Prince Wants To Hoard YOU | ASMR [Prince x Dragon] [Enemies to Lovers] [Confession] [M4A] Roleplay
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- " I may have just forgotten how… exposed your human form is…" 🖤
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Script by u/SplashiestPig
Tags: [Royal Speaker] [Dragon Listener] [Confession] [Attempting To Raise Their Own Ransom] [Bordering On Yandere Behavior] [Begging To Stay] [Attempting Blackmail With No Actual Power] [Happy Ending] [Enemies to Lovers]
Audio Credits:
RUclips audio library
sound snap audio library
Love you, mean it💜
#asmr #boyfriendroleplay #asmrboyfriend #m4f #m4a #m4m
Sublime work, Aether! Your delivery of this script is exactly what I imagined, and the little ad-libs are fantastic. 10/10 + Would Hoard Again + Can't Wait To Meet Gerald!
Thank you so much!! And thank you so much for your work on this incredible script, the dynamic of the characters is so sweet and cute and interesting! I loved it!!
When your royal hostage is negotiating against his own interests, you've got to remember to Stay Hydrated!
Sweet! I'm stoppin for a lil chug.
Edit: that was some good water ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Boy is literally pulling a Julius Caesar and demanding his people pay more for his return! Lol!
...salty...*dies* [Simeon has died due to "natural" causes (drinking ocean water)
Bitch tf was I saying 💀👀
I dfk me 😕
This reminds me of the one meme where when the person found out their ransom they demanded it be raised because they were worth more than what the kidnappers asked
That sounds like something Julius Ceaser did
@@One_of_the_Amazon_Boxes I think it was him, this rings true in my head.
Omg it really is like that ^^
Yup, ceaser was kidnapped by pirates and when they told him the ransom, he demanded they raise it because he thought he was worth more.
Don't forget he also gave his captors orders.
The prince gives very much stinking rich and trophy husband vibes and I am here for it
His lil "please~" ALMOST MAKE ME BUCKLE
( Little Mermaid back round music)
Prince; “Part of your, 🎼Hooooooooooooorde!”🤣🥰🤭
Damn, Aether, you knocked it out of the park again! SplashiestPig's work is always stunning - their scripts are real gems to listen to, especially the ones with fun dynamics like this! And you suit the role of this prince so well! Your voice made so adorably goofy and endearing, and it was a silly but sweet dynamic between the characters! The way you said "as long as you have me in check - and I assure you you do" had me giggling! And the "don't let me go" part had me "aww"-ing so much! This was such a lovely audio, fantastic job!
Thank you so much Soft!!! That makes me so happy to hear and I agree they did an absolutely incredible job with the script, when I first read it I was so intrigued because it such a different dynamic than what you would expect! And I immediately loved that! So happy I was able to strike the balance between cute/goofy and someone that is trying to pick up a dragon lol 🧡
The Bard when you have to fight the dragon: Can I seduce the dragon?!
It's legitimately so funny that this seems to happen in literally every campaign ever
@@AetherVA For real! And most of the time it has the same outcome! It fail miserably 🤣 Love your audio btw
I have to say, the speaker here handled the whole situation with more class than I could have ever mustered. LOL!
I think if I was a dragon I would sleep 80% of the time, and pull something like this to mess with people to ease boredom the other 20%. I’d probably keep this guy around just to entertain me, he sounds like a little kid honestly lol
Edit: idk why, but when he asked us to change into human form, I imagined that I was still hold him by the shirt collar dangling him in the air after shifting.
I love this but the Prince pulled a MASSIVE D&D bard in this ;-;
Keep up the amazing work, I really did love this
FR tho!!!
Thank you so much
Him: dragon I demand to speak with you this instant-
My brain instinctively: shut the fuck UP-
This is a joke this was fun to listen to!!
Lamo yes!
This needs to be a series!!!❤
Venti approves!!
Thank you for this AMAZING ASMR!!
Him : I would like to discuss my kidnapping.
Me : no 🥰🥰 you’re staying here, Period ☺️
Thank you so much, so happy you liked it!!
Since I'm staying here, let's enjoy the fries together 🥰
I'm pretty sure this prince was a dnd bard in a previous life. But still compelled to seduce the dragon.
He's got the down bad.
If he was throwing the bag upwards, wouldn't there be a decent chance the powder would be falling back down on him?
OMG I feel the same!!!! It really seems to happen in every campaign ^^ And after reincarnation his alignment changed to down bad
Ohhh? You posted earlier hehe. Happy Easter first of all! Coming back to edit as always~(also I was the first one again hehe)
Here we go💫
Woah, this is a long one, I thoroughly enjoyed it for sure. Your voice sounded lower in this audio and damn, you nailed it and did an incredible job like every single time. How do you do that?! You make me so proud🥹
Absolutely love how the prince had so many plans, it made me giggle at a point because I didn't expect him to keep going and to never succeed😂Poor prince just wanted "his dragon" to listen to his request💞
This script took a way more wholesome direction than what it seemed to be actually, and I am very happy about that. He is SO adorable and lovely, if I were the dragon, I would have probably granted his wish sooner💘
10/10,no doubts, no crumbs left, so heartwarming and soft, would listen again and again...
Now onto you... I JUST ADORE YOUR VOICE AAAA *screams internally and gets a wave of wanting to give you aggressive affection*. Sometimes I just wanna squish you in a hug and drown you with cuddles, that's the effect your voice has on me(among many others...).
Well, time to wrap up~
I don't know if it is a coincidence,if you did it on purpose or if you haven't even noticed, but in the last comment I used a certain nickname for you that is strongly connected to this script😏
Yeeep, du bist der Beste immer, mein Prinz🤍
Wenn ich auf dich höre, ist mein Herz glücklich. Du bist wirklich besonders🩵.
Viele Küsse, tschüss~
Happy Easter!! As always I am so happy you enjoyed the audio 🥰 I am constantly trying to work on my vocal range so I try to speak in a lower voice when I think it fits the character(+ it's pitched down a little since my vocal range isn't on the level I would like it to be yet). And I absolutely loved the dynamic of the characters in this script, splashiestpig did an incredible job with this one!!! You are gonna make me swoon with your compliments
@@AetherVA great to know you are working on your vocal range, take your time, you are doing amazing
"My kidnapping"
No you're staying here-
"I was about to say onee~" That was so adorable 🤭
The prince is in love with me so much they demand I keep them hostage for much longer
I.. Have a bugbear plushie... named Geralt
What a bizarre moment
OMG that is so cuuute
Part 2 PLZ PLZ
God, I love this character!
YES!!! The dynamic is so sweet
I would love to see more of this will this be a series, and possibly have a werewolf and/or vampire version or different story/scenario entirely, great job .
i badly want a part 2 of thsi script..
This is so freakin' cute omg
Thank you!
Also can I say I love this!! I need more!!
your video always make me feel good, i love it sooooo much, and always lay on my tummy and kicking my feet with i dumb smile, keep doing your doing, you do amazing, good job ☺️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU!!!!! Super happy it had the intended effect🥰You always manage to put a smile on my face thank you so much ❤❤❤
Love this very cute🧡
10/10 vid this is really good!
Father, I'd like to introduce you to the love of my life. The dragon that kidnapped me ❤
No pressure
Its cute at the end, and new subscriber too!
At 0:25 did he say "thank you fat wagon"because that's all I can hear and what the captions say... Rude much 😅
I don't know why my brain begging me to see this my nose bleed
Just like to point out that auto captions says "fat wagon" when he said fair dragon 0:32
When you are the one that gives you 1.2 k likes
Me:im sorry did i do that?
Us being a dragon and having this hotter cute prince with a sexy voice is like holy cow like what the heck ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
So cute 😭
Im a Dragon darling
Dragon flying friendship your bite jealous your old money er have beautiful you ring have ghost you lady. Have king prince er gold necklace tongue your love stages
Well said Georgina