Remove “Fortunatus also writes of ‘Vergil recited...'"


In the intro the sentence, “Venantius Fortunatus also writes of ‘Vergil recited in Trajan's forum in the city’ about 576 AD” appears garbled and lifted verbatim from its source where it also appears garbled. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the sentence, but if not, perhaps someone more confident can correct it or delete it. Bob Enyart, Denver KGOV radio host (talk) 12:33, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

My confidence somehow instantly increased so I removed it. If another editor can make sense of it, perhaps a corrected version of it can go in the History section? It appeared with this reference: "Ulpian Library". Retrieved 2016-11-18." [with "Ulpian Library" there linking to a page still functioning on 2021-03-21]. Bob Enyart, Denver KGOV radio host (talk) 12:42, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply