “invented the idea of deatmatch maps in 1996” when services like DWANGO existed two years earlier and even Rise of the Triad had DM maps.

    • @candasmith
      @candasmith 3 года назад +13

      Yeah, Tim's a douche

    • @fireflameft2964
      @fireflameft2964 3 года назад +1

      at what point of the video did he say that? didnt he say arena fps?

    • @breakfastplan4518
      @breakfastplan4518 3 года назад +36

      Correct, he did not invent death match. This guy is the 'snake' that destroyed ID software.

    • @Yousef-vz3zw
      @Yousef-vz3zw 2 года назад +2

      @@breakfastplan4518 I hear that a lot about Tim. What exactly did he do to destroy id?

    • @breakfastplan4518
      @breakfastplan4518 2 года назад

      @@Yousef-vz3zw Way too much to go into here. But he infiltrated ID and poisoned its strongest members. Google has so much good information on this, id suggest looking there. By the time you get to what he did to American McGee, you are pissed thinking it will end there.... and it doesn't. Tim is a POS and i'm afraid there isn't a hell for him to go to.

  • @UptownNYC
    @UptownNYC 5 лет назад +47

    Quake will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. My first PC game (Doom was a little before my time, missed the boat sadly). Got my first laptop, a Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDT in 1996 and Quake along with Diablo were the very first games I played. Imagine being introduced to PC gaming and those being the first two titles you got to play.. I WAS IN FUCKIN HEAVEN! Then after getting a real PC with an AGP videocard I got to play Half Life, and later Age of Empires 2, and finally Deus EX. 1996-2000 was for me, the golden age in PC gaming. RIP my

    • @NeutralDice
      @NeutralDice 5 лет назад +7

      Unreal, System Shock 2, Grim Fandago, Fallout 1-2, Baldur's Gate 1-2, Planescape Torment, Everquest MMO etc. Great era

    • @benhearne2844
      @benhearne2844 5 лет назад +3

      Literally the same path for me,,,,wow

    • @Native_Creation
      @Native_Creation 4 года назад +2

      @@NeutralDice Diablo 2 as well.

    • @benfletcher9659
      @benfletcher9659 2 года назад

      Doom II had just came out when I got my first PC, then I got Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Tomb Raider for Christmas 1996. Then had other games such as Redneck Rampage, Dark Forces, Rise of the Triad, Quake II and Half-Life. Yes the late 1990's was the golden age of PC gaming.

    • @johnnytopgun6414
      @johnnytopgun6414 Год назад

      dark forces absolute gem. jedi knight 1, X wing. shadow warrior. Scorched Planet, the original GTAs, Wing commander. Heretic, Hexen. Descent. AVP series. Age of Empires Rise of Rome and mods, Populous. The original heavy driving sims - Sports Car GT. No one lives forever. Return to Castle Wolfenstein..... Motocross Madness when Microsoft made good games.

  • @evilgibson
    @evilgibson 5 лет назад +23

    I remember when I was playing zoidctf, adding Zoid to my ICQ/AIM list. I was into programming mods (like qrally) or making maps, but his skill was pretty awesome. We didn't talk for awhile and then the Gamecube came out with the announcement of Metroid Prime. I beat it, saw the credits and saw the nickname "zoid". Wait.... I found him online and typed "hey, you worked on Metroid Prime?". The answer was like bemusement with him laughing that he did.
    Modders loved the openess of the Quake games that allowed access to modify not just with simple texture replacement, but actual code changes that folded so nicely into multiplayer.

    • @zoidctf
      @zoidctf 5 лет назад +5

      Sup EG.

    • @evilgibson
      @evilgibson 5 лет назад +3

      @@zoidctf haha hey again lol

    • @rom15555
      @rom15555 5 лет назад

      Wow Q3 modding community here :D I was one of the guys from spiderman tc (dynamic forces) and also ROL. o/

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 5 лет назад

      Remember Kali? a one time 20 dollar fee to play as many online games w/ your friends as you want, thru a lobby chat room thingy. Fun times. Quake world was a thing. Planetquake and game spy. Miss those days.

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 5 лет назад

      @BOOZE & METAL Good luck mate

  • @glenclough9080
    @glenclough9080 5 лет назад +61

    I’m surprised he didn’t mention the mod scene for the original Quake?! It’s spawned arguably the most 2 important mods of the entire series...Quakeworld and Team Fortress

    • @j.b.9645
      @j.b.9645 5 лет назад

      were you in a clan, glen? I was in [I'm 12] and briefly [M] as well. All of us in [I'm 12] lived around LA and would meet up for important matches at the 2 co-founders work, which had a T1 line running to it. Good times. :)

    • @glenclough9080
      @glenclough9080 5 лет назад +1

      J. B. I live in the UK and was in a clan called 4K

    • @FeelingShred
      @FeelingShred 5 лет назад +4

      @@glenclough9080 you're surprised by anything that comes out this ass rat's mouth? it doesn't surprise me... of course they will never acknowledge that a game where Romero was involved was better than what they did when left by themselves, of course not... Don't forget to leave a thumbs down on the video. This clown is not id, why is he talking about id, who gave him the right to talk about id?

    • @CMONCMON007
      @CMONCMON007 5 лет назад +6

      Dont forget Arcane Dimensions

    • @TastelessSoftware
      @TastelessSoftware 5 лет назад +2

      There were also total conversion like Quake Rally. I played a lot of TF. The mod scene for the original Quake was very rich. It's my favorite game from the series. I liked the atmosphere and the absence of narrative made it feel like a really long tech demo that had infinite possibilities.

  • @Phonixx
    @Phonixx 5 лет назад +6

    Action Quake 2 left a mark in my life. The small community around that game were so united that the friendship with everyone lasts till today.

  • @qpmkro
    @qpmkro 5 лет назад +10

    Q1 single player atmosphere is the best, God I miss those days

  • @PakanaHerruus
    @PakanaHerruus 5 лет назад +24

    Best moment ever was hearing that "Holy Shit!" For the first time. Rail shot at a near flag capture. Quake3.

    • @kirs_tea
      @kirs_tea 4 года назад

      Ahh, Q3CTF4 memories.

  • @gozinta82
    @gozinta82 5 лет назад +61

    I would definitely say that Quake was just as influential as Doom if not more for many reasons:
    1. Quake was one of (if not THE first) true 3D engines that didn't require hacks like the build engine.
    2. It was one of the first games to introduce true 3d mouselook (later perfected in GLQuake/QuakeWorld)
    3. Quake was the first to have 3D weapons and enemies, with decent pathfinding for the time.
    4. GLQuake w/ Quakeworld (becoming GLquakeWorld) was the foundation for 3D accelerated FPS games and TCP/IP internet Deathmatch
    5. Quake was the first game to host Team Fortress (even though Team Fortress Classic is the Half-life rendition of the game)
    6. First game to have 3D liquids that you could swim in (and take damage).
    7. Engine that started the foundation for Half-life. As well as many other licensed Activision games (like Modern Warfare).
    8. Engine that first started baked lighting for textures instead of sector values
    9. One of the first FPS games that supported up to 32 players (GLQuakeWorld). Over a decade before this became mega-popular on consoles.
    10. One of the top games to drive gfx accelaration card sales and computer upgrades. And probably cable modem services.
    11. Responsible for single-handedly starting the speed running online community (speeddemos website/QuakeDoneQuick/Etc).
    Thus you could say even responsible for partly inspiring Games Done Quick/SGDQ
    12. Started Quake Con, still going I believe
    13. Music from NIN, one of the best gaming soundtracks (and musical ambient soundtracks) at the time. Trent Reznor has awards now.
    14. Responsible for rocket jumping.
    15. Responsible for many mod communities, and editing software that got sold in retail stores simply because the game was popular.
    16. Bunny jumping. -thx Rickard :)
    I'd love to see the original quake rebooted using the new Doom 2016/eternal engine.

    • @Blitnock
      @Blitnock 5 лет назад +3

      Spot on!

    • @rickardelimaa
      @rickardelimaa 5 лет назад +3

      I remember how cool I thought it was that the monsters attacked each other.
      Also, binding keys and creating aliases. Were pretty handy. Probably already existed in Doom.
      Bunny jumping.

    • @Troopy78
      @Troopy78 5 лет назад +1

      QWTF FTW

    • @Bumbaclot213
      @Bumbaclot213 5 лет назад +1

      Rickard Elimää could def work to your advantage when that happened!

    • @Dismantles
      @Dismantles 4 года назад +1


  • @raytsh
    @raytsh 5 лет назад +35

    Quake 3, especially with OSP and CPMA, is and will always be my all time favorite (multiplayer) game. Also, DeFRaG!!

  • @Inignot12
    @Inignot12 5 лет назад +22

    Really nice to hear him say there was never ill-will towards epic. Also, Q2 best soundtrack ever.

    • @blizzerdreieinssechs7401
      @blizzerdreieinssechs7401 5 лет назад

      The Soundtrack fitted so well the game. Sonic mayhem did a masterwork there

    • @alvareo92
      @alvareo92 5 лет назад +5

      Carmack praised UT at the time for its leaps forward in graphics with the use of 16-bit colour and ambient effects

    • @Fel1xF7W
      @Fel1xF7W 3 года назад

      there's a remastered Q2 soundtrack video on here

  • @obrtkolacic1266
    @obrtkolacic1266 2 года назад +2

    I'm 38 and I still play Q3A EVERY DAY. Community is alive, a lot of people still plays it. No modern FPS can match or even come close to playfulness of Quake 3. Pure fragging, pure skill, zero bullshit. Q3A 4EVER!

  • @StillTheVoid
    @StillTheVoid 5 лет назад +27

    Comparing Quake III: Arena and Unreal Tournament 1999 is like taking the two ingredients of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
    They're inseparable.
    Proud to be a veteran Gamer

  • @PettyPrinzeJr
    @PettyPrinzeJr Год назад +2

    Quake 2 is the reason why I love FPS's and arena shooters. I wish it was more popular in the mainstream.

  • @Kinnakeeter
    @Kinnakeeter 5 лет назад +10

    You can still hear the dragon flying over the castle though and I always thought it was cool that they left the sound in. It gave the map an extra atmospheric effect.

  • @ckmNtA
    @ckmNtA 5 лет назад +11

    Quake 3 Arena = 20 Years Old... Im Shocked. I still have that sound clip burnt into my mind 'Welcome to Quake 3 Arena, enter the portal to begin combat'

    • @Moleskineman
      @Moleskineman 5 лет назад +2

      It was the first FPS I ever played! My dad brought it back from the US for me. I remember being too scared to play it for a while, then I got hooked!

    • @madeiraislander
      @madeiraislander 5 лет назад +1

      railgun sound * pewww* :D

  • @Defytheocean
    @Defytheocean 5 лет назад +65

    2019 and still playing Quake Live...

    • @necrome9746
      @necrome9746 5 лет назад +4

      Ironic that one of the best Arena shooters eve made was with people that just didn't know what people wanted. Unlike certain other companies stating they know what the fan base wants.

    • @gabbyomassi
      @gabbyomassi 5 лет назад +5

      Joe Rogan is out there still playing Quake

    • @rilluma
      @rilluma 5 лет назад +1

      i loved it.... but its now steam and its not free.

    • @protocetid
      @protocetid 5 лет назад +1

      @@rilluma Quake Live was like 3 dollars in the last sale and it's the most populated

    • @nmelol
      @nmelol 5 лет назад +1

      @@necrome9746 They think they know based on marketing but game devs especially the young ones often don't understand what makes certain game genre work. D3 was prime example of that.

  • @narcopsy
    @narcopsy 5 лет назад +21

    The quake 2 mod scene was incredible. Jailbreak and freeze tag were amazing, along with many others

  • @ziumas
    @ziumas 5 лет назад +33

    We still play Q3 for whole weekends on LAN every year or so. LAN option shoul be back as standar. Let players run servers and decide how we do wanna play !!

    • @SuperSkandale
      @SuperSkandale 5 лет назад

      The problem is that quake 3 is best played on old crt monitors to really get out that old school feeling of the game and that kind of gets lost when you attempt to play the game on newer lcd monitors. It just doesn't play or feel the same.

    • @ziumas
      @ziumas 5 лет назад +2

      @@SuperSkandale Some pals are playing it on curve 32" screen and definitely does not look the same. But back in the day you needed several cars to get all the CRTs moving so I personally find the balance acceptable.

    • @WayoftheFerret
      @WayoftheFerret 4 года назад +2

      @@SuperSkandale The Super Smash Bros Melee scene has no problem transporting CRTs. It can be done.

  • @JMurph93
    @JMurph93 5 лет назад +38

    So glad that this interview is seeing the light of day

  • @MrRakky
    @MrRakky 5 лет назад +20

    Was hoping for a mention of Quake Enemy Territory, but man, Quake 2, what a game :D

    • @FrostyZoob
      @FrostyZoob 5 лет назад +1

      Q:ET was done by a different studio. (Splash Damage) Carmack did some coding work for it (first iteration of MegaTexture) but the rest of Id was off working on something else.

    • @bozidarjovanovic5608
      @bozidarjovanovic5608 5 лет назад

      Best game sountrack ewer!Just play it through Q2 XP mod and enjoy true 3d audio!Scarry as s...xd!

  • @mugable
    @mugable 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you Tim and team for 2 decades of Quake 3 enjoyment. I made friends I still have to this day and even met a lot of them at Quakecon in 2003.

  • @ShafHussain
    @ShafHussain 5 лет назад +51

    Would love to see a Quake remaster

    • @graemeporter
      @graemeporter 5 лет назад +12

      YES. The original Quake was the best, for me. I *loved* that world - the mix of futuristic technology and medieval architecture - space marines vs. eldritch horrors. Stumbling round in the dark, up to your waist in murky water, and *BANG* - part of the wall drops down suddenly to reveal a dimensional shambler gathering lightning, and a pair of fiends leaping at you. The ogre with the chainsaw and the grenade launcher. The sound of the knights drawing their sword. Zombies rising from the mud, groaning and throwing body parts at you. Trent Reznor's creepy industrial sound track, with children crying and voices whispering. Not just secret areas with hidden treasures, but whole secret levels too.
      THAT was Quake.
      What Tim Willits said in the interview about Quake having an identity crisis was absolutely right. Technically brilliant, Quake 2 was amazing, but it just wasn't Quake; the whole humans vs. aliens thing is a trope that has been done to death. What the original Quake brought was one heavily-armed human vs the hordes of the elder gods in the H.P. Lovecraft universe, and I don't think that's been done before or since.
      I've said many times - id Software should remaster the original Quake, and maybe give it a proper sequel - like they've just done with Doom 2016 and its sequel. I know I'd buy it, and I know I wouldn't be alone in doing so.

    • @civotamuaz5781
      @civotamuaz5781 5 лет назад

      Yes but i was thinking about how Quake once almost destroyed ID. After Doom Eternal if they try to make Quake sequel it would definitely destroy them.

    • @hypolyxa7207
      @hypolyxa7207 5 лет назад +2

      No. Fuck remasters. Quake is already out there, the engine is open source. It does not need a remaster.

    • @conzmoleman
      @conzmoleman 3 года назад +1

      Quake is perfect as is. If you really want modern enhancements just get the Quake 1.5 mod and/or play all the incredible maps people are still making for quake 1 to this day.

    • @kodemasterx
      @kodemasterx 3 года назад

      HELLO... Quake Epsilon is more than a remastered and is free.

  • @vovahimself
    @vovahimself 8 месяцев назад +1

    3:15 omg grenade bouncing was perhaps the most mind blowing thing in Quake for me. Maybe only second to dead bodies not turning the same way to you.

  • @Evagoesbrrr
    @Evagoesbrrr 5 лет назад +19

    "we dont need other games to suck to make our games good" © wise words from the golden era

  • @acerimmer2000
    @acerimmer2000 5 лет назад +19

    "Carmack was always into the elder gods" that explains a lot.

  • @devilhs_vid
    @devilhs_vid 5 лет назад +17

    Hope to see the history of Raven one day. The deserve more recognition.

    • @FeelingShred
      @FeelingShred 5 лет назад +1

      they will never acknowledge any part of history that has to do with Romero, they want to rewrite history and pose as founders, didn't you catch that already?

  • @freewheeler8924
    @freewheeler8924 5 лет назад +6

    In Quake 1, I was astounded by being able toss grenades *in an arc!* , and *they'd bounce!!* , *_around corners!!!_* .

  • @matt5842
    @matt5842 5 лет назад +11

    Wanted to hear a bit more about Q4, that game is damn underrated imo. I remember strogiffication beeing unbelievable to process for my younger self.

  • @MrNickpeck36
    @MrNickpeck36 5 лет назад +2

    Watching this brings back a ton of memories, not to mention how old I feel. I miss throwing LAN parties, playing the Quake and Unreal games were so much fun.

  • @wjackter
    @wjackter 9 месяцев назад +3

    Romero's book has great background on Quake

  • @GameplayandTalk
    @GameplayandTalk 5 лет назад +2

    Great interview, guys! Really enjoyed it. It was funny hearing Tim say things along the lines of, "We just point 'n clicked the items into the maps and left them at that." It goes to show that developers don't always dwell on every little detail.

  • @Sportside311
    @Sportside311 Год назад +6

    Take me back. Just take me back.
    Take me back to the feelings of CRT, LAN, and the Quake/Unreal announcers, and their music tracks.
    Excellent. Impressive. Headshot. Ultrakill. You have taken the lead. 1 Minute remaining.

  • @spearPYN
    @spearPYN 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful interview. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Quake trilogy are the most important games in the history. I love reading and tinkering with the source code for those games. Quake forever! 90s forever!

  • @little_forest
    @little_forest 5 лет назад +4

    The achievement of my office mate and me during doing our PhD: clearing all maps of Q3A on nightmare! :D
    Just remembering the times, when I could see someone getting on a pad for the long jump in apocalypse void, then taking my rocket launcher, point it at that one spot in his path, shoot...and then wait...wait...and really hitting him mid-air, so he misses the platform!

  • @eternaldragonwood
    @eternaldragonwood 4 года назад

    Just to say Thank You. Worked in London Many years ago
    -Fri pm We played against each other in the office - It was a connection. Loved it :D Q2 The most fun

  • @seeingred1409
    @seeingred1409 3 года назад +21

    The history of Quake from the man who ruined ID Software

  • @DrFoo11
    @DrFoo11 4 года назад +1

    Quake is hands down my favorite game. I wish they would remaster it or something. So many memories

  • @valuedhumanoid6574
    @valuedhumanoid6574 5 лет назад +24

    I don’t know if any remember this but Quake 2 was released around the same time that the Voodoo 2 graphics accelerator card was hitting the stores. I bought both and it was a religious moment! Lol at that time 64 meg was cutting edge technology. Q2 was actually designed for GPU’s. And it was the first 3D game where you could use the mouse to look around. Up to that point it was the four direction keys. Just an awesome experience

    • @RocketToTheMoose
      @RocketToTheMoose 5 лет назад +3

      You could look around back in Quake 1 by setting the console command +mouselook. In fact, that's how I played Quake Test, aka, QTest1, which came out slightly before Quake 1 did. I remember my friend had got a 3DFX card and used it to play Quake 1, but I didn't see what the big deal was. But then I saw how the Quake 2 demo looked on a GPU, and I had to get one!

    • @todesziege
      @todesziege 5 лет назад +1

      You had mouselook in Duke 3D too, although it was limited to something like 45 degrees.

    • @valuedhumanoid6574
      @valuedhumanoid6574 5 лет назад

      @@todesziege Yeah, but I never knew it had a mouse look till way too late, I played almost the whole game with the arrow keys before I figured it out.

    • @dannyoctopuscarey8785
      @dannyoctopuscarey8785 5 лет назад +1

      I bought the Riva TNT 2 value, friends had the Voodoo 2. Those were the days.

    • @valuedhumanoid6574
      @valuedhumanoid6574 5 лет назад +1

      @@dannyoctopuscarey8785 lol YES! Now, the improvements are not nearly as noticeable. But back then, this is going from SVGA in 256 colors to OpenGL in 16 million. Like going from a Chevette to a Corvette.

  • @DoctorPlay
    @DoctorPlay 9 месяцев назад +1

    Quake is my best gaming experience ever. When I was playing Quake in 1996 I knew it was a special time like when I was watching Michael Jordan win titles for the bulls. It’s just the best game ever made.

  • @conzmoleman
    @conzmoleman 3 года назад +95

    its funny watching this and knowing all the two-faced, sabotaging, utterly scumbag things willits has done to his coworkers. he seems like such a despicable human being.

    • @lordofdouchebag2161
      @lordofdouchebag2161 Год назад +2

      what exactly did he do?

    • @conzmoleman
      @conzmoleman Год назад

      @@lordofdouchebag2161 there’s other interviews and testimonies out there but sandy peterson had a front row seat to it and has talked about it a few times at length. here’s a short one, but there’s more if you dig aroundвидео.html

    • @CatsOverdrive
      @CatsOverdrive Год назад

      @@lordofdouchebag2161 From 'Masters of Doom'; Tim Willits was initially recommended by American McGee to the team that are developing Strife. McGee was a once prominent Doom modder/mapper. And got hired for Doom II because of it. So he kind of wanted to do the same for someone. But Tim quickly got transferred to idSoftware to help work on Quake. Initially, chummied-up with Romero to learn mapping tricks, but then quickly flipped and brown-nosed hard towards Carmack during the time Carmack and Romero started falling out. Then, according to Sandy, during development of Quake II, Tim pretty much pushed American McGee under the bus for some reason(mainly, get him in trouble with John Carmack who's pretty much the company head when Romero left), eventually having McGee fired(for me, American McGee's biography itself is a heartbreaking one).
      But my personal favorite story, is the one where he starts claiming on some interviews that he's the "founder/inventor of multiplayer-only maps". Pointing to some scrap/draft maps on Quake as proof. This is pretty funny, as John Romero pointed out, Rise of the Triad came a year earlier than Quake. And Marathon few months earlier than RotT. Both games having MP-exclusive maps. id's decision to create MP maps for Quake were influenced by those games, and even before Tim got into the team, Romero himself already made drafts and hand drawn sketches for some MP-exclusive maps. Again, Romero himself isn't even claiming credit on being first, as he admitted, he was more inspired from his friend, Tom Hall and RotT. Meanwhile, it was American McGee who was already prototyping functional MP maps for Quake.
      So Tim instead, settles/compromises on instead taking credit for "designing Quake 1's first/shareware episode"...which John also noted as an odd call; The first two maps there where Romero's(including the starting, difficulty/world selection map), and the last three where McGee's. To claim sole credit on the whole episode is...weird, to say the least.

    • @DruidVorse
      @DruidVorse 5 месяцев назад

      @@lordofdouchebag2161 also he literally destroyed Quake Live to make the shitty Quake Champions, QL was an evolved version of Q3 and it was so good until it was moved to steam and the weapon loadouts were added.

  • @sidshekar
    @sidshekar 5 лет назад

    We were playing quake 3 arena just the other day at work on LAN ... had a blast... brought back such good memories... thanks Tim !!!!

    @BADC0FFEE 5 лет назад +18

    I can't believe you and Tim both forgot the best multiplayer Quake game, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (yes, I work at Splash Damage)

    • @Zephol
      @Zephol 5 лет назад +4

      Quake Wars deserves a place in this video

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 5 лет назад

      @@Zephol No offense, but I haven't even played it (And I consider myself a big quake fan). Quake Wars is to Quake as Other M is to Metriod.

    • @bitffald
      @bitffald 5 лет назад +1

      it's not a real quake

    • @Timic83tc
      @Timic83tc 5 лет назад +3

      quake wars was wonderful

    • @BADC0FFEE
      @BADC0FFEE 5 лет назад

      @@gozinta82 none taken :) although it's a much better game than Other M

  • @misomiso8228
    @misomiso8228 5 месяцев назад +2

    Very strange you interviewed Tim Willets for this.

  • @drdysl3xia795
    @drdysl3xia795 5 лет назад +8

    I was just playing Quake 3 yesterday.

  • @hkoizumi3134
    @hkoizumi3134 5 лет назад +1

    Quake 3 was the reason why I upgraded to Cyrix 686 with my very first Graphics Card 3DFX Voodoo Banshee... good times.

  • @ewatfred
    @ewatfred 5 лет назад +61

    What about Enemy Territory: Quake Wars?

    • @th3count
      @th3count 5 лет назад +19

      We don't talk about this.

    • @positronundervolt4799
      @positronundervolt4799 5 лет назад +4

      Ehhhhh.... Where did that come from.... *sigh*

    • @John_Smith100
      @John_Smith100 5 лет назад +2


    • @4Horsemen4
      @4Horsemen4 5 лет назад +5

      I did enjoy quake wars

    • @DivebombMovies
      @DivebombMovies 5 лет назад +1

      really enjoyed that game a lot. also enjoyed how it was sort of a mix of the quake 1 and quake 2 universes

  • @H3llBaron
    @H3llBaron 2 года назад +1

    11:36 I had great fun with browser version of quake live, when was free to everyone, back in 2013.

  • @estebanvillalobos2303
    @estebanvillalobos2303 3 года назад +15

    the man who killed id software

  • @SeekerLancer
    @SeekerLancer 4 года назад +2

    The 4 level designers, 4 episodes thing worked out so brilliantly even though it was done for convenience and not design. Each episode really does have its own voice and feel. It's a really interesting way to make a game. Even though Quake had no unified focus it worked out in the game's favor somehow.

  • @keesio
    @keesio 5 лет назад +31

    Quake 4 was a very underrated single player FPS.

  • @Doktormustache
    @Doktormustache 5 лет назад +1

    I just realized this video came up like 15min ago. This was a mad trip down the memory lane, thank you so much for the good memories!

  • @Omahamaho
    @Omahamaho 5 лет назад +91


  • @Wobbothe3rd
    @Wobbothe3rd 2 года назад +1

    Team Arena was and is FIRE, especially today in Quake Live where you can use microphone chat.

  • @Bakamoichigei
    @Bakamoichigei 5 лет назад +7

    Strange how he only mentioned the exploding popularity of mods in relation to _Quake 2_ onward, when it was the *original* _Quake_ which had _Team Fortress._ 🤔
    God...I can remember so many late nights in high school, playing the original _Team Fortress_ mod, "One more round"-ing my way to sunrise... 😵

    • @freewheeler8924
      @freewheeler8924 5 лет назад +1

      There were so many fantastic mods for all the Quakes. In particular, I really liked the *Rocket Arena* mods - Death Match Perfection!.

  • @davep8221
    @davep8221 Год назад +1

    I think one id's most important contributions to gaming was opening up the games to map makers and modders and providing tools to make them happen. Then JC went farther and begin releasing source. That helped drive the industry for a long time and generated so many talented developers.
    Not so much now because of greedy publishers making cash grabs of everything.

  • @ladynetrex
    @ladynetrex 5 лет назад +3

    The best games by far, Q3 was and still is the big love. And the Quake games has the best announcer voices. By far.

  • @mcd3379
    @mcd3379 2 года назад +1

    From a single player perspective, Quake 2 especially with that music from Sonic Mayhem was the high point of ID's game making. Quake 1 may have advanced the technology, but it was so dark and never had the number of enemies that Doom had.

  • @mattskirble6845
    @mattskirble6845 5 лет назад +78

    "I ain't afraid of no Quake"

    • @j.a.weishaupt1748
      @j.a.weishaupt1748 5 лет назад +9

      Matt skirble I see you’re a man of culture.

    • @Vanessinha91Pucca
      @Vanessinha91Pucca 5 лет назад +9

      He should though, his only sequel sucked ;)

    • @mattskirble6845
      @mattskirble6845 5 лет назад +5

      @@Vanessinha91Pucca I stand by my belief of if Duke Nukem forever was released 1999 or 2000 people would of loved it

    • @Vanessinha91Pucca
      @Vanessinha91Pucca 5 лет назад

      Yea, but it wasn't. Where Quake had already 2 sequels even if Forever was released in 2000.And honestly? If it was the Quake II build, i don't think people would like it.

    • @j.a.weishaupt1748
      @j.a.weishaupt1748 5 лет назад +3

      @@mattskirble6845 *would have

  • @TechGamesAU
    @TechGamesAU 5 лет назад

    I’ve played all quake games but #4 is one of my all time faves. The graphics were insane for the time, and the strogg conversion sequence was just mind blowing.

  • @HeadlessZombie1991
    @HeadlessZombie1991 5 лет назад +111

    Quake 4 is a great game, don’t care what anyone says.

    • @drjones8176
      @drjones8176 5 лет назад +1

      Getting on multiplayer now lol

    • @The1stFishBone
      @The1stFishBone 5 лет назад +1

      I love the nail gun in multiplayer in that game. The first couple hours of the single player were boring as hell though.

    • @MycketTuff
      @MycketTuff 5 лет назад +1

      When you mastered crouch jumping, moving around in Q4 was almost more rewarding than Q3. The only reason I switched back was that the community stayed.

    • @SidheKnight
      @SidheKnight 5 лет назад +7

      Agreed. Same with Quake 2. Great games both.

    • @acdcdave1387
      @acdcdave1387 5 лет назад

      Agreed, love the weapon selection. The beginning is slow and it took me a few tries to really get into it but once you become part Strogg the game is incredibly fun.

  • @XCenturionX
    @XCenturionX 5 лет назад

    Spent countless hours playing Quake 3 back in the day. Loved every minute of it. Thank you...

  • @doruku-mx
    @doruku-mx 5 лет назад +5

    Man, the way Tim Willits talks about the first Quake is like everything had happened randomly and without creative direction. John Romero will probably tell you a different story.

    • @hodgepodge6579
      @hodgepodge6579 5 лет назад +4

      I would easily take Romero's eccentricity over Tim Willit's dishonesty any day of the weak. For all his failure, at least Romero hasn't tried to make the claim he invented death-match maps to push Quake Champions and routinely been called out by his peers on trying to steal other's work.
      Seriously, go read up some of the things American McGee has to say about working with Mr. Willits.

    • @zogmorp
      @zogmorp 5 лет назад

      according to Romero, he was wanting to make something very different from Doom. But Carmack took so long to get the game engine done that when it was finally finished, everybody on the development team (except Romero) was feeling lazy and uninspired and just wanted to make an upgraded Doom style game but slightly different. This (apathy towards creativity) is actually what drove Romero to leave ID and start the game company ION Storm and start working on Daikatana.

  • @petergambier
    @petergambier 5 лет назад

    Thanks for this homage, those Quake sounds, the metal guitar sounds really take you back. Apart from 'Space Invaders' and the 'Half-Life' series 'Quake' really was it. I loved the bouncing grenades and the monsters and being blown away by the free Quake 2 level that they gave away on a floppy disc in a magazine, it has all kept me hooked to the genre ever since.

  • @reborntorave7217
    @reborntorave7217 5 лет назад +6

    QIIIA is the best game i 've ever played, i'm 3x years old! Quake 3 still my favourite game !

  • @HumanMotives
    @HumanMotives 2 года назад +1

    Great stuff! As the creator of a Q3 mod called “Tribal Ctf” this brings back sooo much memories ❤️

  • @aust100
    @aust100 Год назад +3

    Just downloaded quake 3 arena one of my favorite games to play now wow

    • @thomastommy9864
      @thomastommy9864 8 месяцев назад +1

      Welcome to Quake. 25 years later!!!

  • @Oisin2
    @Oisin2 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Noclip! That was great! :) lots of Quake 2 deathmatch memories, and so fascinating to hear those hidden insights like the casual item placement XD

  • @Killerbrew
    @Killerbrew 5 лет назад +7

    thanks for reminding me that i have wasted 20 years of my life playing quake 3....still play it and quakelive.....

  • @miabki
    @miabki 5 лет назад +2

    It would be nice to see a 2nd installment of this about Quake Champions. The game with so much potential to be the most played AFPS today.

    • @zwitch09
      @zwitch09 5 лет назад +1

      "Only online", game as a service; pretty much in maintenance mode for development yet still "early access"; no community servers, mods, or map-making. That isn't potential.
      Diabotical has potential if ever released.

    • @bitffald
      @bitffald 5 лет назад

      @@zwitch09 it has potential in terms of gameplay but how the whole thing is managed is pretty bad... Just as you said

  • @Punisher6791
    @Punisher6791 5 лет назад +20

    "We don't Need other Games To Suck To Make Ours Good" -Tim Willets

  • @konstantinstefanov365
    @konstantinstefanov365 5 лет назад +2

    quake 2 and quake 4 ... my favorite games ever. because of the single player and the story. LUV IT! id love another part of the story but sadly i know it will probably never happen

  • @adam-xt8te
    @adam-xt8te Год назад +5

    Oh Mr. Snake, hello

  • @jankjason
    @jankjason 5 лет назад +1

    I loved Enemy Territory: Quake Wars it was the first online game I got into, but I understand how it wasn't included since it was done by Splash Damage, it still covers what happened before the events of Quake 2 and 4 though.

  • @bencecsepanyi-istok7963
    @bencecsepanyi-istok7963 5 лет назад +7

    I think Quake is way more than a simple title. Quake is a serious thing, one word and one world, something odd.

  • @1slogoat
    @1slogoat 5 лет назад

    Spent many years of my youth playing weapons factory, action q2, instagib. Took me back hearing some of the sound effects again after so long

  • @Sch1n89
    @Sch1n89 5 лет назад +3

    Im playin Quake 3 with the CPMA Mod to this Day.
    18 years.

  • @gb6281
    @gb6281 5 лет назад +1

    In my memory: Quake was a place i discovered in 1997 and lived in with friends that i battled with and against for three years until quake 3 came out.

  • @vfastvdangerous
    @vfastvdangerous 5 лет назад +7

    Perfect timing, good job Danny! Fantastic channel!

  • @FassinTaak
    @FassinTaak 5 лет назад

    2:40 - the 'Demon' is actually called a Fiend (as dictated by the console message received upon death - 'Player was eviscerated by a fiend') and then a standard knight is shown when Tim mentions a Death Knight.

  • @Stefano--
    @Stefano-- 5 лет назад +6

    I wish to revive those years.
    New engines, new mods, unexplored paths, .
    All fresh, without ads, micro transactions, p2w. Much simpler.

  • @thomastommy9864
    @thomastommy9864 8 месяцев назад +2

    Now we need Quake: The Dark Ages

  • @mrmelkor1
    @mrmelkor1 5 лет назад +8

    He talks about the mods in quake2 like that was a new thing, quakeworld was full of multi player mods and yes, even the grappling hook.

    • @Bakamoichigei
      @Bakamoichigei 5 лет назад +2

      Right?! I mean, the original _Team Fortress_ was a _Quake_ mod, ffs! The modding revolution already took hold with the first game!😓

    • @Soljarag5
      @Soljarag5 5 лет назад

      I still have my screen name from my quake 1 TF days! (Soljarag)

    • @mrmelkor1
      @mrmelkor1 5 лет назад +1

      @@Soljarag5 lol hell yeah. I had my original config file for like 20 years. Lost it last year :(

    • @FeelingShred
      @FeelingShred 5 лет назад

      @@mrmelkor1 Replying to 1st original comment... They will never acknowledge that a game where Romero was still involved was much better and much more innovative, these clowns who pose as founders want to rewrite history. It's blatant at this point.

  • @alichamas63
    @alichamas63 Год назад

    I remember paying Quake 3 Arena with my buddies over LAN, legendary! At the time that was the greatest gaming experience available.

  • @yutro213
    @yutro213 5 лет назад +8

    Interesting to see Quake Champions completely _omitted_ here. I suppose Tim might be willing to talk about Quake Champions after it gets closure, whether after releasing final version or shutting it down.

    • @Dregomz02
      @Dregomz02 5 лет назад +1

      don't worry soon they will close the servers since population is at huge decline and less than 1000 ppl plays it

    • @mantus3243
      @mantus3243 5 лет назад +2

      Dregomz02 Why u talk like that? Be more helpful... some of us love that game

    • @Dregomz02
      @Dregomz02 5 лет назад +1

      @@mantus3243 truth hurts i see, when game stops growing and won't give you profit it's only matter of time when they shut down the servers

    • @yutro213
      @yutro213 5 лет назад +1

      @@Dregomz02 I agree, and I believe the strongest reason for this not happening yet is *DOOM Eternal* , you know, to preserve its hype.

    • @yutro213
      @yutro213 Месяц назад +1

      Over 5 years later, Quake Champions is _somehow_ still online. Quake Pro League is Dead, though.

  • @sdsfilmsaz
    @sdsfilmsaz 2 года назад +2

    It is interesting listening to this guy making it sound like Quake along with its sequels were the first to create things such as strafing and throwing grenades. He is trying to take credit where credit is not due.