- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- In this video I attempt to beat a challenge run where I'm not allowed to take any damage. A no hit run of slay the spire. Possibly first of it's kind and no I will not be doing research to check if that claim is true.
i feel like i'd be more likely to take consume if it was an exhaust card. like i don't mind going down to 2 orb slots but i don't like it sticking around to clutter my deck afterwards
Agreed, consume feel worth to use once or when you have something like capacitor or inserter
I’d suggest a recycle, but then that’s stuck in your deck too.
Void Spacer....Creative AI....you are increasing your stats FOR FREE
@@MrCasideousthen you get a recycle for your recycle
I know this is a comment from a month ago but the best times I've used Consume is from the ability to stack gaining focus, it can be very powerful using it multiple times.
Fun challenge idea, the watcher but you forgot her main gimmick.
stance-less watcher
That's called pressure points
Consume is a great card because it allows you to cycle your orbs more effectively.
The only real downside is that it doesn't exhaust. If it was a power, it'd be the second best ower after echoform.
IMO, to use Consume effectively, is to spam Evokes early on with mass orb-channeling to kill the enemies quickly before Consume effectively becomes a curse, and double down on that and/or get any form of orb slots, preferably lots of them, for late-game scaling. Does require powerful draw and energy generation, but Defect can handle that pretty easily with its card manipulation
Yeah! All my homies HATE dream catcher and consume!
Dude! That final clutch was insane! For challenges I’d like to see something like ”STS but I start with 0 cards”. That way you would have to get a card from Neow to even have a chance to win
That feels like a difficult start but an easy run after that
@@bell2023 what abou sts but I only start with 10 curses lol
@@daviddavidsson6243 jesus
Someone's done this one.
Best way to do it is to start with Neows Lament, as the Defect.
Your starting relic can clear the fights, and if your first 3 cards are serviceable, it quickly becomes Easier than a normal run due to not having the initial strikes and defends cluttering what can be a very streamlined deck.
minecraft pfp only playing spire and im here for it
your channel is great btw
The Boot is bad on some characters, but not on Silent. Riddle With Holes goes from 15 damage to 25 damage even without an upgrade; Shivs do 5 damage instead of 4; Neutralize does 5 damage instead of 3, Flechettes does more damage, and being Weakened still leaves your Strikes doing 5 damage instead of 4, which is nice.
It also affects intangible on Nemesis.
@@EASnoww I accidentally discovered this the other day and I think it's the only reason I didn't die from otherwise bad luck that fight
until you get any form of Vuln, which makes the Boot a vanity item. Only useful in very specific, highly sub-optimal scenarios. Boot is just bad.
@@EASnoww Ideally, your deck should not have to rely on Boot at that point.
But yeah, that is a cool interaction that I find pretty funny.
Not sure if you were serious about Consume or not, but Consume is actually a good card and situationally critical. With Inserter, Consume is your answer to boss scaling. Alternatively, with two or more Capacitors, Consume is how you Focus scale. It's also useful in cases where you want to evoke lots of orbs without having a lot of orb generation, reducing the number of slots--that it increases your focus in the process makes it work all the better.
Actually I have spent 10+ hours on StS challenge attempts… 👀3:09 (great video!)
This is good content! I like your style, keep it up! You earned a subscriber
You should reconsider your thoughts on discovery. It's a bomb ass card
4:00 Praise the Lord Helix.
An idea that I had because of recent run. Silent run without any attacks (there's the relic that makes you deal damage when you discard)
2:44 I main defect and my only build is get a bunch of capacitors, defragments, loops, and then frost all the way, in other words, 200 block per turn... With barrage and claw as my main forms of dps. And so with all the capacitors. Consume isn't bad.
Finally I get to see some glorious dream catcher hate
Fuck that relic
Poor marcus
Fantastic work once again! Almost as impressive as your starter deck only one, which is my favorite. You should play some of the mods on the steam workshop, too!
Dream catcher is much better in Ascension imo, you're resting more often there and a single good card reward is sometimes what pushes your run that much further
Yup, I hated on Dream Catcher for my first few hundred hours in the spire. Now I'd call it a B- because in many runs it does little to nothing, but it can save a run more often than you'd think. I generally only rest once or twice in A20, and even so I've been surprised by the benefit of those few extra card rewards. That's also part of why Orrery is extremely valuable in my opinion.
insanely lucky final fight but damn what a cool run, congrats on pulling it off!
Amazing run!
*calls Dreamcatcher the worst relic
*likes Juzu Bracelet
FYI, if you have the statistics mod downloaded, you'll find out that, most of the time, Juzu doesn't even prevent any combats, and a lot of the time, combat is even a good thing. If anything, it's good for this specific challenge, but that's about it, or some meme max event run
Dumb challenge idea: you can only play your right most card or your left most card
Recently had Consume+ with Capacitor+ and Inserter. Oh, and two Defrag+. My focus was ludicrous. That was my A4 win.
Epic end, gyatt damn
me one week ago: i wonder if you can beat slay the spire without getting hit
ec1pz: say less
me: holy shit
not playing biased congnition is a deck that already has a time limit on it hurt me.
not because its sub optimal, but because i was that player
Only relic (Including starter) is gold coin on ascension 20
poison only damage with the silent is impossible frfr or a harder challange, you're not allowed to use any block (relics don't count)
Hey. Syggestion to improve your videos. Add some music. Things are kinda barren without it.
10:23 I hate to break it to you bud, but the Collector is canonically female. I feel like you’ve made some questionable statements regarding her…
4:45 you forgot the block the frost orb gives normally
Did you bring the milk back as well dad? 🥹
try it on ascension 20。i
dare u
smh didn't fight the heart run is void
Buddy youd better post that full nob fight thats sus asf
now do it with every character
Easy do the daily challenge and teach people how to score higher
hahaha. this old-ass game is so awesome. i just reinstalled it, and i’ll be playing it later
Bro consume is so op if you get inserter you get infinite focus fym bro
Syncing data...
You sound like a dem voter
You didn't beat StS, you have to kill the heart. You die after beating "the chosen" you know... It was only considered "beating it" when it was in early access and the heart didn't exist yet
Nah. You gain ascension levels without beating the heart, i's optional
Thats not the metric to go by. The game kills your character and tells you that you didn't beat the game unless you kill the heart. You also won't get the "cut-scene" without killing the heart.
Awww shit. No hit run. Dope.
Hey, have you considered doing challenge videos for other games? Ballatro or something?
Something to consider for channel growth-when your channel has lower quality videos like your minecraft lets plays, RUclips promotes your channel less in general. You may want to consider privatizing your low view videos.
For speedrun documentation, maybe a second channel would be smart