Java A' Trainer [Development Thread]

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NEW DEVLOG/UPDATES 07/22/21 Check End of Thread!

AT or A' Trainer as it is called currently is a trainer/slavemaker game I've been working on and off for a while which has let me slowly develop the ideas I'm going for. It runs fully on Java as an executable and has been made to be dynamic allowing easy character creation, and other options so the game can grow with a community. People can add their own slaves into the game so they can play around with them or share them with other players. We do currently have a playable demo but its mostly to show progress is being made and does not have all the features going into the next update. The next update is focused around a new UI backend system and adding a lot more screens and ways to interact with the game, that being an actual slave profile view with clothing, history, skills and quick view options, Picture gif, and webm support for files and anyone wanting to make there own slaves/characters. The whole UI has been reworked to offer multiple different color and style options for the game so you can find something that works for you.

A maker gui is planned for the future so it much easier to make characters as right now they are all based in json. your welcome to come to the discord to ask questions or suggest thing a link is on the first page of this thread.

(A example of one of the themes)

You the player live in the city of Xanbasi one of the few countries not in war with surrounding nations, with war happening all around the continent your country seems to pick up of the refugees. the less opportunity of which who end up in slaves, that's one of the many ways that some ends up in the slave trade of Xanbasi. You're unfortunately out of luck you have about 1 grand to your name and rent for your shitty place is due soon. There is an Auction house nearby for the cities slave trade, maybe you should try that before you end up a slave yourself.

This is one of the cities you'll be able to play in as I plan on further allowing other city options and with the systems now In place, I can change a setting entirely. The base city I'm working on is set in a Fantasy world that is full of war and to your luck slaves, I include a bunch of slaves with story and such if you feel like it or you can just get some peoples custom characters to play with Sailor moon or something it's your choice. the setting is being built around technology and magic so you can sho in any character you want, or use any other persons shared slaves/slave packs. I'm filling the world with NPCs and making fun additions with suggestions and feedback as I go. There is a variety of different planned types of slaves offered from Demon Girls to Monster girls aka Beastkin, and a load of other races that fit in with the world.

The Sex system is a training based system so you can train girls to sell or keep for themselves, slaves gain stats with training and are worth more trained than otherwise. Everything is dynamic which makes future expansion and hopefully modding accessible so you can add to the world as you please. I'm planning on included a few Toggle-able fetishes like furry content for those who want it(Just adds fur to some characters and makes beast-kin Furrier, thought it would be a nice thought for those who enjoy it). You can use the world and shops to mold Slaves into what you like make them taller or shorter, give them green hair, an extra cunt if you want. A couple of other fetishes that are planned are Traps and Futa along with a Female Player. just a hint of toggle-able things you can do in future versions.

A new body system is in place too so the entire body of every slave is dynamic, I just have to add interactions you can do in-game, your welcome to suggest some or anything else.

Things are looking in a good direction I've got a lot more planned to be slowly introduced, if you have any questions ask me here or on discord.
(Updated March 3rd 2021)

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Реакции: Kinderalpha


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Sounds promising enough! I look forward to seeing the progress on this project over time.

For the UI, I feel like that is something that's kind of hard to evaluate without a playable build to get a feel for how all of the menus flow and whatnot. Unless you're asking about it on a purely aesthetic level, but I imagine that too might be subject to change? It looks very functional right now though. Clean, readable and with plenty of space to display information down the line.


New Member
its is subject to change, maybe ill ask the opinion after the first release. Right now base Slaves are going in and the NPC framework we are getting closer to a release test version.


New Member
Almost got a first release here soon just figuring out some game-play and a couple bugs, so I should have a build within a couple weeks. mostly just going over how I want scenes done(Aka long or short train scenes) and considerations to preserve gameplay.


New Member
Sorry about delay, things get in the way sometimes, close to a drop about to enter a small testing phase here with a small discord group I have soon but 99% of the Back end is in for the initial release so I'm just adding in the actual content in now. Bashing out those final bugs and too, saving is fully in the game along with loading i'm just tweaking them right now as a I go, along with that basic character creator for Name, Height, Eye Color, and content preference.

Custom Character creation is in now too its got some basic customization, its mostly just to get rid of any legal responsibility on my part in case someone or myself wants to make something like Toph from avatar or something. I'm slowly adding in support for custom pictures on that side too, right now its all on defaults and menu icons.

Training as moved on and its all logically there, I solved a problem for mass Commands with a Category, Command and Continuation System, when you enter a kiss you have options on what to do in that kiss, say a deeper kiss, or french kissing.
I designed it that way because I think it will improve flow and Game-play value.

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Currently working on filling out some of the content for the first release which is really a continual beta, working on a few commands too to make them feel good.

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Looks promising, maybe a "succesor" to Free Cities?
Anyway, you have a discord people can join for feedback/potential ideas and discussion?


New Member
Things are coming together better now heres a gif of some thing currently, there is still a few bugs and a couple other things to re-add like the sidebar images. Going to be fixing up this description on top of the page too, a bit more about the world and the game play, plus more recent images.

Fourth Look.gif
Im entering basic testing with the discord here on Wednesday, i'll get some feed back tweak it, then release the first version publicly.


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Working on getting my first test run on the system right now, while working on getting it working I found a few Game breaking bugs and found out why JavaFX really sucks sometimes, so all is sorta on track.
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Another quick update, Got the first test system with my one active tester, it was more of a systems test than anything and brought forth a bunch of bugs. A few more things about the UI has been hammered out which reminds me to fix up the main post up top with the latest details. A picture system has been decided that will allow for anyone making there own custom salves to provide training, chatting, buying ect images into the game. and with that im now working on a 'Unofficial image pack' for the game too too add images for training, it wont be with the main game so im not really legally applicable and if someone want something taken down I can do it without the main game being a issue. Should also let people to make there own packs if they want too.

(Quick Mock-up Example, 100% Optional)​

Ive also started thinking of UI designs for Skills there will be a poll above, im knocking out bugs, refining Scenes adding scenes and all kinds of other fun things.

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Реакции: Karnewarrior и DustyB


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Just coming by to give a quick update, projects not dead and I have an initial build ready but I'm refining features right now and getting it to a good base point for me, it has a single slaves system temporarily as I don't want to make the slave switcher screen yet. Picture system is in place and I got a temp blog for when I do drop the first release. Should be fun. Images are handled in aunoffical pack to show and example if you want to throw together your own.



Ignore the wrong first name there bug I have to fix with how its gotten from the full name.


New Member
just letting people know the project isn't dead, far from it the UI is currently under a lot of work and a new dynamic UI system is in the back end that allows moddablity functionality and the ability to easily make new game screens, after this is done the sex system is being reworked onto a new system, there is a demo available currently too.


Everything is still open to change in the future but things are coming along when I have the time.
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Реакции: Karnewarrior


New Member
different theme options are in the works too as you can see this is a very dark theme, the system is built to allow a changing of styles and colors easily on my side, and lets you rotate through them.
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Реакции: Karnewarrior


New Member
This is the first dev log For AT or A' Trainer as it has been named. I'm starting some dev blog as a way to keep me a bit on track and as a way of sharing with everyone progress on this project and its current state.

I've gone missing for the last year and not working on the AT due to covid and some personal matters that need attending. Fortunately, I am getting back into a position where I can finally work on the project again, which is exciting as it's been on the back burner recently due to some other more pressing projects, (and some FFXIV) that have been taking up my personal time.

The game itself is playable right now, it has systems that support actual playing at this point, but over this period along with the project; I have been forced to consider the gameplay loop quite a bit. This focus has taken time away from the actual coding and story-making of the world, into making/designing these new systems work and do what I intend them to do. The goal of which is for it to be Moddable, and making the systems feel worth it to play. I want to encourage creativity and storytelling so your story is told and expanded upon while you actively play with characters, gameplay, and other various mods which support I'm building into the game itself.

Speaking on the design a bit more it is the main focus right now, and what I consider to be the final thing holding it back until what I consider a releasable 1.0 / 0.1 state. Is what I have named The Gaia System, it is the main system the handles AI and how it interacts with the Gameworld and the Playe/ Player Actions using a tag-based system for Bodys, Actions, Items, and a whole load of other factors to control responses. A lot of time is currently going into it to make sure it is as robust as I want it to be and I think this will be the defining feature of the game.

It will let you do what you like in the game and actively respond to your actions in a way that feels natural. This has been exciting to me for quite a while as it's what I consider the final jigsaw piece into the game. The other system I currently have also been designed similarly and it will make things feel on whole more cohesive.

These Other systems are implemented into the game already and are usable it's just waiting on this last bit to be done, for example, we have the Body system which lets every character be modified with body parts letting you remove, add, damage, or change any of the parts, everything from Losing Limbs, to having Purple hair and a beard that would make Gandalf proud.

The Project has gone through two past versions to get into its current state and has taught me a lot of the processes and making sure things feel right to me and hopefully the Players. Since the last update which was quite a while ago, new systems have gone into place and old systems have been rewritten to fit modability and flexibility.

Some of the Highlighted Changes are

  • UI System has been completely rewritten to be more dynamic and Moddable allowing greater flexibility, color schemes, and dynamics to the system, allowing quick prototyping for me and anyone interesting in adding to the UI
  • The Body system has been written in getting rid of the old system that went into place holding the characters back a bit on the customizability I want them to have
  • Training has had its first design run and writing into the game awaiting player feedback in the next version to creating a fun feeling training process
  • The Basic clothing system is in the back end now which adds a bunch of fun things to dress characters with including things like outfits.
  • Back end for Traits and Personality has started solidifying for use of the Gaia system and bonuses in training
  • A fair amount of Characters Trainable, Shopkeepers and Others have been chosen already and their stories and world are being refined for the next few weeks
  • Support to create your own characters to add to the game is almost fully finalized on the Text side, GUI Pending for the future for easier editing and creation, along with a better sharing platform than what discord will be for the foreseeable future.
  • Support for Images, Webm, Gifs added to the UI system so you can display pictures for characters as you wish, including a dynamic system that automatically chooses pictures you set(Character Creators) Based on Clothing, What they Look like, Traits, and More
  • Skill System is being fully designed for Characters to take advantage of so they feel and behave more uniquely eg. Say a character from a show having a magic skill or aura
  • Mod Systems being refined and Documented for later mod systems

And a few more things I haven't fully mentioned here, they will be mentioned more as they get closer to completion, or you can take a look at the Trello/Discord.

If you are not aware I have a Trello with some features or things I'm looking at that is public, not all of the things I think of or want to do are in there but its a good way to figure out where I am, what to expect in the future and more.

I am hoping by the next dev blog the Gaia system will have its first design Pass fully completed so I can get some feedback before implementing the monster in-game. Along with that, I'm hoping to fill the game with the characters, locations, and shops needed for a base experience.

If you have any questions you would like answered about the system, features, feedback, or how things/modding will work lmk on discord or any other forum option ill try to answer them as I can and ill put a few in the future dev logs every once in a while

If you want to leave general feedback or have any questions/want to follow the progress you can join the discord server using this link here.


Oh and ill have a version out without the Gaia system so I can get more initial impressions in the next couple of weeks as a holdover.


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Getting enslaved yourself could be an interesting (soft?) bad end. Like, you no longer have control over the actions taken, but you get to watch an AI Master train your MC until you decide to reload.

Dunno if the Gaia system could handle that, but it'd be cool.


New Member
It is doable, I'm just not sure that's the direction I want to take bad ends. As the core loops around the actions you take and decide.
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