List of women in leadership positions on astronomical instrumentation projects

The following is a list of women who are the principal investigators (PIs), project scientists (PSs) or directors (Dirs) of astronomical instruments, missions or observatories.

Name Mission/instrument or observatory Position
Allwood, Abigail Perseverance/PIXL PI[1]
Bernstein, Rebecca Giant Magellan Telescope PS[2]
Baglin, Annie CoRoT PI[3]
Batalha, Natalie Kepler Space Telescope DPI, PS[4]
Blaney, Diana Europa Clipper/MISE PI[5]
Blum, Lauren GTOSat PI[6]
Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella SMILE PI (Eur)[7]
Bright, Stacey JWST Deputy PS (STScI)
Bunce, Emma BepiColombo/MIXS PI[8]
Cesarsky, Catherine ISO/ISOCAM PI[9]
Ciarletti, Valérie Rosalind Franklin/WISDOM PI[10]
Cohen, Judith Keck/LRIS PI[11]
Cohen, Judith Keck/MAGIQ PS[11]
Curry, Shannon MAVEN PI[12]
De Sanctis, Maria Cristina Rosalind Franklin/MA_MISS PI[13]
Dehant, Véronique Kazachok/LaRa PI[14]
Dotson, Jessie Kepler K2 PS[15]
Dougherty, Michele Cassini magnetometer, JUICE's J-MAG PI[16]
Elkins-Tanton, Lindy Psyche PI[17]
Enos, Heather OSIRIS-REx Deputy PI[18]
Faber, Sandra Keck/DEIMOS PI[19]
Ferrarese, Laura Gemini Observatory Dir[20]
Fischer, Debra Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory / CHIRON co-PI[21]
Molėtai Astronomical Observatory / Villnius University Echelle Spectrograph co-PI [22]
Lowell Discovery Telescope / EXPRES co-PI[23][24]
Fox, Nicky Parker Solar Probe PS (US)[25]
Freedman, Wendy Giant Magellan Telescope Dir (former)
Froning, Cynthia Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph PS[26]
Galvin, Toni STEREO/PLASTIC PI[27]
Garcia Marin, Macarena JWST PS (STScI)
Glesener, Lindsay FOXSI Sounding Rocket-3 PI[28]
Hamden, Erika Aspera Deputy-PI[29]
Hammel, Heidi Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Dir (Executive VP)
Harra, Louise Solar Orbiter/EUI co-PI[30]
Harrison, Fiona NuSTAR PI[31]
Heras, Ana PLATO ESA PS[32]
Isaak, Kate CHEOPS PS[33]
Jaeggli, Sarah Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope/DL-NIRSP Instrument scientist[34]
Kasliwal, Mansi GROWTH PI[35]
Palomar Gattini-IR co-PI[36]
WINTER co-PI[36]
Johnson, Jennifer Milky Way Mapper (Survey in Sloan Digital Sky Survey-V) PI[37]
Johnston-Hollitt, Melanie Murchison Widefield Array Dir (former)[38]
Kollmeier, Juna Sloan Digital Sky Survey-V Director[39]
Kucera, Therese (Terry) STEREO PS[40]
Lagrange, Anne-Marie Very Large Telescope/NAOS PS[41]
Le, Guan Geotail PS (US)[42]
Lepri, Susan Solar Orbiter/Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) PI[43]
Lotz, Jennifer Gemini Observatory (Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute from Feb 2024) Dir[44]
Lu, Jessica Keck All-Sky Precision Adaptive Optics (KAPA) PS[45]
Luetzgendorf, Nora LISA ESA PS [46]
Luhmann, Janet STEREO/IMPACT PI[47]
Mainzer, Amy NEOWISE PI[48]
Marcum, Pamela SOFIA PS[49]
Marshall, Jennifer MaunaKea Spectroscopic Explorer PS[50]
Matthews, Sarah Hinode/Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) PI (UK)[51]
Max, Claire Keck/Next Gen AO PS[52]
McEnery, Julie Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope PS[53]
Mundell, Carole RINGO2

Director of Science, European Space Agency (from 2023)

O'Neill, Karen Green Bank Telescope Dir[54]
Oppenheimer, Rebecca Palomar Observatory/JHU Adaptive Optics Coronagraph PS[55]
Hale Telescope/Palomar Adaptive Optics System, PALAO PS[56]
3.67 m Advanced Electro Optical System Telescope/The Lyot Project PI[57]
Gemini South Telescope/Gemini Planet Imager, GPI/GPIES PI[58]
Hale Telescope/Project 1640, P1640 PI[59]
Hale Telescope/Palomar Advanced Radial Velocity Instrument, PARVI PI[60]
Porco, Carolyn Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem PI[61]
Ramsay, Suzanne ELT ELT Instrumentation Project Manager (ESO)
Rangwala, Naseem Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy PS[62]
Rank-Lueftinger, Theresa ARIEL ESA PS[63]
Rauer, Heike PLATO PI[64]
Raymond, Carol Europa Clipper/ICEMAG (cancelled) PI[5]
Reeves, Kathy Hinode/X-ray Telescope (XRT) PS (US)[65]
Rigby, Jane JWST PS (NASA)
Rieke, Marcia Hubble Space Telescope/NICMOS Deputy PI[66]
Roy, Arpita Keck/Keck Planet Finder PS[67]
Rudie, Gwen MIRMOS PS[68]
Savage, Sabrina Hinode PS (US)[69]
Seager, Sara ASTERIA PI[70]
Seetha, Somasundaram Astrosat PI[71]
Shkolnik, Evgenya SPARCS PI[72]
Spilker, Linda Cassini PS[73]
Staggs, Suzanne Advanced ACTpol PI[74]
Stofan, Ellen Titan Mare Explorer PI
Straume-Lindner, Anne Grete EnVision ESA PS
Swank, Jean RXTE PS[75]
Tasca, Lidia ELT/MOSAIC PI
Tinetti, Giovanna ARIEL PI[76]
Turtle, Elizabeth Europa Clipper/EIS PI[5]
Dragonfly PI[77]
Tuttle, Sarah Hobby-Eberly Telescope/LRS PS[78][citation needed]
HETDEX/VIRUS Instrument Scientist[78][citation needed]
Vandaele, Ann Carine ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD PI[79]
Wilkes, Belinda Chandra X-ray Center Dir[80]
Winebarger, Amy Hi-C sounding rocket (3rd launch) PI[81]
Wiseman, Jennifer Hubble Space Telescope SPS[82]
Wright, Gillian JWST/MIRI PI (Eur)[83]
Wright, Shelley TMT/IRIS PS[84]
Keck/Liger PI[85]
Zuber, Maria GRAIL PI[86]


  1. ^ "Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) - Mars 2020 Rover".
  2. ^ "People - Giant Magellan Telescope".
  3. ^ "CoRoT mission contacts". 24 April 2015.
  4. ^ "Kepler Scientist on Time Magazine's Most Influential List". 19 April 2017.
  5. ^ a b c Greicius, Tony (19 January 2016). "The Europa Mission Science Team".
  6. ^ Garner, Rob (30 April 2018). "New Spacecraft Baselined for Small Satellite Bound for Van Allen Belts".
  7. ^ "SMILE".
  8. ^ tk74. "Professor Emma Bunce — University of Leicester".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ "Dr. Catherine Cesarsky".
  10. ^ "The ExoMars Rover Instrument Suite".
  11. ^ a b "CV: Judith Gamora Cohen" (PDF).
  12. ^ Gran, Rani (10 September 2021). "NASA Mars Mission Begins a New Chapter of Science With a New Leader".
  13. ^ "The ExoMars Rover Instrument Suite".
  14. ^ "Dehant Véronique - Home Page - CV".
  15. ^ Kovo, Yael (18 October 2016). "Jessie Dotson".
  16. ^ "Top scientists receive Royal Society Research Professorships to fund long-term UK research - Royal Society".
  17. ^ "NASA Selects Two Missions to Explore the Early Solar System". NASA/JPL.
  18. ^ "Team List - OSIRIS-REx Mission".
  19. ^ "DEIMOS (DEep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph)".
  20. ^ "Dr. Laura Ferrarese Appointed Interim Director of Gemini Observatory". 2 June 2017.
  21. ^ Tokovinin, Andrei; Fischer, Debra A.; Bonati, Marco; Giguere, Matthew J.; Moore, Peter; Schwab, Christian; Spronck, Julien F. P.; Szymkowiak, Andrew (2013). "CHIRON—A Fiber Fed Spectrometer for Precise Radial Velocities". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 125 (933): 1336. arXiv:1309.3971. Bibcode:2013PASP..125.1336T. doi:10.1086/674012.
  22. ^ Jurgenson, Colby; Fischer, Debra; McCracken, Tyler; Sawyer, David; Giguere, Matt; Szymkowiak, Andrew; Santoro, Fernando; Muller, Gary (2016). "Design and Construction of VUES: The Vilnius University Echelle Spectrograph". Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation. 5 (2): 1650003–1650239. arXiv:1601.06024. Bibcode:2016JAI.....550003J. doi:10.1142/S2251171716500033.
  23. ^ Jurgenson, C.; Fischer, D.; McCracken, T.; Sawyer, D.; Szymkowiak, A.; Davis, A.; Muller, G.; Santoro, F. (2016). Evans, Christopher J.; Simard, Luc; Takami, Hideki (eds.). "EXPRES: a next generation RV spectrograph in the search for earth-like worlds". Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI. 9908: 99086T. arXiv:1606.04413. Bibcode:2016SPIE.9908E..6TJ. doi:10.1117/12.2233002.
  24. ^, Erwin Aligam -. "Exoplanets: Instrumentation - EXPRES Spectrometer".
  25. ^ "Nicky Fox".
  26. ^ "Instrumentation".
  27. ^ "STEREO - Plastic at the University of New Hampshire".
  28. ^ "Meet Our Team - FOXSI".
  29. ^ "Aspera Press Release".
  30. ^ "Louise Harra's homepage".
  31. ^ "Caltech Astronomy".
  32. ^ "ESA PLATO Project Scientist".
  33. ^ "Who is Who in CHEOPS - Cosmos".
  34. ^ "3.4.1 DL-NIRSP - DKIST".
  35. ^ "GROWTH Team".
  36. ^ a b Moore, Anna M.; Kasliwal, Mansi M. (January 2019). "Unveiling the dynamic infrared sky". Nature Astronomy. 3 (1): 109. Bibcode:2019NatAs...3..109M. doi:10.1038/s41550-018-0675-x. ISSN 2397-3366. S2CID 126551531.
  37. ^ "Milky Way Mapper". 9 September 2022.
  38. ^ "Murchison Widefield Array". 8 March 2024.
  39. ^ "SDSS-V".
  40. ^ "Bio - Therese Ann Kucera".
  41. ^ "Sharpest Ever VLT images NAOS-CONICA "First Light"".
  42. ^ "NASA Polar, Wind, and Geotail Projects".
  43. ^ "Susan T. Lepri, Associate Professor, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan, College of Engineering".
  44. ^ "Dr. Jennifer Lotz Appointed Gemini Observatory Director". 6 September 2018.
  45. ^ "Prof. Jessica R. Lu - Project Scientist".
  46. ^ [bare URL]
  47. ^ "Dr. Janet G. Luhmann - Science Mission Directorate".
  48. ^ "The NEOWISE Project".
  49. ^ "Pamela Marcum - SOFIA Science Team".
  50. ^ "Jennifer Marshall appointed as new MSE Project Scientist – MSE". Retrieved 21 August 2019.
  51. ^ "Change of UK Hinode EIS PI". UK Solar Physics. 13 May 2019.
  52. ^ "Campus Directory - UC Santa Cruz".
  53. ^ Administrator, NASA Content (16 October 2017). "Julie McEnery - Fermi Project Scientist and Astrophysicist".
  54. ^ "Karen O'Neil — Science Website". 29 September 2021. Retrieved 8 May 2022.
  55. ^ Nakajima, T.; Oppenheimer, B. R.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Golimowski, D. A.; Matthews, K.; Durrance, S. T. (November 1995). "AOC, Gliese229B". Nature. 378 (6556): 463–465. Bibcode:1995Natur.378..463N. doi:10.1038/378463a0. S2CID 4351772.
  56. ^ "PALAO".
  57. ^ "The Lyot Project".
  58. ^ "GPI".
  59. ^ "P1640".
  60. ^ Gibson, Rose K.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Matthews, Christopher T.; Vasisht, Gautam (November 2019). "PARVI". Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems. 6 (1): 011002. arXiv:1911.04567. doi:10.1117/1.JATIS.6.1.011002. S2CID 207863665.
  61. ^ "Cassini, The Team".
  62. ^ "SOFIA Science and Management Team".
  63. ^ "Theresa Rank-Lueftinger homepage".
  64. ^ "The PLATO 2.0 MISSION Consortium Lead".
  65. ^ "XRT: Contact".
  66. ^ a b "The James Webb Space Telescope".
  67. ^ "KPF Team – Howard Group".
  68. ^ "Overview". MIRMOS. Retrieved 5 May 2023.
  69. ^ "Hinode (Solar-B)".
  70. ^ "Sara Seager".
  71. ^ "Contacts - astrosat".
  72. ^ "SPARCS". Evgenya Shkolnik.
  73. ^ Spilker, Linda. "Science - Asteroids, Comets & Satellites (3224): People: Linda Spilker".
  74. ^ "Suzanne T. Staggs - Department of Physics".
  75. ^ a b "Dr. Jean H. Swank".
  76. ^ "UCL to lead European mission to study new planets". 20 March 2018.
  77. ^ "Dragonfly".
  78. ^ a b "Sarah Tuttle". Sarah Tuttle.
  79. ^ "ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments". Archived from the original on 19 February 2016. Retrieved 28 July 2018.
  80. ^ Boen, Brooke (18 March 2014). "Dr. Belinda Wilkes Chosen to Lead the Chandra X-ray Center".
  81. ^ Bryan, William (4 June 2018). "NASA's Hi-C Launches to Study Sun's Corona".
  82. ^ "Dr. Jennifer J. Wiseman - Hubble Senior Project Scientist". 21 January 2016.
  83. ^ "The James Webb Space Telescope".
  84. ^ "IRIS Home Page".
  85. ^ "Liger Home Page".
  86. ^ "GRAIL - Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory".