![]() | This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
Various templates use this data. Start with {{MilAward}}
and make sure to check out the talk page for some stats and tests.
Data structure
This module uses the structure:
code = {Code = "xx", Description = "xx", Class="", RibbonImage="Ribbon - Question mark.png", PageLink="Wikipedia:WikiProject Orders, decorations, and medals", PostNom="", Country="None", Note="", Org="None", RecipCat="" },
- xx : the UNIQUE code we use to access this record.
- Description : Description to be used as Alt Description, so it will be used when producing the link
- class: intended to be for the class of the award, it's turning out to be useful for other things as well
- RibbonImage : File name of the file for the ribbon to be displayed
- PageLink : Name of Wiki Article which the specific award will link to
- PostNom : If this award has a Postnominal attached to it, enter that here or leave blank
- Country. : This should be obvious, but I haven't made a decision whether to use codes or country name
- org: Organisation
- RecipCat: Contents of this field are used as a category name. The idea is to add the person who's medal you've added to their page, to the category of recipients of that medal, automagically
- Ribbon :
- Description:
Military Merit Medal (MMM)
With different sizes:
- Ribbon :
- Description:
Military Merit Medal (MMM)
What this does is it provides the data to various routines which combine it in different ways. For example, Ribbon will display just the image, but will link it to the link page. Desc displays the ribbon, then adds the description next to it. When a template calls one of the routines in the module, the {{{size}}} is replaced with the second un-named parameter when the template is called. That is passed on to this module to set the size of the image. The "PageLink" provides the name of an article on Wikipedia with no wikilinking. (In theory it could be a URL, but that's not preferred) The contents of the Description field can be any text which can be used as the "alt text" for an image link. Please be careful with this. Using links or curly braces "{}" or inverted commas '' etc can break that entry as well as, potentially, the rest of the entries in the template.
How this works, is that the first unnamed parameter when you call the template is used as the value to look up the corresponding value in this list. Once that value has been found, then the fields in that line are available to the module. These fields are combined in different ways to produce the specific formatting required for the template that called this module. For this reason, it's very important that this format is not broken or interfered with!
There are now named parameters.
- code: The code for the medal
- size: Size of the image
Still to be implemented
- Country=yes - Add the display of country to the medal description. WIll have to figure out if I display just what's in the data or do an ISO lookup for a country name.
- Class=no - Allow the turning off of the addition of what's in the "Class" field to the medal description
- TextSize=xx - Allow the specification of the size of the text. Probably a percentage.
- Org=yes - Allow the turning on of the display of the contents of the "Org" field
- Notes=no - Allow the turning off of the display of the contents of the "Notes" field
A note on countries
All the data is in one large lookup table rather than splitting it into files for each country. It just means it's easier to maintain and it's less likely to get busybodies interfering and rearranging things because the "Good Idea Fairy" told them it would be a good idea.
Editors should try to keep this as organised as possible. Search the file for your country's name. If there isn't any mention of it, then create a heading using a comment for your country and add any relevant entries there. Within the country heading, not a bad idea to create sub-headings for different things. Examples might be "Military/Civilian", "Arms of service", "Types of awards". This then can be duplicated on the Documentation page of this Module and will make more sense to new readers and ease of use for maintainers and editors.
The data in this module is self-documenting. Place the template {{tlx|MilAward Stats}] in your sandbox or any other page and you'll see what I mean.
local p = {}
local data = mw.loadData('Module:MilAward/data')
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local GlobalTemplateArgs = '' -- define as global (to this module) variable
function p.GraphData (frame)
-- This routine is simply to create the x and y data lines for the graph of number of entries poer country
-- It iterates through the data, counting the number of entries for each country and then
-- create two lines holding those values as comma seperated values
-- This function should geenerate only two lines containing the data for the graph and
-- should be invoked at the correct place in the graph setup.
-- Create an empty local table called "StatCount"
local StatCount = {}
-- Iterate through the data in the table "data"
for code, record in pairs(data) do
local country = record.Country
-- Check if the country is already in StatCount
if StatCount[country] then
-- If it is, add one to the count
StatCount[country] = StatCount[country] + 1
-- If it isn't, add the country to the table with a value of 1
StatCount[country] = 1
local xGraphValues = "| x=" -- Create the start of the x values line for a graph
local yGraphValues = "| y=" -- Create the start of the y values line for a graph
-- Iterate through the StatCount table using pairs
for country, count in pairs(StatCount) do
xGraphValues = xGraphValues .. ", " .. country -- add the name of the country as a comma seperated value
yGraphValues = yGraphValues .. ", " .. count -- add the count for the country as a comma seperated value
local output = " \n" .. xGraphValues .. " \n" .. yGraphValues .. "\n"
return output
function p.Stats(frame)
-- Create an empty local table called "StatCount"
local StatCount = {}
-- Iterate through the data in the table "data"
for code, record in pairs(data) do
local country = record.Country
-- Check if the country is already in StatCount
if StatCount[country] then
-- If it is, add one to the count
StatCount[country] = StatCount[country] + 1
-- If it isn't, add the country to the table with a value of 1
StatCount[country] = 1
-- Create an empty table to store the wiki code rows
local wikiRows = {}
local xGraphValues =''
local yGraphValues =''
-- Iterate through the StatCount table using pairs
for country, count in pairs(StatCount) do
-- Add a row to the wikiRows table with the country and count data
table.insert(wikiRows, "|-\n|" .. country .. "||" .. count)
xGraphValues = xGraphValues .. ", " .. country
yGraphValues = yGraphValues .. ", " .. count
-- Create the wiki code for the table using the wikiRows table
local wikiCode = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable col2right\"\n|-\n! Country !! Count\n" .. table.concat(wikiRows, "\n") .. "\n|}"
local wikiCode = wikiCode .. " \n" .. xGraphValues .. " \n" .. yGraphValues .. "\n"
-- Return the wiki code
local tablist= p.PrintStats()
local output = wikiCode .. "\n\n" .. tablist
return output
function p.PrintStats()
-- Convert key-value pairs into a list of {code, data[code]} pairs
local pairsList = {}
for code, values in pairs(data) do
table.insert(pairsList, {code, values})
-- Sort the list based on the "Description" field of each pair
table.sort(pairsList, function(a, b)
return a[2].Description < b[2].Description
-- Generate wiki table code for the sorted list
local tableCode = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\"\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|-\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "! Code !! Old Code !! Description !! Country\n !! Postnom !! Ribbon !! Org\n"
for i, pair in ipairs(pairsList) do
local code, values = pair[1], pair[2]
local oldcode = values.Code or ""
local country = values.Country or ""
local description = values.Description or ""
local class = values.Class or ""
local postnom = values.PostNom or ""
local ribbonimage = values.RibbonImage or ""
local pagelink = values.PageLink or ""
local note = values.Note or ""
local org = values.Org or ""
tableCode = tableCode .. "|-\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. code .. "\n"
if code == oldcode then
tableCode = tableCode .. "| \n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. oldcode .. "\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|[[" .. pagelink .. "|" .. description
if string.len(class) > 0 then
tableCode = tableCode .. "]] '''(" .. class .. ")'''"
tableCode = tableCode .. "]]"
if string.len(note) > 0 then
tableCode = tableCode .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Efn', args = {note} } -- Note: Page needs {{notelist}}
--tableCode = tableCode .. " <sup>" .. note .. "</sup> "
tableCode = tableCode .. "\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. country .. "\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. postnom .. "\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|[[File:" .. ribbonimage .. "|x30px]]\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|" .. org .. "\n"
tableCode = tableCode .. "|}"
return tableCode
function p.Display(frame)
-- Take parameters out of the frame and pass them to p._Display(). Return the result.
local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
--local templateArgs = frame.args
local code = templateArgs[1] or 'None'
local size = templateArgs[2] or "40px"
local namedcode = templateArgs["code"]
if namedcode then
code = namedcode
local namedsize = templateArgs["size"]
if namedsize then
size = namedsize
return p._Display(code, size)
function p._Display(code, size)
-- data is loaded globally
local output = ""
output = output .. " '''Found award with code''': " .. data[code].Code .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Code'': " .. data[code].Code .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Description'': " .. data[code].Description .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Ribbon Image'': " .. data[code].RibbonImage .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Post-Nominal'': " .. data[code].PostNom .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Page Link'': " .. data[code].PageLink .. "<br />"
output = output .. "''Country'': " .. data[code].Country .. "<br />"
return output
local function _Ribbon(code, size)
local ribbonimage=data[code].RibbonImage
if string.len(size) <1 then
size="x12px" -- weasel code. Check that there is a value for size and if not, set the value
if string.len(ribbonimage)<1 then -- If there is no ribbonimage defined for the record, then assign a default one.
ribbonimage = "NOT-AVAILABLE-RIBBON.svg"
local output = "[[File:" .. ribbonimage .. "|".. size .. "|link=" .. data[code].PageLink .. "|" .. data[code].Description .. " ''" .. data[code].PostNom .. "''" .. "]]" -- .. " [[Category:MilAward Ribbon]]"
return output
function p.Ribbon(frame)
-- Function extracts the parameters from the frame (passed into the function)
-- It checks that the first argument is not empty, and returns an error if so
local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
--local templateArgs = frame.args
local code = templateArgs[1] or 'None'
local size = templateArgs[2] or "x12px"
local namedcode = templateArgs["code"] -- Check for named argument "code" and overwrite the value in the local variable if it has a value
if namedcode then
code = namedcode
local namedsize = templateArgs["size"] -- Check for named argument "size" and overwrite the value in the local variable if it has a value
if namedsize then
size = namedsize
if string.match(code, "%*") then -- The code field has asterisks in it. Raise an error
-- code = string.gsub(code, "%*", "x")
local output = '<span style="color:#d33"> Bad Code: <b>[' .. code .. ']</b>. Replace all * with x</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
return output
end -- End if
if not code or '' == code then
-- return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: missing positional parameter 1</span>'
return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Invalid Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b> )</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
-- local code = code:upper() -- DO NOT DO THIS. Code is case sensitive -- Converts the first argument to uppercase
if not data[code] then
-- return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: invalid positional parameter 1: ' .. code .. '</span>'
return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Code not found: <b>' .. code .. '</b> )</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
return _Ribbon (code, size)
local function _RibbonDesc(code, size, country, norib, nocat, org)
-- This routine is where the data is structured for output
local output =''
if norib ~= "yes" then -- They do NOT want the ribbon to display if this is yes
output = output .. _Ribbon(code, size) -- Start by getting the ribbon. Call the function designed to do that
local output = output .. " [[" .. data[code].PageLink .. "|" .. data[code].Description .. "]] " -- add the pagelink and description
if data[code].Class then
if string.len(data[code].Class) > 0 then -- Only add the Class if there is something in the field
output = output .. " (''" .. data[code].Class .. "'') "
if string.len(data[code].PostNom) > 0 then -- Only add the postnom if there is something in the field
output = output .. " ('''" .. data[code].PostNom .. "''') "
if string.len(data[code].Note) > 0 then -- Only add the Note if there is something in the field
output = output .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Efn', args = {data[code].Note} } -- Note: Page needs {{notelist}}
-- output = output .. "<sup>" .. data[code].Note .. "</sup> "
if string.len(country) > 0 then -- if a value for country has been specificed
if country:upper() ~= data[code].Country:upper() then -- check that the country specificed does NOT equal that on record
output = output .. " (" .. data[code].Country .. ") " -- add the country code to the end of the output
if string.len(org) > 0 then -- if a value for org has been specificed
if org:upper() == "YES" then -- check that it is YES
if string.len(data[code].Org) > 0 then -- Check there is actually something in the org field
output = output .. " (''" .. data[code].Org .. "'') " -- add the Org code to the end of the output
-- Optimised code. string.len is expensive as is
local nocat_length = string.len(nocat)
if nocat_length > 1 then -- If ANYTHING has been specified as a value for nocat, then it's true
-- Do nothing or add to tracking category?
-- Need to exclude adding the recipient category if it is not in mainspace.
-- for now, that means checking it's not in "Template:" or "User:" space
local current_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local namespace = current_title.nsText
local namespace_length = string.len(namespace)
if namespace_length < 2 then
local recipcat = data[code].RecipCat or "" -- If there is a recipient category specified, then add it to the output
local categories = {}
--categories[#categories+1] = " [[Category:MilAward Ribbon Description]]" -- Add tracking Category -- Note commented out
if string.len(recipcat) > 0 then
local categoryTitle ='Category:' .. mw.text.trim(recipcat))
if categoryTitle.exists and not categoryTitle.isRedirect then
-- category exists and is not a redirect
categories[#categories+1] = " [[Category:" .. recipcat .. "]]"
-- category does not exist or is a redirect
-- Add to a tracking Category ???
output = output .. table.concat(categories)
return output
function p.RibbonDesc(frame)
local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
-- local templateArgs = frame.args
local code = 'Unknown' -- initialise a local variable called code to something rational
local size = 'x20px' -- initialise a local variable called size to something rational
if templateArgs[1] then code = templateArgs[1] end -- check that it is not "nil" before assigning the value
if templateArgs[2] then size = templateArgs[2] end -- Check that it is not "nil" before assigning the value
local namedcode = templateArgs["code"] -- assign tha local variable "namedcode" to the value of the argument called code
if namedcode then -- if the assignment of value has worked ie there was actially a parameter called code with a value then
code = namedcode -- assign the value found above to the variable "code" overwriting any other value it may have had
local namedsize = templateArgs["size"] -- exactly the same as for "code" above
if namedsize then
size = namedsize
local namedcountry = templateArgs["country"] or '' -- if the argument "country" has been passed, assign it to a local variable
local country = namedcountry
local norib = templateArgs["norib"] or ''
if not size then size = "x20px" end -- this is a weasel statement meant to assign the default value if the
-- variable doesn't hold one which should never occur
if not code or '' == code then -- if thre was no code assigned (field empty) then return an error of invalud code
-- '<span style="color:#d33">Error: missing positional parameter 1</span>'
local output = '<span style="color:#d33"> (Invalid Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b>)</span>'
return output
if string.match(code, "%*") then -- The code field has asterisks in it. Raise an error
local output = '<span style="color:#d33"> Bad Code: <b>[' .. code .. ']</b>. Replace all * with x</span> [[Category:MilAward Error]]'
return output
end -- End if
-- local code = templateArgs[1]:upper() -- Do not convert to uppercase. Codes are case sensitive
if not data[code] then
-- return '<span style="color:#d33">Error: invalid positional parameter 1: ' .. code .. '</span>'
return '<span style="color:#d33"> (Code: <b>' .. code .. '</b> Not found)</span>'
local nocat= templateArgs["nocat"] or '' -- Assign local value for nocat parameter
local org=templateArgs["org"] or '' -- Assign local value for org parameter
return _RibbonDesc (code, size, country, norib, nocat, org)
function p.Stack(frame)
GlobalTemplateArgs = getArgs(frame)
-- local size = GlobalTemplateArgs[1] or "x12px"
local size = "x12px"
local namedsize = GlobalTemplateArgs["size"]
if namedsize then
size = namedsize
size = "x12px"
local output = ''
local RibbonList = {}
for i = 1, 40 do -- 40 is the max number of params that will be examined.
local rl = GlobalTemplateArgs[i] or ""
if rl ~= "" then
table.insert(RibbonList, rl)
local row={}
for i, rl in ipairs(RibbonList) do
if rl ~= "" then
if data[rl] then -- check whether this is found in the data
local rowoutput = _Ribbon(rl, size)
table.insert(row,string.format('%s',rowoutput) )
output = table.concat(row, " ")
--output = output .. "[[Category:MilAward Stack]]" -- Add tracking category
return output
function p.DescList(frame)
local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
local size = templateArgs["size"] or 'x20px'
local namedcountry = templateArgs["country"] or 'yes'
local output = '\n'
for key, value in pairs(templateArgs) do
if string.len(value) > 1 and data[value] then
output = output .. "* " .. _RibbonDesc(value, size, namedcountry,'','','') .. "\n"
return output
function p.PostNom(frame)
local templateArgs = getArgs(frame)
local size = templateArgs["size"] or '85%'
local sep = templateArgs["sep"] or ', '
if sep == "none" then
sep = " "
local output = '<span class="noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:' .. size .. '; font-weight:normal;">'
for key, value in pairs(templateArgs) do
if key ~= "size" and string.len(value) > 1 and data[value] then
if string.len(data[value].PostNom) > 1 then
output = output .. "[[" .. data[value].PageLink .. "|" .. data[value].PostNom .. "]]" .. sep .. ""
local seplen = (string.len(sep) + 1) * -1 -- Take length of sep, add one to it and make it negative (* -1)
output = output:sub(1, seplen) -- Remove the trailing seperator
output = output .. '</span>'
return output
-- Initial code by John Dovey (13 April 2023) [[User:BoonDock]]
return p