Apr 3, 2022 2:27 PM
It is most boring shit I saw since Shimoneta. All characters are bland. The ones that were interesting became bland later. I watched Bakemonogatari and only scene I actually enjoyed was the starry night scene of Senjou and Araragi. Otherwise plot was boring. Started Nisemomomogatari and got bored after episode 1. This franchise is 2/10 tbh. What you all think? |
Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan |
Apr 3, 2022 5:23 PM
A bit unfair calling the characters bland. The character progression is shown via symbolism, and not argumentatively as its usually the case. It has a very subjective presentation. Means you see exactly what the mc sees, random shots, black screens etc. Which makes sense considering its a show about understanding oneself. Add the fast pacing and you got a pretty stimulating show for people with ADD. |
Apr 3, 2022 5:28 PM
I haven't watched it but it looks good, and you're an Emilia fan so your opinion holds no weight. |
Apr 3, 2022 5:39 PM
I feel like this is taking a shot at a brick wall, but here we go... Are you sure you watched Bakemonogatari with reasonable expectations in mind? Seeing as you enjoyed the starry night scene, my guess is that you approached the show expecting some level of a satisfying romance. Possibly a mystery? Maybe thrilling action scenes or some sort of resolution to an overarching problem? That's what most good shows do right, but it's simply not the point of the show here. I don't necessarily blame you, but proclaiming the entire franchise to be a 2/10 despite dropping it into the second entry, and claiming it to be boring while enjoying the wish fulfillment scene alone doesn't stand right with me. I mean, at the end of the day, you do you though. |
Please sign up for MangAlert! It's a little project I made that I'd really like to see the light of day and some users. MangAlert! (please sign up!) GitHub Repo (please star!) |
Apr 3, 2022 5:41 PM
The characters are bland? bro... you are watching it wrong. If you are not enjoying it then drop it, there is no need to create a thread about something you didnt find interesting, are seeking validation? I really like monogatari but i would not recomend it to anyone, maybe to my closest friends PS: you should watch Kizu trilogy before nise |
Apr 3, 2022 5:42 PM
I don't have any problem with the show itself everything about it is good it's just that the conclusion of each story sucks. Like this Reason for her weightlessness. "Hitagi Senjougahara is emotionally repressed of her own volition. Due to an attempted rape by a member of her mother’s cult between the middle and high school, she became possessed by a “Heavy Stone Crab,” a god that steals its victim’s weight." What a bullshit thing to do to the poor victim. How did she gain her weight back? By crying and accepting the truth. That's it. what a load of crap. |
Apr 3, 2022 5:45 PM
It doesn't work with monkeys, my friend. I'm sorry. |
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time. Watch more movies, please. Perhaps, this is hell. |
Apr 3, 2022 5:54 PM
swirlydragon said: It is most boring shit I saw since Shimoneta. All characters are bland. The ones that were interesting became bland later. I watched Bakemonogatari and only scene I actually enjoyed was the starry night scene of Senjou and Araragi. Otherwise plot was boring. Started Nisemomomogatari and got bored after episode 1. This franchise is 2/10 tbh. What you all think? I think it sucks to be you, but that's just my opinion, tbh. I thought the saga was great, after I figured out how to piece it together to make sense. |
Apr 4, 2022 12:12 AM
It has good character design and amazingly smooth animation imo, I'm not really a fan of Monogatari story-wise myself I'm too lazy to continue midway 2nd season. But I can see why Monogatari series got so many fans worldwide even if they cannot understand fully the Japanese-exclusive references. |
Apr 4, 2022 12:21 AM
"Why is Monogatari so popular?" It scratches your pseudo intellectual least Bakamonogatari did that for me...and than Nisemomogatari came and I was "Ewww, this is trash, I am dropping it.". |
Apr 4, 2022 12:27 AM
Because it's boring. The more boring anime stories are the ones that are the most popular. |
☆☆☆ "There's a huge difference between one and infinity. However, compared to the difference between existence and non-existence, one and infinite are nearly the same. I am the child destined to become the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!" -Maria Ushiromiya ☆☆☆ |
Apr 4, 2022 12:35 AM
Phosphophyllita said: It doesn't work with monkeys, my friend. I'm sorry. Best reply I've seen. Best comment. |
Status: On A MAL Break _____________________________________________ 👉 ʜᴛᴘs://ᴍʏᴀɴɪᴍᴇʟɪsᴛ.ɴᴇᴛ/ᴅᴏ-ɴᴏᴛ-ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ-ᴛʜɪᴤ-ʟɪɴᴋ 👈 _____________________________________________________ |
Apr 4, 2022 12:45 AM
Because there are a lot of lolicons and insectiacs around? Idk |
Apr 4, 2022 12:52 AM
Probs didn't even watch the whole series. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
Apr 4, 2022 12:58 AM
It's not popular enough to be considered mainstream, but it's popular enough to where it's easy for people who are superficially involved with the online anime community to have easy access and awareness of it. But hey - it's not as recognizable as Yaiba, so it must be obscure. There's your idiotic anime hipster appeal. "Redditor appeal" might be a more apt description. Mix that with pretty bogstandard themes being communicated in a way the average anime fan seems to struggle with - dialogue driven series like this or TTG are often ascribed a degree of complexity they could never uphold - and some smoke and mirrors directorial bullshit and boom, you have a recipe to create a series that'll catch wonders with first year philosophy students trying to convince the world they are extremely smart and deep. People oversell the hell out of it, basically, and it has a good recipe for convincing stupid people it's some kind of great work. Especially with males who are in the 19 - 23 age range, who tend to have limited life experience but generally desire to come across to others as mature and learned. It has ingredients that'd appeal strongly to that type of person in particular, between the H&E elements and the "complicated" delivery of pretty universal and well-treaded themes. If only these people didn't try to hoist up driving the narrative forward via dialogue while playing fanservice scenes in the background as having some kind of intellectually stimulating, 2deep4u bullshit instead of just tertiary TnA scenes, I wouldn't feel pressed to attack it so often. No series from our genre gets put on a pedestal it doesn't deserve more than Gatari, not even the noobbait ones like DxD. It doesn't even belong in a 20km radius of a conversation about best H&E series, let alone having idiot kids flood the conversation with some trite crap that confuses "not stopping the narrative to show fanservice" with "deeply symbolic and actually relevant to the narrative." So yeah. It's a fine series in a vacuum, but I'll vote that it's trash as a matter of principle. Fuck Gatari. Fuck it for having one of the most obnoxious fanbases in the anime community, fuck it for getting a lot of undue praise it could never realistically uphold, fuck it for people treating it as some obscure, arthouse gem and not something that's gotten a near full adaptation and three movies. The list of reasons to hate Gatari that are meta to the actual series itself could be endless, and I didn't like it enough for as much to override the incredibly obnoxious presence the series has in this community. MellowSong said: I can't believe people like an anime, how dare they? Indistinct Monogatari forum set #1191, there is no need to be snarky. |
ManabanApr 4, 2022 1:10 AM
Apr 4, 2022 1:07 AM
It has very good writing and realistic or at least understandably realistic characters/themes while still being charming and unique, minus the abhorrent, but admittedly pretty artsy, fanservice it's great Animation is also great and there's gore spread out too which makes the action fun |
TeirayoApr 4, 2022 1:20 AM
No watch list sig cuz "You watch anime in 3 days or 3 months! Such is the proper way!" |
Apr 4, 2022 1:13 AM
I don't really understand why Monogatari is so popular either. I understand that the series has a lot of intricate Japanese wordplay, but (at least in my language) they make no attempt to translate that over to their foreign audience, which just makes the constant talking feel really, really tedious and completely devoid of merit. Bake is pretty decent IMO, Nise has a promising start but goes downhill during the second half, Neko Black is garbage, and I've been watching Second Season on and off for about a year now, because I can never find the energy to finish it. :\ 5/10, probably gonna drop it after I finish Monogatari Series Second Season. |
Formerly known as Kuroni_Kuru |
Apr 4, 2022 1:19 AM
alshu said: "Why is Monogatari so popular?" It scratches your pseudo intellectual least Bakamonogatari did that for me...and than Nisemomogatari came and I was "Ewww, this is trash, I am dropping it.". Lmao I'm in the same boat, I thought Bake was pretty good but now I've started Nise and I'm just thinking "Ick...." Did you try Kizumonogatari? They're prequel movies and they say to watch em after Bake, they're still pretty good like Bake. I think they're some of the best anime movies out there actually! From someone who hates anime movies. But knowing how you rate things maybe the most the trilogy would get is a 6 haha |
No watch list sig cuz "You watch anime in 3 days or 3 months! Such is the proper way!" |
Apr 4, 2022 1:26 AM
Because it has great characters, interesting plot, great animation, cool meta jokes and a certain vibe to it. But its dialogue heaviness and extreme fanservice may not be for everyone, maybe you're one of them. |
Apr 4, 2022 1:35 AM
It has the hipster direction. It has the lolis. It has the funny dialogues. It has the intriguing supernatural mystery plot. What more do you want? But more importantly, I refuse to believe someone would call Monogatari characters bland while simultaneously having a signature of fucking Emilia. |
Apr 4, 2022 1:41 AM
mazuchi said: It has the hipster direction. It has the lolis. It has the funny dialogues. It has the intriguing supernatural mystery plot. What more do you want? But more importantly, I refuse to believe someone would call Monogatari characters bland while simultaneously having a signature of fucking Emilia. Well for starters, Emilia-sama is much cuter than Hitagi lol Anyway, Trashgatari is more trash with all this loli bs. I also remember Araragi sexually assaulting a loli (elementary school girl) because he was happy Yes, I know she was a spirit but she was still a loli in Araragi's eyes at first. And that whole Hanekawa love triangle |
Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan |
Apr 4, 2022 1:48 AM
IMHO, you'd enjoy Monogatari more, if you read at your grade level. |
Apr 4, 2022 1:48 AM
It has amazing characters and some of the best writing in all of anime, great OST, fantastic art-style, top tier waifus what more do you want? |
❤ Incessant Rain ❤ “Can you let me have some fun this time?” |
Apr 4, 2022 1:51 AM
Cool artstyle, fanservice, good characters and good animation that's why I like it anyway |
Apr 4, 2022 1:55 AM
Epic bait thread 7/10 good job sir though the take "all characters are bland" is a bit too dumb so many won't fall for it; not to mention you said you only made it to the second entry of the series, which already makes the take even worse. Next time say you finished the series or something. Also the question the thread is asking in general is pretty pointless although it's better than those "x is overrated" or "am I the only one who thinks..." threads but I think you could have asked a different question to get better results. |
Apr 4, 2022 2:03 AM
monogatari came out in an era that was "more bullshit means better quality" also, monogatari can only be understood if you speak japanese, so weeb who wanna make believe they are ninjas or something say they like it even tho they have no idea what the fuck is going on. |
Apr 4, 2022 2:12 AM
There are some good things about it. Hitagi in Bakemonogatari is the best waifu (way better than Emilia) Sometimes its conversation can be interesting but very rarely. Nice osts and sometimes nice atmosphere like like neko kuro. Starry nights episode. Toothbrush scene is Nisemonogatari. But yeah. Its themes suck. Fake is not better than real. Its plot involving girls obsessing over araragi isn't that great. Its supernatural elements aren't properly explained. Its conversation is mostly boring and pretentious. Its a hipster anime for teens but some adults enjoy it as well. |
Apr 4, 2022 2:20 AM
I don't have such intention. Bakemonogatari was going in certain direction and I thought the rest of the series would be some sort of supernatural investigation plus exorcism..basically Araragi replacing Meme Oshino. But Nisemonogaratri just focused on more girls, in kind of boring harem-ish way. PS Actually Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai gave me more or less what I was expecting from Monogatari...but it didn't continue with the rest of the Zaregoto books. |
alshuApr 4, 2022 2:24 AM
Apr 4, 2022 2:21 AM
Apr 4, 2022 3:38 AM
Apr 4, 2022 4:39 AM
Meanwhile I think it was the most refreshing thing I've watched in years. Maybe to fully appreciate Monogatari you need to be a little burnout of the tradicional anime storytelling and you'll be able to appreciate something new. I say that because I've tried Bakemonogatari in my first weeks of discovering anime and dropped thinking it was just an werid ecchi show. I definitely wouldn't be able to like the show back then. |
Apr 4, 2022 4:59 AM
Apr 4, 2022 5:13 AM
It has waifus and loli’s most (simp) anime fans crave for these things |
Apr 4, 2022 5:14 AM
swirlydragon said: I understand your first point but the second? What love triangle?? We clearly didnt watch the same anime, Araragi literally date Senjogahara, Hanekawa is just his friend and that is very clearmazuchi said: It has the hipster direction. It has the lolis. It has the funny dialogues. It has the intriguing supernatural mystery plot. What more do you want? But more importantly, I refuse to believe someone would call Monogatari characters bland while simultaneously having a signature of fucking Emilia. Well for starters, Emilia-sama is much cuter than Hitagi lol Anyway, Trashgatari is more trash with all this loli bs. I also remember Araragi sexually assaulting a loli (elementary school girl) because he was happy Yes, I know she was a spirit but she was still a loli in Araragi's eyes at first. And that whole Hanekawa love triangle |
Apr 4, 2022 5:24 AM
Pretty sure most of Monogatari's popularity outside of Japan is due to it being TheAnimeMan's favorite light novel That's not to take away from whatever genuine strengths Monogatari may have, of-course. (I've never seen it and don't intend to because I can't stand ecchi, so I'm definitely no authority on the series) It is possible that people came because of Joey's recommendation and then stayed because they really liked the characters, plot, music, animation, or whatever else And, of-course, once those people watched Monogatari, then they started recommending it. And thus the cycle continued. I'm pretty sure most anime that didn't air on TV outside of Japan can trace their overseas success back to one or two notable fans |
My greatest contribution to this website: |
Apr 4, 2022 5:40 AM
Kii_Ibarra said: Pretty sure most of Monogatari's popularity outside of Japan is due to it being TheAnimeMan's favorite light novel Was he even making videos / being enough popular to influence people in 2009 when Bakemonogatari aired? Because as far as I remember this was the time when Monogatari became popular between the western anime fans... |
alshuApr 4, 2022 5:45 AM
Apr 4, 2022 5:41 AM
I would say continue the show at least watch till Kizumonogatari movie if you still don't find it interesting or doesn't match your taste just drop it...but tbh the show is amazing with very good cast however the show is inconsistent and I also had some issues with it...but it's still give me my most favorite female character that's nadeko sengoku,her character was brilliantly written and as just people said it's light novel adaption where we got to see majority of the part through our mc's perspective so it's not easy to grasp the characters but still shows had symbolism by which you can understand them but if you still don't get them then you can watch analysis on it on yt but do this if you really enjoyed the show and find it interesting. |
Apr 4, 2022 5:44 AM
Because people are horny, and like random crap like the toothbrushing scene. |
Apr 4, 2022 5:52 AM
alshu said: *Shrug* I have no idea, I only got into anime in early 2017, lol. I thought Bakemonogatari was quite "underground" outside of Japan when it first aired? Definitely don't quote me on that though, since, again I wasn't paying attention to otaku culture at that timeWas he even making videos / being enough popular to influence people in 2009 when Bakemonogatari aired? Because as far as I remember this was the time when Monogatari became popular between the western anime fans... |
My greatest contribution to this website: |
Apr 4, 2022 6:00 AM
Kii_Ibarra said: quite "underground" outside of Japan when it first aired? It was big in the west too, same thing with K-On which aired in 2009 too. Same thing with TTGL in 2007 or Haruhi in 2006. |
Apr 4, 2022 6:03 AM
Armados said: Because people are horny, and like random crap like the toothbrushing scene. Sad but true lol, aside from great animation and cinematography, Monogatari is one of the most hollow and empty things I've ever had the displeasure of watching, it really turned into a chore to finish. |
Apr 4, 2022 6:04 AM
DinoPapiro said: I understand your first point but the second? What love triangle?? We clearly didnt watch the same anime, Araragi literally date Senjogahara, Hanekawa is just his friend and that is very clear If I am not mistaken Hanekawa has feelings for Araragi which is part of the reason for why she is tensed and becomes a cat? Although been years since I watched Bakemonogatari. Anyway, not a fan of series where every girl falls for the MC |
Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan |
Apr 4, 2022 6:05 AM
alshu said: I see. Well, I know K-On!, Gurren Lagann and Haruhi were huge when they first aired, so I guess I was mistaken thenIt was big in the west too, same thing with K-On which aired in 2009 too. Same thing with TTGL in 2007 or Haruhi in 2006. |
My greatest contribution to this website: |
Apr 4, 2022 6:10 AM
Kii_Ibarra said: alshu said: I see. Well, I know K-On!, Gurren Lagann and Haruhi were huge when they first aired, so I guess I was mistaken thenIt was big in the west too, same thing with K-On which aired in 2009 too. Same thing with TTGL in 2007 or Haruhi in 2006. Well, Monohatari fell out of grace around Nisemonogtari, so maybe Joey actually has something to do with the process of rekindling the interest for the franchise... |
Apr 4, 2022 6:10 AM
Pretty sure most of Monogatari's popularity outside of Japan is due to it being TheAnimeMan's favorite light novel AHHHHHHHHHHHH my eyes |
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time. Watch more movies, please. Perhaps, this is hell. |
Apr 4, 2022 6:12 AM
Phosphophyllita said: AHHHHHHHHHHHH my eyes That's how I feel when I watch Monogatari lol |
Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan |
Apr 4, 2022 6:12 AM
alshu said: Was Nise the one with the toothbrush? LolWell, Monohatari fell out of grace around Nisemonogtari, so maybe Joey actually has something to do with the process of rekindling the interest for the franchise... |
My greatest contribution to this website: |
Apr 4, 2022 6:12 AM
swirlydragon said: She likes him, yes, but she understands araragi doenst like her the same way. I recommend watching the kizu trilogy, its explained better.DinoPapiro said: I understand your first point but the second? What love triangle?? We clearly didnt watch the same anime, Araragi literally date Senjogahara, Hanekawa is just his friend and that is very clear If I am not mistaken Hanekawa has feelings for Araragi which is part of the reason for why she is tensed and becomes a cat? Although been years since I watched Bakemonogatari. Anyway, not a fan of series where every girl falls for the MC If you really dont like monogatari thats cool but if you have a tiny bit of hope that it gets better i recommend giving another chance |
Apr 4, 2022 6:54 AM
chriskor022 said: When Kaiki(best girl btw) appears and NTR arararagi. Did you even watch the show? I feel like you didn't. |
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