Vix missing: bounty ALIVE AND UNHARMED!
Posted 9 years agoMitch here. I have commandeered Mitch3ll's account for a brief update. My sister and more reclusive half Vix has disappeared again. Mitch3ll is currently out in the Sparta (his battleship) looking for her. This is an all call to all members of team Mitch3ll and Star Phantom. A bounty of 50k credits has been approved and will be given when the mark is brought in alive. Non lethal force is approved. I say again, non lethal force IS approved. Injury to the mark will result in a declaration of war. She was last seen dressed in jet black combat gear with a plasma assault rifle strapped across her back. She is to be considered armed and willing to kill those pursuing her. Approach with extreme caution...
interview with Mitch' Crimson' Fox
Posted 9 years agoOk Mitch, to make sure you were transferred right I'm going to ask you a few basic questions.
Just get on with it.
Ok, what color is your fur?
Any distinguishing marks?
A scar across my chest and back.
Favorite quote or saying.
Fuck you.
Excuse me,
My favorite quote is fuck you. What's so hard to understand?
Nothing, moving on.
Can you elaborate on your history?
I'm a merc. My uncle taught me the trade. I have a broken down cruiser as a Base of ops. I also have 3 crew members including my wife aboard. I have 14 successful missions under my belt.
What kind of missions do you get called in for?
Stealth missions. Recon, Sabotage, and the occasional assassination.
Like who,
(Mitch Grins at this and takes a puff from a cigar)
Do you remember the Aquatian prime minister that disappeared 2 years ago?
Yes. Quite vividly.
He was found flash frozen on the edge of the system.
That is brutal.
Hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.
Murder is a little too far.
(Mitch slams his fists on the table at this.)
Well I'm sorry that not all of us can have the soft life like you o great and powerful creator.
Now, Mitch, we aren't here to discuss me. I'm sorry I offended yo, but we have an interview to finish.
Yea ,sure whatever.
(He sits down, still visibly upset)
Now, I assume you've lost a few men?
You have no idea. We lost Jake on Sauria to a few Sharpclaw. Then we lost Matt and Marc to a skirmish with drug runners. To top it all off, we lost an entire squad to the Aparoids.
I'm sorry.
Their faces haunt me. The looks when they realised I couldn't save them. I remember the sounds of their ships exploding and being reassembled by the hive.
There was nothing you could have done.
Your right. Which is why I make sure I honor their sacrifice.
(Mitch pulls a chain carrying several dog tags out of his vest.)
I carry them with me, to remind me of how they willingly put their lives on the line. I always ask myself, 'Are you willing to do the same?'
(Mitch gets up and walks out.)
End recording
Just get on with it.
Ok, what color is your fur?
Any distinguishing marks?
A scar across my chest and back.
Favorite quote or saying.
Fuck you.
Excuse me,
My favorite quote is fuck you. What's so hard to understand?
Nothing, moving on.
Can you elaborate on your history?
I'm a merc. My uncle taught me the trade. I have a broken down cruiser as a Base of ops. I also have 3 crew members including my wife aboard. I have 14 successful missions under my belt.
What kind of missions do you get called in for?
Stealth missions. Recon, Sabotage, and the occasional assassination.
Like who,
(Mitch Grins at this and takes a puff from a cigar)
Do you remember the Aquatian prime minister that disappeared 2 years ago?
Yes. Quite vividly.
He was found flash frozen on the edge of the system.
That is brutal.
Hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.
Murder is a little too far.
(Mitch slams his fists on the table at this.)
Well I'm sorry that not all of us can have the soft life like you o great and powerful creator.
Now, Mitch, we aren't here to discuss me. I'm sorry I offended yo, but we have an interview to finish.
Yea ,sure whatever.
(He sits down, still visibly upset)
Now, I assume you've lost a few men?
You have no idea. We lost Jake on Sauria to a few Sharpclaw. Then we lost Matt and Marc to a skirmish with drug runners. To top it all off, we lost an entire squad to the Aparoids.
I'm sorry.
Their faces haunt me. The looks when they realised I couldn't save them. I remember the sounds of their ships exploding and being reassembled by the hive.
There was nothing you could have done.
Your right. Which is why I make sure I honor their sacrifice.
(Mitch pulls a chain carrying several dog tags out of his vest.)
I carry them with me, to remind me of how they willingly put their lives on the line. I always ask myself, 'Are you willing to do the same?'
(Mitch gets up and walks out.)
End recording
an introduction: Mitch3ll
Posted 9 years agoMy name is Mitch3ll. I am an Author for Star Fox. I am a Fox myself, however, I am not your average Fox. My fur is dappled with white and black, partially because of the two sides constantly waging war inside my soul. I am the liaison between the angels and the demons. I am the gatekeeper between the two, and when they fight, my soul literally devours itself.
But, the job has its perks. I can change form. I temporarily call apon an aspect of my shattered soul. When I call apron my divine side, my fur turns pure white and I gain stamina and better healing support to my allies. I can also call apon an angelic legion for a short time. When I call apon my demonic side, my: fur turns to pure darkness and I gain immense battle prowess. I gain heightened instincts and reaction time. I can call on a small band of demons for a short time.
My hybrid form is what most people see me as. My fur is dappled white and black, and the only special power I have is limited telepathy. I can sense thoughts of those whom I have bonded with.
Calling apron either side of my soul takes immense energy and sends me into a trance afterward. I am not invincible or even particularly godlike. I am just a gatekeeper.
That is the brief on me. I hope that you will never have to see my other sides.
But, the job has its perks. I can change form. I temporarily call apon an aspect of my shattered soul. When I call apron my divine side, my fur turns pure white and I gain stamina and better healing support to my allies. I can also call apon an angelic legion for a short time. When I call apon my demonic side, my: fur turns to pure darkness and I gain immense battle prowess. I gain heightened instincts and reaction time. I can call on a small band of demons for a short time.
My hybrid form is what most people see me as. My fur is dappled white and black, and the only special power I have is limited telepathy. I can sense thoughts of those whom I have bonded with.
Calling apron either side of my soul takes immense energy and sends me into a trance afterward. I am not invincible or even particularly godlike. I am just a gatekeeper.
That is the brief on me. I hope that you will never have to see my other sides.