Okami (淤加美神, Okami-no-kami) in the Kojiki, or in the Nihon Shoki: Kuraokami (闇龗) or Okami (), is a legendary Japanese dragon and Shinto deity of rain and snow. In Japanese mythology, the sibling progenitors Izanagi and Izanami gave birth to the islands and gods of Japan. After Izanami died from burns during the childbirth of the fire deity Kagu-tsuchi, Izanagi was enraged and killed his son. Kagutsuchi's blood or body, according to differing versions of the legend, created several other deities, including Kuraokami.



The name Kuraokami combines kura "dark; darkness; closed" and okami "dragon tutelary of water". This uncommon kanji (o)kami or rei 龗, borrowed from the Chinese character ling "rain-dragon; mysterious" (written with the "rain" radical , 3 "mouths", and a phonetic of long "dragon") is a variant Chinese character for Japanese rei < Chinese ling "rain-prayer; supernatural; spiritual" (with 2 "shamans" instead of a "dragon"). Compare this 33-stroke 龗 logograph with the simpler 24-stroke variant ("rain" and "dragon" without the "mouths"), read either rei < ling 靇 "rain prayer; supernatural" or ryō < long 靇 "sound of thunder", when used for ryo < longreduplicated in ryōryō < longlong 隆隆 "rumble; boom".

Marinus Willem de Visser (1913:136) cites the 713 CE Bungo Fudoki 豊後風土記 that okami is written 蛇龍 "snake dragon" in a context about legendary Emperor Keikō seeing an okami dragon in a well, and concludes, "This and later ideas about Kura-okami show that this divinity is a dragon or snake." Grafton Elliot Smith provides a Trans-cultural diffusionist perspective.

The snake takes a more obtrusive part in the Japanese than in the Chinese dragon and it frequently manifests itself as a god of the sea. The old Japanese sea-gods were often female water-snakes. The cultural influences which reached Japan from the south by way of Indonesia — many centuries before the coming of Buddhism — naturally emphasized the serpent form of the dragon and its connection with the ocean. (1919:101)



In the Kojiki, he is the father of female deity Hikawa-hime (日河比売, or Hikaha-hime) married Susanoo's grandson, the male deity Fuwanomojikunusunu (布波能母遅久奴須奴神, or Fuhanomojikunusunu) and from their union gave birth to the male deity Fukafuchi-no-Mizuyarehana (深淵之水夜礼花神). Fukafuchi-no-Mizuyarehana is the great-grandfather of the male deity Ōkuninushi (大国主神).

Then, the great-grandson of Ōkuninushi, Mikanushi-hiko (甕主日子神) married Hinarashi-hime (比那良志毘売), who is the daughter of Okami, sister of Hikawa-hime. From the union of Mikanushi-hiko and Hinarashi-hime gave birth to the male deity Tahirikishimarumi (多比理岐志麻流美神).



The ca. 680 CE Kojiki transcribes Kuraokami Kami with man'yōgana as 闇淤加美 "dark o-ka-mi god". In the Kojiki version of this myth, Izanagi killed Kagutsuchi with his giant sword, and the blood subsequently created eight kami "gods; spirits". The final two generated from blood that dripped off the hilt onto Izanagi's fingers were Kuraokami and Kuramitsuha Kami 闇御津羽神 "dark mi-tsu-ha god".

Then His Augustness the Male-Who-invites, drawing the ten-grasp sabre that was augustly girded on him, cut off the head of his child the Deity Shining-Elder. Hereupon the names of the Deities that were born from the blood that stuck to the point of the august sword and bespattered the multitudinous rock-masses were: the Deity Rock-Splitter, next the Deity Root-Splitter, next the Rock-Possessing-Male-Deity. The names of the Deities that were next born from the blood that stuck to the upper part of the august sword and again bespattered the multitudinous rock-masses were: the Awfully-Swift-Deity, next the Fire-Swift-Deity, next the Brave-Awful-Possessing-Male-Deity, another name for whom is the Brave-Snapping-Deity, and another name is the Luxuriant-Snapping Deity. The names of the Deities that were next born from the blood that collected on the hilt of the august sword and leaked out between his fingers were: the Deity Kura-okami and next the Deity Kura-mitsuha. All the eight Deities in the above list, from the Deity Rock-Splitter to the Deity Kura-mitsuha, are Deities that were born from the august sword. (tr. Chamberlain 1919:36)

Basil Hall Chamberlain notes, "The etymology of both these name is obscure. Kura, the first element of each compound, signifies 'dark'."

Another Kojiki section listing ancestors of Ōkuninushi 大国主 "great country master" says Okami Kami's daughter Hikaha Hime 日河比売 "sun river princess" had a daughter Fukabuchi no mizu Yarehana 深淵之水夜礼花 "deep pool water lost flower".

The Deity Fuha-no-moji-Ku-nu-su-nu … wedded Princess Hikaha, daughter of the Deity Okami, and begot a child: Water-Spoilt-Blossom-of-Fuka-buchi. This Deity wedded the Deity Ame-no-tsudohe-chi-ne, and begot a child: the Deity Great-Water-Master. This Deity wedded the Deity Grand-Ears daughter of the Deity Funu-dzu-nu, and begot a child: the Deity Heavenly-Brandishing-Prince-Lord. This Deity wedded the Young-Princess-of-the-Small-Country, daughter of the Great-Deity-of-the-Small-Country, and begot a child: the Deity Master-of-the-Great-Land. (tr. Chamberlain 1919:78-9)



The ca. 720 CE Nihon Shoki writes Kuraokami with kanji as 闇龗 "dark rain-dragon". In the Nihongi version, Izanagi killed Kagutsuchi by cutting him into three pieces, each of which became a god: Kuraokami, Kurayamatsumi (闇山祇) "dark mountain respect", and Kuramitsuha 闇罔象 "dark water-spirit". This mitsuha 罔象 is a variant of mōryō 魍魎 "demon; evil spirit" (written with the "ghost radical" 鬼). Kurayamatsumi is alternately written Takaokami 高靇 "high rain-dragon". De Visser (1913:136) says, "This name is explained by one of the commentators as "the dragon-god residing on the mountains", in distinction from Kura-okami, "the dragon-god of the valleys".

At length he drew the ten-span sword with which he was girt, and cut Kagu-tsuchi into three pieces, each of which became changed into a God. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the edge of the sword became the multitudinous rocks which are in the bed of the Easy-River of Heaven. This God was the father of Futsu-nushi no Kami. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the hilt-ring of the sword spurted out and became deities, whose names were Mika no Haya-hi no Kami and next Hi no Haya-hi no Kami. This Mika no Haya-hi no Kami was the parent of Take-mika-suchi no Kami.

Another version is: "Mika no haya-hi no Mikoto, next Hi no haya-hi no Mikoto, and next Take-mika-tsuchi no Kami. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the point of the sword spurted out and became deities, who were called Iha-saku no Kami, after him Ne-saku no Kami, and next Iha-tsutsu-wo no Mikoto. This Iha-saku no Kami was the father of Futsu-nushi no Kami."

One account says: "Iha-tsutsu-wo no Mikoto, and next Iha-tsutsu-me no Mikoto. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the head of the sword spurted out and became deities, who were called Kura o Kami no Kami, next Kura-yamatsumi no Kami, and next Kura-midzu-ha no Kami. (tr. Aston 1896:23)

William George Aston (1896:24) footnotes translations for these kami names: Kuraokami "Dark-god", Kurayamatsumi "Dark-mountain-body-god", and Kuramitsuha "Dark-water-goddess". De Visser (1913:136–137) says Kuramitsuha could be translated "Dark-water-snake", "Valley-water-snake", or "Female-water-snake".



The Man'yōshū poetry collection mentions an Okami 於可美 "rain dragon" living on an oka 岡 "ridge; knoll; hill". Lady Fujiwara, a daughter of Fujiwara no Kamatari, replies to a poem from her husband Emperor Tenmu (r. 672–686 CE– ) about an unseasonable snowstorm.

It was by speaking

To the dragon of my hill
I caused this snowfall;
A few flakes may have scattered.

No doubt, out there where you are. (2:104, tr. Cranston 1993:490)

Compare Edwin Cranston's translation with that of Burton Watson (1986:22), "I told the water god on my hill to let the snow fall. It scattered, and some must have fallen over your way!"

Okami shrines


The diverse Japanese kami of water and rainfall, such as Suijin 水神 "water god" and Okami, are worshipped at Shinto shrines, especially during times of drought. For instance, Niukawakami Jinja 丹生川上神社 in Kawakami, Nara is a center of prayers for Kuraokami, Takaokami, and Mizuhanome 罔象女. Some other examples of shrines to Okami are:

In addition, the water-god Takaokami is worshipped at various shrines named Kibune Jinja (貴船神社), found in places such as Sakyō-ku, Kyoto and Manazuru, Kanagawa.

Family tree

Ōyamatsumi[1][2][3] Susanoo[4][5][6]: 277 
Kamuo Ichihime[2][3][7][8]
Konohanachiru-hime[9][6]: 277 Ashinazuchi[10][11]Tenazuchi[11]Toshigami[8][7]Ukanomitama[2][3]
Kushinadahime[11][14][6]: 277 
Yashimajinumi[9][6]: 277 
Hikawahime [ja][17][6]: 278 Fuha-no-Mojikunusunu [ja][6]: 278 
Fukabuchi-no-Mizuyarehana [ja][6]: 278 Ame-no-Tsudoechine [ja][6]: 278 Funozuno [ja][6]: 278 
Sashikuni Okami [ja][6]: 278 Omizunu[6]: 278 Futemimi [ja][6]: 278 
Sashikuni Wakahime [ja][6]: 278 Ame-no-Fuyukinu[18][19][6]: 278 Takamimusubi[20][21]
Nunakawahime[22] Ōkuninushi[23][6]: 278 
Kamotaketsunumi no Mikoto[25]
Kotoshironushi[26][27] Tamakushi-hime[25] Takeminakata[28][29] Susa Clan[30]
711–585 BC
660–585 BC(1)
Himetataraisuzu-hime[31]Kamo no Okimi[26][32]Mirahime [ja]
632–549 BC
581–549 BC(2)
Isuzuyori-hime[32][36] Hikoyai[33][34][35] Kamuyaimimi[33][34][35]
d.577 BC
Miwa clan and Kamo clan Nunasokonakatsu-hime[37][26]
Imperial House of JapanŌ clan[38][39] and Aso clan[40]
  • Pink is female.
  • Blue is male.
  • Grey means other or unknown.
  • Clans, families, people groups are in green.


  1. ^ Kaoru, Nakayama (7 May 2005). "Ōyamatsumi". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  2. ^ a b c Chamberlain (1882). Section XIX.—The Palace of Suga.
  3. ^ a b c Chamberlain (1882). Section XX.—The August Ancestors of the Deity-Master-of-the-Great-Land.
  4. ^ Atsushi, Kadoya (10 May 2005). "Susanoo". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  5. ^ "Susanoo | Description & Mythology". Encyclopedia Britannica.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Herbert, J. (2010). Shinto: At the Fountainhead of Japan. Routledge Library Editions: Japan. Taylor & Francis. p. 402. ISBN 978-1-136-90376-2. Retrieved 2020-11-21.
  7. ^ a b 大年神 [Ōtoshi-no-kami] (in Japanese). Kotobank. Archived from the original on 5 June 2023. Retrieved 5 May 2023.
  8. ^ a b 大年神 [Ōtoshi-no-kami] (in Japanese). Kokugakuin University. Archived from the original on 5 June 2023. Retrieved 5 May 2023.
  9. ^ a b Mori, Mizue. "Yashimajinumi". Kokugakuin University Encyclopedia of Shinto.
  10. ^ Frédéric, L.; Louis-Frédéric; Roth, K. (2005). Japan Encyclopedia. Harvard University Press reference library. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-01753-5. Retrieved 2020-11-21.
  11. ^ a b c "My Shinto: Personal Descriptions of Japanese Religion and Culture". www2.kokugakuin.ac.jp. Retrieved 2023-10-16.
  12. ^ “‘My Own Inari’: Personalization of the Deity in Inari Worship.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23, no. 1/2 (1996): 87-88
  13. ^ "Ōtoshi | 國學院大學デジタルミュージアム". 2022-08-17. Archived from the original on 2022-08-17. Retrieved 2023-11-14.
  14. ^ "Encyclopedia of Shinto - Home : Kami in Classic Texts : Kushinadahime". eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp.
  15. ^ "Kagutsuchi". World History Encyclopedia.
  16. ^ Ashkenazi, M. (2003). Handbook of Japanese Mythology. Handbooks of world mythology. ABC-CLIO. p. 213. ISBN 978-1-57607-467-1. Retrieved 2020-11-21.
  17. ^ Chamberlain, B.H. (2012). Kojiki: Records of Ancient Matters. Tuttle Classics. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4629-0511-9. Retrieved 2020-11-21.
  18. ^ Philippi, Donald L. (2015). Kojiki. Princeton University Press. p. 92.
  19. ^ Chamberlain (1882). Section XX.—The August Ancestors of the Deity-Master-Of-The-Great Land.
  20. ^ a b Ponsonby-Fane, R. A. B. (2014-06-03). Studies In Shinto & Shrines. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-89294-3.
  21. ^ a b "Encyclopedia of Shinto - Home : Kami in Classic Texts : Futodama". eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp. Retrieved 2021-07-13.
  22. ^ Philippi, Donald L. (2015). Kojiki. Princeton University Press. pp. 104–112.
  23. ^ Atsushi, Kadoya; Tatsuya, Yumiyama (20 October 2005). "Ōkuninushi". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  24. ^ Atsushi, Kadoya (21 April 2005). "Ōnamuchi". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  25. ^ a b The Emperor's Clans: The Way of the Descendants, Aogaki Publishing, 2018.
  26. ^ a b c Varley, H. Paul. (1980). Jinnō Shōtōki: A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns. Columbia University Press. p. 89. ISBN 9780231049405.
  27. ^ Atsushi, Kadoya (28 April 2005). "Kotoshironushi". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  28. ^ Sendai Kuji Hongi, Book 4 (先代舊事本紀 巻第四), in Keizai Zasshisha, ed. (1898). Kokushi-taikei, vol. 7 (国史大系 第7巻). Keizai Zasshisha. pp. 243–244.
  29. ^ Chamberlain (1882). Section XXIV.—The Wooing of the Deity-of-Eight-Thousand-Spears.
  30. ^ Tanigawa Ken'ichi [de] 『日本の神々 神社と聖地 7 山陰』(新装復刊) 2000年 白水社 ISBN 978-4-560-02507-9
  31. ^ a b Kazuhiko, Nishioka (26 April 2005). "Isukeyorihime". Encyclopedia of Shinto. Archived from the original on 2023-03-21. Retrieved 2010-09-29.
  32. ^ a b 『神話の中のヒメたち もうひとつの古事記』p94-97「初代皇后は「神の御子」」
  33. ^ a b c 日本人名大辞典+Plus, デジタル版. "日子八井命とは". コトバンク (in Japanese). Retrieved 2022-06-01.
  34. ^ a b c ANDASSOVA, Maral (2019). "Emperor Jinmu in the Kojiki". Japan Review (32): 5–16. ISSN 0915-0986. JSTOR 26652947.
  35. ^ a b c "Visit Kusakabeyoshimi Shrine on your trip to Takamori-machi or Japan". trips.klarna.com. Retrieved 2023-03-04.
  36. ^ 『図説 歴代天皇紀』p42-43「綏靖天皇」
  37. ^ Anston, p. 143 (Vol. 1)
  38. ^ Grapard, Allan G. (2023-04-28). The Protocol of the Gods: A Study of the Kasuga Cult in Japanese History. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-91036-2.
  39. ^ Tenri Journal of Religion. Tenri University Press. 1968.
  40. ^ Takano, Tomoaki; Uchimura, Hiroaki (2006). History and Festivals of the Aso Shrine. Aso Shrine, Ichinomiya, Aso City.: Aso Shrine.

Further reading
