Monster Box Streams Music From Your iPod

There seems something almost willfully perverse about a remote control for an iPod. After all, the music player is a lot more portable and pocket friendly than most remotes. Monster solves this by using the iPod as the remote. The iSoniCast comes in two pieces. One plugs into your stereo and one into the iPod’s […]

isonicast.pngThere seems something almost willfully perverse about a remote control for an iPod. After all, the music player is a lot more portable and pocket friendly than most remotes. Monster solves this by using the iPod as the remote.

The iSoniCast comes in two pieces. One plugs into your stereo and one into the iPod's Dock Connector. The music is streamed wirelessly between the two, which means you can use the familiar iPod interface to control your music.

To be honest, this is something that should be built in to at least the iPod Touch and the iPhone. They both have WiFi, right? So if you have an Airport Express hooked up to your stereo for streaming iTunes, surely it makes sense for the iPod to do the same.

In the meantime, Monster's solution certainly looks the part, even if it is a fairly dear $100. No batteries required, and it's more practical than a coat hanger.

Product page [Monster via Crave]