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Apr 22, 2022
Hi everyone, I'm new to this game and would really appreciate some tips from experienced players. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

How to make profit with expert businessman class ? I played 1 week in game however I can't produce anything, some of the basic thing need leather but nowhere sells it, I have skins from hunting but insufficient survival point to make leather. I hired Loren but she can't help me either.

I tried hunting, hunt full day till depleted stamina, got 90 raw meat convert to 180 ration worth around 1500$, not much and the deer slowly recover. I find fighting bandit, enslave then sell in the market is more profitable so this is my main income.

I like the slave mechanic, it makes the game interesting and unique so I keep female bandits and try to train them. But how to train properly? I aim to make them as best slave as possible for more profit in the auction. I checked the wiki but it is not very informative, it's hard to decrease Willpower (affect badly to price) and she has 99 lol, should I sell her now and find another to train, estimate 7000$ in the Crystal market. Corruption is hard to raise; give chocolate, trinket or food seem make zero impact, I can raise Happiness and Affection through encourage and compliment but the successful rate is not good, quite a slow progress, increase fear is easier but is it a good stat ?

I got a slave name Aimi, she doesn't look like unique npc according to the wiki page, but she has interrogate option, seem like I can have some useful information from her, when I capture her local trader gave ridiculous price 9000$ for a newly capture slave but now her price is only 4000$ so I guess her information worths a lot.

I have quite a lot of merchandise, should I sell or scrap them myself ? And there is a ruin or something like that in the house, I should spend 2h each time scavenge there or demolish and build something else ?


Nov 7, 2022
Hi everyone, I'm new to this game and would really appreciate some tips from experienced players. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

How to make profit with expert businessman class ? I played 1 week in game however I can't produce anything, some of the basic thing need leather but nowhere sells it, I have skins from hunting but insufficient survival point to make leather. I hired Loren but she can't help me either.

I tried hunting, hunt full day till depleted stamina, got 90 raw meat convert to 180 ration worth around 1500$, not much and the deer slowly recover. I find fighting bandit, enslave then sell in the market is more profitable so this is my main income.

I like the slave mechanic, it makes the game interesting and unique so I keep female bandits and try to train them. But how to train properly? I aim to make them as best slave as possible for more profit in the auction. I checked the wiki but it is not very informative, it's hard to decrease Willpower (affect badly to price) and she has 99 lol, should I sell her now and find another to train, estimate 7000$ in the Crystal market. Corruption is hard to raise; give chocolate, trinket or food seem make zero impact, I can raise Happiness and Affection through encourage and compliment but the successful rate is not good, quite a slow progress, increase fear is easier but is it a good stat ?

I got a slave name Aimi, she doesn't look like unique npc according to the wiki page, but she has interrogate option, seem like I can have some useful information from her, when I capture her local trader gave ridiculous price 9000$ for a newly capture slave but now her price is only 4000$ so I guess her information worths a lot.

I have quite a lot of merchandise, should I sell or scrap them myself ? And there is a ruin or something like that in the house, I should spend 2h each time scavenge there or demolish and build something else ?
scavenge it till it is done there are things in there you want to get out it will be done when you scavenge it clean
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
How to make profit
You process and sell or quicksell generic non-scripted male slaves as much as you can. You can capture up to 5 per fight. Use the Whipping Cane bought from Abbot Roo or Devious Tools to deal the killing blow. It's 100% capture rate unless the enemy is scripted uncaptureable (example: the daily generic bounties first position). You fight bounties and bandits, you gain influence and money slowly. Your main goal is the Workshop.

You can also gather a few slaves with Workaholic trait. These will be your future workshop workers and the stat that matters is discipline. Do not go overboard with getting everyone you can get or your food cost and escape attempts will be overwhelming. Your other goal is to earn enough influence (1000) to enter Emerald City and Crystal Heights. When there's no bandits to capture, you hunt for food or craft in your house. Or do some prospecting in Cole's Canyon. . Check the Prospecting Skills entry.

You upgrade your bathroom a bit and your bedroom as well as the Dorms in the basement. The small cost upgrades. A dilapidated dorm reduces NPC happiness and increase Household Disrepair. You want it to be at least neutral (happiness +0 instead of happiness -1). A dilapidated bathroom and bedroom will lower your stamina instead of replenish it.

If you can, build a Gazebo in your yard. There's a tiny stone tile in the right corner, below the scrap yard that you can build it on. Upgrade it once to build a Pool. You can use it to hold pool parties. Everyone in your house will gain Happiness and +1 Affection (+2 if you have the party animal trait), capped at Loving affection. Further upgrades just increase happiness gain and contentment gain so you can leave it at just the basic upgrade for now. Your captives will start at despising affection. This helps combat it and their possible escape attempts. Assigning guards help here too. You can only assign guards that are not despising or lower affection. Other ways include clicking the gatehouse of your walls, in the left side. There's cheap upgrades to the wall to reduce escape chances.

Other cheap things you can build/upgrade are gardens to generate some rations to offset how much your household is eating.

Now if you can access Crystal Heights, you can enter the bank and hire Armand. He is the best accountant you can have access early on and he has a passive that increases your investment income even higher (he shares this with Adrienne Keller but her intelligence, discipline, and administration stats starts much lower). You can also take out a loan of $25,000. This will jumpstart your workshop along with the funds from selling male captives.

You can build a Workshop in your backyard, you upgrade it, especially the upgrade on the top part. You assign your most disciplined slaves to it, you assign a foreman with good intelligence. You set it to Manufacturing. (Sweatshop is a bait for cheapskates who won't ever get rich from it.) You wait one day and the next day the Production Points would have been generated. You buy discounted steel, wood, fasteners, or durasteel from Aimee's Goods in Stokke Hills. You use the production points to produce the items on the first page. Knives. Rifles. You sell the knives in the market beside your house. You sell rifles and auto rifles every 7 days or when you stockpiled enough to Hamah Bay because it sells more there. Hamah Bay is accessed via the port in Darkmere, past Imogen's Barrow. You spend money to earn more money. It's best to produce knives early game because the journey to Hamah Bay takes a lot of time and stamina you could be using for better things. Leave rifles for later, especially once you can kill the two charucks in the place above Hamah Bay for RNG stat gains (capped at around 120 for each stat iirc) and 60 meat each. They respawn every 5-7 days.

Assigning NPCs to Workshop involves going to the Jobs and Titles part of NPC Menu and going to page 3 or 4 of the Jobs part, clicking the <- -> options.
I like the slave mechanic, it makes the game interesting and unique so I keep female bandits and try to train them. But how to train properly? I aim to make them as best slave as possible for more profit in the auction. I checked the wiki but it is not very informative, it's hard to decrease Willpower (affect badly to price) and she has 99 lol, should I sell her now and find another to train, estimate 7000$ in the Crystal market. Corruption is hard to raise; give chocolate, trinket or food seem make zero impact, I can raise Happiness and Affection through encourage and compliment but the successful rate is not good, quite a slow progress, increase fear is easier but is it a good stat ?
Make good use of passive methods of training. Examples are:
  • Slavemistress -
  • Academy -
  • Guard assignment -
  • The Household stats -
  • Tuner Jackson's Manager trait -
  • Assigning NPCs into rooms and putting bookshelves into these rooms to give them a very small but daily chance of gaining academic related stats
  • Putting slave collars on them to have a small chance of lowering willpower.

Willpower is reduced by Slavemistress, by asking her to Hold and then Swallow your cum after sex, and through the Shrine in your backyard, holding Anti Willpower lectures 3x per day. You can only do lectures sometime before midnight. Assign the ones you want to lower as Followers and lecture only to Followers if there are guys and girls you do not want to lower the willpower of. There are more ways in the wiki but these are the three main reliable ways.


Corruption is raised via Slavemistress, via orgasms while having sex in the Dungeon, and via the Pro Decadence lecture in the Shrine. Better shrine upgrades, better success. Same as before, shrine lecture is 3x daily.

For the sex part, pick bondage, put the oral gag on her, try to get her arousal to 9 with stimulate --> caress pussy if you can. After that, pick "fuck girl" ---> oral ---> press deepthroat once. You should see Affection +1 Corruption +2. Pull out, stimulate back to 9, do it again. Once her corruption rises to 20 (and maybe your stats in bondage is very high), she should naturally gain arousal from you just randomly clicking stimulate and clicking cancel, not pressing any of the stimulate option until she is at 7 or 8 arousal in which case you stimulate her pussy to get her to 9.


Affection of the whole household can be raised unconditionally using the Pool in the backyard I mentioned before. You can do one pool party per day and it must be done preferably before 10pm. You cannot hold pool parties past a certain hour in the night. This is unconditional, as long as the NPCs are not in bondage they will gain affection, but it is also capped at Loving affection only as the highest affection it can get.

Another way of raising the affection of the whole household is through Arrange Events ---> Dinner ---> and then picking followers, or all guys, or all girls, with maids assigned. The maids do not gain affection. The more dinner guests you have, the worse your chances may get at affection gain. Initiating the dinner grants every guest +1 affection and +2 Happiness. A successful Tell Joke grants +1 Affection. A successful Socialize grants + 1 Affection.

The wiki entry for Affection:

Affection from normal sex is capped afaik. Affection gain from dungeon sex is not. At a very high Flagellation stat (I have 130+), every whipping action guarantees orgasm which means +1 Affection. Note that NPCs often cannot be unconscious from stamina depletion during normal sex because sex actions outside of the Seduction phase will always restore Stamina. But sex in the dungeon will drain that stamina so they can easily be exhausted and unconscious there if their stamina is low.

A new passive way of raising Affection is equipping them with expensive necklaces such as Diamond or Embryl via the Inventory menu.

Affection has a slow decay. This decay can be stopped at 116+ Affection. Undying Affection starts at 110 so you have to do guaranteed affection gains such as Compliment intelligence twice and Encourage to raise her Affection to potentially past 116. Affection can also decay through traits like Feminist (this one stops reducing at Loving+), Attention Whore (you can apply Neuraclean to Bud and Sofia if you do not want to deal with it but it will delete some of their other traits too - won't remove Bud's Ammo Pack or Warrior however), Emotionally Detached (you will only encounter it very late game), and Deadly Enemy (again, from scripted captives only in the very late game)
I got a slave name Aimi, she doesn't look like unique npc according to the wiki page, but she has interrogate option, seem like I can have some useful information from her, when I capture her local trader gave ridiculous price 9000$ for a newly capture slave but now her price is only 4000$ so I guess her information worths a lot.
Buying auction slaves are potentially more expensive than re-selling that same slave again untrained.
And there is a ruin or something like that in the house, I should spend 2h each time scavenge there or demolish and build something else ?
The scrap pile has several items in it including the Red River Circlet that you can give to Kelly McTierney.
Last edited:


Aug 12, 2017
Oh I found it

&lt;&lt;if _active.other6 gte 200 and $steel gte 250 and $gpow gte 250&gt;&gt;[[x250 shells|House][_active.other6-=200, $shells+=250, $take to 1, $noclick to true, $withdraw to true, $steel-=250, $gpow-=250]]&lt;&lt;else&gt;&gt;&lt;p class=&quot;ulsmallused&quot;&gt;x250 shells&lt;/p&gt;&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;
Above one needs to be replaced with this

&lt;&lt;if _active.other6 gte 200 and $steel gte 250 and $gpow gte 250&gt;&gt;[[x250 shells|House][_active.other6-=200, $a12g+=250, $take to 1, $noclick to true, $withdraw to true, $steel-=250, $gpow-=250]]&lt;&lt;else&gt;&gt;&lt;p class=&quot;ulsmallused&quot;&gt;x250 shells&lt;/p&gt;&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;
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Aug 12, 2017
About bugs. Sometimes Revital sets npcs birthday to the day you used it. Age doesn't change, agedays value is being set correctly, so not so bad
Now I get it. It only happens when you use revital on those npcs whose birthday in exactly 5 days and it sets it to 365 and then boom: the game thinks it's birthday time


Apr 22, 2022
You process and sell or quicksell generic non-scripted male slaves as much as you can. You can capture up to 5 per fight. Use the Whipping Cane bought from Abbot Roo or Devious Tools to deal the killing blow. It's 100% capture rate unless the enemy is scripted uncaptureable (example: the daily generic bounties first position). You fight bounties and bandits, you gain influence and money slowly. Your main goal is the Workshop.

You can also gather a few slaves with Workaholic trait. These will be your future workshop workers and the stat that matters is discipline. Do not go overboard with getting everyone you can get or your food cost and escape attempts will be overwhelming. Your other goal is to earn enough influence (1000) to enter Emerald City and Crystal Heights. When there's no bandits to capture, you hunt for food or craft in your house. Or do some prospecting in Cole's Canyon. . Check the Prospecting Skills entry.

You upgrade your bathroom a bit and your bedroom as well as the Dorms in the basement. The small cost upgrades. A dilapidated dorm reduces NPC happiness and increase Household Disrepair. You want it to be at least neutral (happiness +0 instead of happiness -1). A dilapidated bathroom and bedroom will lower your stamina instead of replenish it.

If you can, build a Gazebo in your yard. There's a tiny stone tile in the right corner, below the scrap yard that you can build it on. Upgrade it once to build a Pool. You can use it to hold pool parties. Everyone in your house will gain Happiness and +1 Affection (+2 if you have the party animal trait), capped at Loving affection. Further upgrades just increase happiness gain and contentment gain so you can leave it at just the basic upgrade for now. Your captives will start at despising affection. This helps combat it and their possible escape attempts. Assigning guards help here too. You can only assign guards that are not despising or lower affection. Other ways include clicking the gatehouse of your walls, in the left side. There's cheap upgrades to the wall to reduce escape chances.

Other cheap things you can build/upgrade are gardens to generate some rations to offset how much your household is eating.

Now if you can access Crystal Heights, you can enter the bank and hire Armand. He is the best accountant you can have access early on and he has a passive that increases your investment income even higher (he shares this with Adrienne Keller but her intelligence, discipline, and administration stats starts much lower). You can also take out a loan of $25,000. This will jumpstart your workshop along with the funds from selling male captives.

You can build a Workshop in your backyard, you upgrade it, especially the upgrade on the top part. You assign your most disciplined slaves to it, you assign a foreman with good intelligence. You set it to Manufacturing. (Sweatshop is a bait for cheapskates who won't ever get rich from it.) You wait one day and the next day the Production Points would have been generated. You buy discounted steel, wood, fasteners, or durasteel from Aimee's Goods in Stokke Hills. You use the production points to produce the items on the first page. Knives. Rifles. You sell the knives in the market beside your house. You sell rifles and auto rifles every 7 days or when you stockpiled enough to Hamah Bay because it sells more there. Hamah Bay is accessed via the port in Darkmere, past Imogen's Barrow. You spend money to earn more money. It's best to produce knives early game because the journey to Hamah Bay takes a lot of time and stamina you could be using for better things. Leave rifles for later, especially once you can kill the two charucks in the place above Hamah Bay for RNG stat gains (capped at around 120 for each stat iirc) and 60 meat each. They respawn every 5-7 days.

Assigning NPCs to Workshop involves going to the Jobs and Titles part of NPC Menu and going to page 3 or 4 of the Jobs part, clicking the <- -> options.

Make good use of passive methods of training. Examples are:
  • Slavemistress -
  • Academy -
  • Guard assignment -
  • The Household stats -
  • Tuner Jackson's Manager trait -
  • Assigning NPCs into rooms and putting bookshelves into these rooms to give them a very small but daily chance of gaining academic related stats
  • Putting slave collars on them to have a small chance of lowering willpower.

Willpower is reduced by Slavemistress, by asking her to Hold and then Swallow your cum after sex, and through the Shrine in your backyard, holding Anti Willpower lectures 3x per day. You can only do lectures sometime before midnight. Assign the ones you want to lower as Followers and lecture only to Followers if there are guys and girls you do not want to lower the willpower of. There are more ways in the wiki but these are the three main reliable ways.


Corruption is raised via Slavemistress, via orgasms while having sex in the Dungeon, and via the Pro Decadence lecture in the Shrine. Better shrine upgrades, better success. Same as before, shrine lecture is 3x daily.

For the sex part, pick bondage, put the oral gag on her, try to get her arousal to 9 with stimulate --> caress pussy if you can. After that, pick "fuck girl" ---> oral ---> press deepthroat once. You should see Affection +1 Corruption +2. Pull out, stimulate back to 9, do it again. Once her corruption rises to 20 (and maybe your stats in bondage is very high), she should naturally gain arousal from you just randomly clicking stimulate and clicking cancel, not pressing any of the stimulate option until she is at 7 or 8 arousal in which case you stimulate her pussy to get her to 9.


Affection of the whole household can be raised unconditionally using the Pool in the backyard I mentioned before. You can do one pool party per day and it must be done preferably before 10pm. You cannot hold pool parties past a certain hour in the night. This is unconditional, as long as the NPCs are not in bondage they will gain affection, but it is also capped at Loving affection only as the highest affection it can get.

Another way of raising the affection of the whole household is through Arrange Events ---> Dinner ---> and then picking followers, or all guys, or all girls, with maids assigned. The maids do not gain affection. The more dinner guests you have, the worse your chances may get at affection gain. Initiating the dinner grants every guest +1 affection and +2 Happiness. A successful Tell Joke grants +1 Affection. A successful Socialize grants + 1 Affection.

The wiki entry for Affection:

Affection from normal sex is capped afaik. Affection gain from dungeon sex is not. At a very high Flagellation stat (I have 130+), every whipping action guarantees orgasm which means +1 Affection. Note that NPCs often cannot be unconscious from stamina depletion during normal sex because sex actions outside of the Seduction phase will always restore Stamina. But sex in the dungeon will drain that stamina so they can easily be exhausted and unconscious there if their stamina is low.

A new passive way of raising Affection is equipping them with expensive necklaces such as Diamond or Embryl via the Inventory menu.

Affection has a slow decay. This decay can be stopped at 116+ Affection. Undying Affection starts at 110 so you have to do guaranteed affection gains such as Compliment intelligence twice and Encourage to raise her Affection to potentially past 116. Affection can also decay through traits like Feminist (this one stops reducing at Loving+), Attention Whore (you can apply Neuraclean to Bud and Sofia if you do not want to deal with it but it will delete some of their other traits too - won't remove Bud's Ammo Pack or Warrior however), Emotionally Detached (you will only encounter it very late game), and Deadly Enemy (again, from scripted captives only in the very late game)

Buying auction slaves are potentially more expensive than re-selling that same slave again untrained.

The scrap pile has several items in it including the Red River Circlet that you can give to Kelly McTierney.
Thanks for the detail guide.
Wishing you and all forum members a Happy New Year.


Aug 5, 2017
If i wanted to learn to code in content, where could i go? every time i open the game i keep thinking how would a 40K lazgun work in game combat.
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May 4, 2017
Expert Businessman, if memory serves, primarily works on investments.

Which would mean the best way to leverage it is to invest in all the carvans, islam up to the cap it allows you, catholics up to the cap it allows (if atheist, you can push both to like 70 I believe), Aimee's shop, Ansel's friend's shop, the bar, And the two Redhaven shops. Also, establish the news station. Get Rebecca set up as your skullduggerist to compound with the businessman bonus. If you're willing to keep your prayers up, you can just go Islam to get another boost to your passive income types.


New Member
Sep 16, 2017
For those of you who can read the code: Does depletion from prospecting eventually set your success chance to 0, and do locations ever recover? And do yields scale with your skill at all, or is it just a success/failure check?


Dec 22, 2023
I haven't played this yet. I have some questions regarding the mods in the extras. What does Automationmod actually do? and why does the official mod in mega has 500mb size and what does it do?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
Is there a cheat or console command to enable the mc to do more than only two house improvements / upgrades per day? Maybe a console command to reset the limit?
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Uploader Fossil
May 2, 2017
I haven't played this yet. I have some questions regarding the mods in the extras. What does Automationmod actually do? and why does the official mod in mega has 500mb size and what does it do?
After a quick search... Take a look here.

Is there a cheat or console command to enable the mc to do more than only two house improvements / upgrades per day? Maybe a console command to reset the limit?
If you have the t4+ version of the game, its a settings option. There should be the public release for v0.8.3.9 soon and then i'll share the "modded" html file, if no one leaks the t4+ version. Or you support the dev and get the t4+ for yourself. ;)
  • Thinking Face
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Dec 22, 2024
Maybe someone needs it. Game on my Android had glitched window with UI elements being unaccessible beyond the screen, so I tweaked it a little and it worked for me. Tested only beggining so I dont know if it works later in the game, but you are welcome to try)

Just drop and replace file in the game folder. Game version Public.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Expert Businessman, if memory serves, primarily works on investments.

Which would mean the best way to leverage it is to invest in all the carvans, islam up to the cap it allows you, catholics up to the cap it allows (if atheist, you can push both to like 70 I believe), Aimee's shop, Ansel's friend's shop, the bar, And the two Redhaven shops. Also, establish the news station. Get Rebecca set up as your skullduggerist to compound with the businessman bonus. If you're willing to keep your prayers up, you can just go Islam to get another boost to your passive income types.
The Entrepreneur bonus from Expert Businessman works the same as your accountant's bonus except it's much smaller. It can still ramp up to where it's significant if your faction income is really high, but the real bonus is the 10% boost to workshop production. That's what you use to pump up those factions (primarily Aesir, Fort Sera, House Carossa, and the Underworld).

The bonus for Islam sounds good in theory but they're much harder to boost to relevant levels than Aesir is. You can pretty easily pump Aesir up to where it's giving you several thousand dollars a day by itself. The Catholic Church can eventually be good but it takes a lot longer to ramp up. You need a combination of high crafting skill to make gold necklaces to donate to them, plus perfectly trained scavengers with the scavenger trait to generate merch, plus both farms and Burakumin village maxed out to produce a massive food surplus. You can do that eventually but it's not possible in the early to mid game. It's a late game option though.

Aesir you can get as a full vassal in less than a month and can pump it up to 3000 or more income in 2 or 3 months. Same with Fort Sera. The bandits can be good eventually but they take a huge investment to get them to 100 standing and they give you absolutely nothing until that point so they're not a good choice to dump your workshop production into initially.

Early game I would focus on the higher ROI investments like Aimees, the Orphanage, your first workshop, Roos, Waltons, and the Wrool Cat Wranglers. Completing Caitlyn's quest is also a good early option since it's pretty cheap to max out her Clinic when you finish her quest and it provides good income.

If you have some NPCs who are close, but not quite at the science threshold to be a full professor it could be worth your time to home school their science enough for them to be full science professors.

If you build affection with your mercs to loving or better, most of them can be convinced to sign slave contracts reducing their salary to $0.

If prosperity is low, one of the best investments you can make is to complete Averil's quest as soon as possible because then your food costs permanently drop to zero and you can ramp the farm up to enough food production that donations to the orphanage will raise prosperity and thus eliminate that prosperity mod penalty (which can be huge since it's essentially like a negative accountant bonus). It's also a great way to enable ammo pack on most of the people who have that trait. Clea and Bud are the only people with ammo pack who can actually use it at less than 10 prosperity.
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New Member
Mar 15, 2020
Is there any way (even if through the use of the console if need be) to either trigger Kelly McTierneys acquisition event, or add the circlet that you find in the scrapheap (that I've seen is also what is required to activate the trigger) if you've already demolished the scrapheap (which I did a long time ago, not realizing that there was another potential trigger requirement besides her just randomly showing up at some point).


Mar 13, 2019
It seems my Catholic Church got wiped out somehow, I guess through losing all of their soldiers through end-day events or something. Is there a non-cheat way to bring them back?
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