JOCKS WEAR JOCKS! (jock straps)

Fantastic set of jock shots! I wonder about the rear shot of ajocked dude with a small "Shower caddy." Is he headed to the shower room wearing his jock? I used to do that and then would rinse it out so it looked like I had a reason.
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This picture brings up something I have mentioned in other posts. this guy is obviously more comfortable in his jock until the last minute he would need to take it off to shower or maybe he is one like me at times that starts his shower in a jock then takes it off to rinse out and ring out.

My dad says it was normal to strip and put on a jock as soon as you entered the locker room back in his day and there was no shame in just hanging around in your jock before and after practice, game, etc. but now it seems many who do wear a jock are embarrassed to be seen in it, even going as far as holding them inside their shorts to put them both on at the same time and never being in just jockstrap.
I must fit better in my dads generation, I want to get my jock on as soon as I can before I compete or practice, get the blood and testosterone flowing, it gets me more pumped up for the upcoming competition.
This picture brings up something I have mentioned in other posts. this guy is obviously more comfortable in his jock until the last minute he would need to take it off to shower or maybe he is one like me at times that starts his shower in a jock then takes it off to rinse out and ring out.

My dad says it was normal to strip and put on a jock as soon as you entered the locker room back in his day and there was no shame in just hanging around in your jock before and after practice, game, etc. but now it seems many who do wear a jock are embarrassed to be seen in it, even going as far as holding them inside their shorts to put them both on at the same time and never being in just jockstrap.
I must fit better in my dads generation, I want to get my jock on as soon as I can before I compete or practice, get the blood and testosterone flowing, it gets me more pumped up for the upcoming competition.

You said it! Your dad's right; we did that as well: jocks on asap and then hanging in your jock was seen as manly. Now it's seen as gay. Sigh.
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Sigh. There just oughtta be a Constitutional Amendment that every man has a right to a jockstrap and then a culturally enforced law that ALL guys should wear them... as they used to!